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VM locale e remota contemporaneamente




     vorrei capire se esiste una soluzione che mi permetta di lavorare su una (e più) VM remota e contemporaneamente anche locale.

Vi spiego...

Dove lavoro ho un infrastruttura di rete particolarmente capillare che si dirama per gran parte del territorio comunale, interconnessa qua è la da fibra, ptp wireless, hdsl, etc... Uffici e Stabilimenti di produzione.

Ebbene, con l'ottica di accentrare il più possibile, anche i sistemi di supervisione alla produzione SCADA, vorrei riuscire a trasferirli nel datacenter aziendale dove vive il resto dell'infrastruttura virtuale.

Sebbene sia teoricamente e praticamente possibile fare ciò, ho un grande problema che mi frena a procedere.

Non capita spesso, ma di tanto in tanto posso avere delle interruzione di connettività tra le varie sedi. E all'interno degli ambienti di produzione, i tecnici devo poter SEMPRE lavorare come se avessero tra le mani

delle macchine locali. La supervisione tramite SCADA degli impianti non può mancare per troppo tempo a causa di interruzioni di connettività, perciò un sistema locale è sempre stato preferito.

Così, volevo trovare un modo per avere da una parte tutti i sistemi virtualizzati sul datacenter, e dall'altra garantire la continuità di servizio locale in caso di scollegamenti.


Cosa ne pensate?

Esiste una soluzione da vmware che mi aiuti?




Assign Port Group to VM. I am getting error.




I am using vro 7.


As you know there is workflow named "Connect virtual machine NIC number to distributed virtual port group" in vRO. When you run this workflow, you must choose which port group will be assigned to specified vm.


But ,I dont want to use input value for "dvPortgroup". I want to send "dvPortgroup" value via script object. i am getting this error.


Unable to convert object, 'test (dvSwitch)' plugin unexcepted exception : Bad type syntax 'string'










How can i fix this issue ?

Prova 2v0-620


A prova para vca é a 1V0-621, enquanto para VCP são as provas 2v0-620 e 2v0-621.
Até o momento fiz apenas a 2v0-620. Isso me qualifica como VCA ou eu ainda não tenho nada?

Call Reconfigure action from VCO to change memory and cpu




I have a requirement to call "Reconfigure" from VCO to change CPU and Memory. The workflow executed is "Request a resource action". I have a question about inputs to this request. One of the inpu parameter is "inputs" which is of composite type. It needs the following inputs. Where to get values for ""provider-Cafe.Shim.VirtualMachine.Reconfigure.PropertyBag",provider-Cafe.Shim.VirtualMachine.Reconfigure.Storages",:"provider-Cafe.Shim.VirtualMachine.Reconfigure.Networks".


















Any help appreciated.

Observed IP Ranges


Hey Guys,

I need some help to modify a script I found here. Basically i need to obtain esxi server name, not the vmhostid and if its posible add a column with the cluster name,


Thanks in advance!




This is the output i obtain with the below script

VMHostId                                  Device                         IPSubnet                                               Vlan

HostSystem-host-52823           vmnic0                         xxx.xxx.34.128-xxx.xxx.34.254                             934


I hope someone can help me.


function Get-ObservedIPRange {

[Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$True,HelpMessage=”Physical NIC from Get-VMHostNetworkAdapter”)]


process {

forEach ($Nic in $Nics)

if($Nic -notlike “vmk*”)
[VMware.VimAutomation.Client20.Host.NIC.PhysicalNicImpl]$NicImpl = $Nic
$hostView = Get-VMHost -Id $NicImpl.VMHostId | Get-View -Property ConfigManager
$ns = Get-View $hostView.ConfigManager.NetworkSystem
$hints = $ns.QueryNetworkHint($NicImpl.Name)

foreach ($hint in $hints)
if( ($hint.ConnectedSwitchPort) )
foreach ($subnet in $hint.subnet)
$observed = New-Object -TypeName PSObject
$observed | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Device -Value $NicImpl.Name
$observed | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name VMHostId -Value $NicImpl.VMHostId
$observed | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name IPSubnet -Value $subnet.IPSubnet
$observed | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name VlanId -Value $subnet.VlanId
Write-Output $observed




Can't building the C# SSO DLL with Error: pvk2pfx command not found.


Visual Studio 2015 Community, Windows Driver Kit 10, Windows 10. I follow this doc http://pubs.vmware.com/vsphere-60/index.jsp#com.vmware.wssdk.dsg.doc/sdk_c_sharp_development.5.4.html?path=7_1_0_0_2_2_0#1002265

I navigate to the .NET subdirectory for SSO client samples.

cd %WS_SDK_HOME%\ssoclient\dotnet\cs\samples

and then generate a test certificate and STSService stubs using the build.bat script.


I get this error:

'Files' is not recognized as an internal or external command,

operable program or batch file.

Error: pvk2pfx command not found.

       Please ensure that you have added path to pvk2pfx.exe to the PATH variable

I do file search, and pvk2pfx.exe doesn't not exist on a computer. MSDN says pvk2pfx.exe is included in WDK, but it's probably outdated info and after WDK installation, I still can't find pvk2pfx.exe

How to build the dll with VS2015?

vCSA 6.0 install failure - unable to connect to ESXi Server


I have the vCSA ISO extracted to local drive and am running it from Internet Explorer as Administrator mode. After allowing the plugin, I click Install.

I click Accept, then Next.

At this point, I am unable to proceed past 2. Connect to target server step.


This is the error code which I can not get past no matter what I try:

"Cannot connect to target server. Invalid FQDN or IP address."


I can enter FQDN, IP address, root or domain accounts and nothing works. I even tried connecting to a virtual ESXi 5.5 u2 server with nothing configured but IP address and root password.


I've tried from utility servers, and from my user workstation, no luck -> same error.

The ESXi hosts are not in lockdown mode or in maintenance mode. I've tried all of about 30 different IP addresses and FQDNs for the various ESXi 5.5 hosts.

The hosts do have new ECA-signed ssl certificates, and i thought this might be an issue, but the virtual ESXi server i deployed didn't work either, and that had the default VMware certs.

I've tried reinstalling the Client Integration 6.0 plugin, restarting workstation/utility servers.

I've tried Firefox and IE 11 but nothing appears to work.


I've verified that the FQDN or IP and username/password works when connecting via the vSphere Client so I know I'm not fat-fingering it into the setup wizard.

What gives? What am I missing? Has anyone experienced this problem? Is there a way to collect logs for this? I tried looking for them but also couldn't find anything.

vmware workstation player screen turns black after about 16+ hrs




After having my 2 vm instances run about 16+ hrs on my video game, screen turns black on my instances and becomes unresponsive.


I've only found threads on black screen at startup but haven't had luck with my scenario.


Haven't been around to see it happen.


windows 7, 128 gig hd space, sleep mode off, no screen saver, 4 gigs ram each instance, 3d acceleration gfx disabled,


Host machine:

i7-6700k overclocked to 4.6ghz

gtx 1070

32 gigs ram

windows 10 home


Anyone else have this problem or have any insight to fix this?



VUM 6.0U2 on win2012 cannot be installed



I'm installing VUM 6.0U2 on a windows server 2012 R2 (it's a DC)

I get the error message: this product can only be installed on windows server 2008 or above

upgrade 5.5 to 6.02


Hello everyone,



I need to upgrade my vSphere environment from 5.5 to 6.02



My infraestructure is as follow:



1 VCSA (inside on one of my hosts)

3 host (Blade HS22, HS22 and HS23)

27 virtual machines (9 per host)



*We could mantain my 27 VMs in 2 host.

*I have Enterprice Licencing

*I have enablee EVC Intel Nehalem

*I have enabled DRS and HA



What is the recommendation to perform the upgrade?



Thanks in advance.

VMware newbie





Je suis heureux de trouver ce lien sur la page principale de ce forum VMware. Ce lien semble me proposer de poser une question sans se préoccuper de devoir classer le sujet...


Je l'avoue franchement, cela m'arrange bien. Je viens de passer quelques jours sur les pages VMware, tantôt en Anglais, tantôt en Français... Et, aux vues de l'épaisseur du dossier VMware, (si j'ose dire) à savoir, une Virtualisation comme mot clé passe partout, pour une quantité non négligeable d'applications dans tous les sens...


Finalement, on peut choir l'emplacement, tant mieux...

...Finalement, à l'image de la jungle VMware, le lien du choix pour mon sujet de questionnement, s'avère encore plus insondable...

...Je vais essayer de choisir au feeling ...  Désolé, sorry,



J'ai réussi, tout de même, par installer la version gratuite ESXi sur un serveur bi-xeon, puis installer en VM deux ou trois Windows Server 2012 R2 dont un maître serveur de domaine.


Puis, face à la complication de ne pas être autorisé sous cette version gratuite de VMware de pouvoir gérer d'autre hôtes serveur en grappes, je me suis décidé à investir le minimum sur VMware et acquérir la licence payante.


-Première question:   ( Ma licence se nomme exactement: VMware vSphere Essentials Kit  )


Vais-je réellement être en mesure de monter un data center ( maximum x3 serveur x2 Sockets chaque serveur par les terme de la licence VMware ), ou bien me suis-je fais avoir par mon inexpérience en ce sens que cette licence autoriserait seulement de la virtualisation de VM sur 3 serveurs maximum sans interconnexions ??



-Deuxième question:


Si par chance, ma première question resterait positive pour moi...

J'aimerais savoir si il me sera possible de simplement valider ma nouvelle clé de licence acheté et l'activer sur l'Hôte ESXi déjà en fonctionnement, celui dont je parle plus haut qui fonctionne sous un numéro de licence gratuite et sur lequel j'ai passé quelques heures d'installation de "l'active directory"... ??


Par avance tous mes remerciements pour vos réponses.



How to find log entry and cause of error event ?


I have ESXi 6 and vCenter Appliance/vSphere Web Client 6 which constantly raises this error

Alarm 'Health status changed alarm' on Datacenters triggered by event 97454 'vsphere-client status changed from yellow to green' Error 9/5/2016 5:20:48 PM

How can I figure out a cause of the error if I can't find any mentioning of events like # 97454 above in any log? I try to search for event # like 97454 in exported VM support bundles for (1) vCenter and (2) a single host or in the web client using filter with no avail. I only find event # as a part of strings or long figures with no meaningful description or logic.


How to troubleshoot such the events?

Copy Paste from Guest to Host not working


I have debian guest with open vm tools installed.  On the vSphere Status for the guest shows "Installed and running:.

I went to the machine settings and added:



But still copy/paste does not work.


I am using ESXi 6.0 u2, accessed using the Web Page connection.

Convert 2008 Server to VM - access after


If we use the converter program to convert a physical server (Windows 2008 R2) into a VM, what software do we run on the Windows 7 desktops to open the VM?  We are converting for purposes of an historical snapshot of the server prior to it being decommissioned. Do we but converter or is it free?  Thanks!

DataStore does not came back after FC port disconnection


Hi every one,


We are having some problems with our new infrastructure, we have 3 HPE DL380 Gen9 direct attach to an EMC Unity300, 3 servers were installed with the Customized HPE ISO (6.0 U2) downloaded from VMware.com. We also tried with the non customized ISO version but the same result. We are using one Emulex SN1100E 16Gb Dual Port FC HBA.

The problem is that when one of the FC cables is disconnected and reconnected again we can not see the luns until the server is rebooted. We tried with two single port Qlogic 4Gb HBA and everything works fine, I hace tried with different drivers and firmwares but the problem persist.

I look at the compatibility matrix at EMC looking for the correct firmware and driver for the HBA But I have not found, does any one can help me with the compatibility matrix?



Unable to migrate VMs from one cluster to another.




I have been facing issue while migrating VMs from one cluster to another. While checking compatibility in wizard, I am getting below error.


"The target host doesn't support the virtual machine's current hardware requirements"


I have checked there's no any reservation on CPU and memory resources of VMs, neither EVC is enabled on both of clusters.


Also, both clusters have Intel CPUs and same esxi versions (ESXI 5.5). Same SSO domain of vcenter as well.


What else other options I need to check ????



Error when connecting to the ESXi Web interface


Anyone know how to fix this issue?  It started happening seemingly at random.  I've tried rebooting the host and clearing my browser cache, along with using a variety of other browsers.


The error reads

Unhandled Exception

Unfortunately, we hit an error that we weren't expecting.


The client may continue working, but at this point, we recommend refreshing your browser and submitting a bug report.


And the more info button reveals

Cause: Error: [$rootScope:inprog] http://errors.angularjs.org/1.3.2/$rootScope/inprog?p0=%24digest


Version: 1.4.0

Build: 3959074

ESXi: 6.0.0

Browser: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/53.0.2785.89 Safari/537.36



Exception stack:


Error: [$rootScope:inprog] http://errors.angularjs.org/1.3.2/$rootScope/inprog?p0=%24digest

  at Error (native)


  at l (

  at k.$apply (

  at updateBodyOverflow (

  at new <anonymous> (

  at e (

  at Object.instantiate (



FC target in open filer VM


After much effort to configure this as a test in my Home Lab I have read some conflicting articles and need a verdict.

I have an old IBM 3650 M3 that runs esxi 5.5 and openfiler 2.99.1 in a VM it works great until I try to add FC to the equation.

My qlogic cards 2462 firmware is updated (3.29) and the latest esxi drivers (vib) installed.  ESXi 5.5 sees the card fine.  The problem comes when the FC target is created

the initiator (another server running esxi 5.5) connected with 4gbs cable (point to point--no switch) cannot see the target.  If I setup openfiler on bare metal with no esxi it works fine. and the other esxi server initiator sees the target.

I am new to SAN and can't tell if this is just my improper configuration of the VM running openfiler or if this is not best practice so esxi doesn't allow this.

Thanks in advance.



I moved this as I realized it was posted in wrong forum

Also to clarify further, the esxi "storage" server running the openfiler vm can see the qlogic card in openfiler if I enable pci passthrough and it works fine--ie the other esxi server can see the FC target.  I understood from my readings that passthrough was a "bad thing" on esxi so was trying to get more information on the best setup for the FC card.  This very well may be a limitation of openfiler which I now understand is "dead".

About vMotion / FT / Management network



For below networks,

  • vMotion
  • FT
  • Management

Should I separate those to 3 networks ?

Could anyone give me some recommendation.

Thanks !

GuestOS do not go into shutdown when host went into maintenance mode without other running hosts in HA configuration.


I try to make all the two hosts go into maintenance mode in HA configuration.

when I started the maintenance mode of first ESXi, It works well after the host migrate guest os to another ESXi.

But when I started the maintenance mode of 2nd ESXi after the entering to maintenance mode of 1st ESXi host, It stop at 2%.

I think all all the guest OS shoud go into shutdown or power off because no other runnning ESXi exist.

But Guest OS do not go into shutdown, also 2nd ESXi host can not go into maintenan mode.

It seems that guest OS waiting to migrate to another host.


I don't know why Guest OS can not go into shutdown or power off even though no other running host exist.

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