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How do I logrotate third party application log in ESXi 6.0


I installed a third party backup application.  It has a crontab job that generates its own log.


I need to logrotate this log, otherwise eventually this log will become too big.


How do I install or turn on logrotate in ESXi 6.0?

vRA 7 Appliance IaaS Service not registered


When i checked the services status in vami of vra 7 appliance. One of service is not registered and that was IaaS-Service. Anyone who can tell me how to register it?

Logout Problems Windows 10 1607


Hello everyone!


I'm having a Problem with the logout from windows 10 1607 vdi.

If the user take a logout from the windows 10 vdi, the status in view administrator stays to connected, after a few minutes it change to disconnected. The user can't logon again till I delete the desktop.


We're currently use Horizon View 6.2.2. The Windows 10 desktops with the anniversary update has got x64 with 4 GB RAM.


Someone got an idea why the users are not cleanly logout of the session?


Thanks to all for your help.

Greetings vrvm

VCAP 6 Design


Hello All



Please can some help me how to start with the VCAP 6 Design is there is any HOL practices LAB there





Thinapp error


Whenever I try to open a portable program created with Thinapp I get an error message like :" ThinApp has encountered an unexpected error.Click Abort to close the application, Retry to debug,or Continue to ignore the error. Support info:PID=5408, Runtime2.cpp@841".

You can not go on and have to close the program.

What can I do to get it working again ?

OS : Win 7 64 bit Home premium

Plugin doesn't show up after successfull registration - BeanCreationException


I have a setup as below

vcenter server and client 5.5, a plugin developed on top of 5.5 client. When I register the plugin I don't see any problem and it ends successfully. But the plugin does not show up on the web client.

This happened on an installed base and right now we don't have the logs handy. Have captured the snap of the exception trace and attached along with. 

Some important points

1. We do bundle vim25.jar with our plugin and copy it to the destination along with our jars.

2. We observed that another plugin was installed prior to registering ours.

We suspect some package conflicts or so based on the above two points...Any help , pointers/suggestions will be deeply appreciated.



Дебютный проброс USB флешки забуксовал. Ваши советы


Добрый день, господа!


С утра дебютно поставил VMware® Workstation 12 Pro 12.1.1 build-3770994. Поставил хр, почитал несколько инструкций, но они были расчитаны на более старые версии, с предварительным добавлением контроллеров и устройств, но в этой версии, как я понял, немножко по другому...


По порядку:

Задача: пробросить usb флешку, чтобы ее возможно было просмотреть через "Мой компьютер" гостевой ОС:


1. Установлена флешка в гнездо USB. Прекрасно отображается на хосте



2. В настройках ВМ добавление каких либо usb устройств ограниченно


3. Запускаем ВМ, наблюдаем сообщение о возможности задействовать некоторые USB девайсы


4. После загрузки наблюдаю в правом нижнем углу ВМ значок флешки и меню, первый пункт которого предлагает "законнектить" оную в ВМ, при этом упоминается, что возможно понадобится "отконнекчивание" от хоста


5. Виртуальная машина - Съемные устройства - Alcor Micro MAss Storage (также наблюдаем эту флешку). Пытаюсь ее подключить и..


6. Выходит сообщение из которого я понял, что устройство будет остановленно в хостовой ОС и я вероятно увижу надпись "The device can now safely...", то есть останавливать вручную мне самому не нужно (верно?)


7. Ну и всё -  после нажатия "ок" устройство превращается в недоступную ни гостевой ни хостовой ОС субстанцию


это на хосте. На гостевой никаких устройств не возникло

Ваши советы, где я промахнулся? Или может эта флешка трехлетней давности входит в лист несовместимомсти? Как ее можно проверить?

operation of snapshot and replica file


Dear all



i have a few questions :


1 - in all of vmware documents said don't keep snapshots more than 3 - 4 days but here in horizon view in link clone mode we have to use snapshots  exactly why we have to use snapshot ? what is that benefit of use snapshot ?


2- what is replica file ? what do it do ?


Best regards

Windows 10 Pro local machine crash on doing a TeamViewer session


Issue: When I try to run 3-4 VMs on VMware Workstation, then connect remotely via TeamViewer to that PC with those VMs on it running, in a few seconds (under 1-2 minutes), the local PC - the one with VMware not installed or running on it - will invariably BSOD.

I contacted TeamViewer tech support on this, but they were unable to help, what they suggested did not help any. Is this a known issue?
Is it a VMware Workstation, or Windows 10 issue, please?

The BSOD code and system file that failed are:


What failed: win32kfull.sys


Can you do something to fix this? Or can Microsoft do it, and in what way should I report this to them, if so?

Please note I can provide the crash logs (minidump files) if necessary.


Thanks in advance for any comments or suggestions.

Vcenter Converter


Vcenter Converter明明是免费的,为什么每次要去下载的时候都需要注册产品,注册完后还提示不接受这次下载的请求。

FAILED: Unable to find the system volume, reconfiguration is not possible.




Failed converting Windows 2003 Standard R2 SP2 64bit to virtual machine. Problem may be related to failed RAID5 array which btw cannot be rebuilt for unknown reason. So I guess it's possible to convert machine because 1 hdd failed in RAID5, array is still functional and system works, though with some errors in filesystem. RAID controler is fakeraid Promise TX4310.


Previosly in log I had these errors:

Warning: Unable to read the block at offset '774,598,656' on volume 'C:'.

Warning: Unable to update boot.ini on the destination machine's system volume.

Warning: Unable to update drive letters for the destination volume layout.

FAILED: Unable to find the system volume, reconfiguration is not possible.    (at 98% of conversion)


When I boot virtual machine (converted with errors), I get message that NTLDR is compressed, and from Windows Recovery Console I cannot access c: or d: drives.


I will attach error log here, please can someone read it and help, situation is pretty urgent. Thanks!

Unable to remove software iscsi storage adapter


Looked everywhere for this and keep being told to go into the properties, uncheck the 'Enabled' selection and reboot.  Problem is that the 'Enabled' box is greyed out so I am unable to clear.  Any ideas how I can remove the software iscsi adapter when it is greyed out?

Thanks in advance

Snapshot question


i have a VM "Windows 2008R2" vmware tools not running. Every week i will use netbackup to backup this VM. I think it may related with vmware tools issue. But i have a question. Everytime i got this error, it just need to take snapshot at VC manually"without quiesce", Then run the backup again. The backup job will complete as normal "with quiesce option". May i know why the backup job will complete even the vmware tool is not running? Thank you.



"Create virtual machine snapshot

An error occurred while saving the snapshot: msg.snapshot.error-QUIESCINGERROR."

REST Plugin use of Proxy and generated header




Using vRO7 and when I configure REST to use a proxy with basic authentication it seems to fail? (My proxy indicates that no credentials are actually being received and I know the proxy supports this as curl works from vRO appliance shell).

Looking at vRO log files and tcpdump it seems to generate a header of type "Authorization: Basic" but guess I was expecting the header for Proxy authentication to be "Proxy Authorization: Basic" or am I misunderstanding? Just to clarify only proxy authentication is setup - the host authentication is NONE. In fact if I setup basic authentication for both Host and Proxy I seem to get 2 x "Authorization: Basic" headers. If I edit the script and insert set a  header for "Proxy-Authorization" the proxy will authenticate but this is not a solution to all my issues and current thinking is to invoke curl from vRO as this seems to work with all my required use cases :-) Of course just be nice if it worked straight from vRO.


Be nice to clarify whether I have misunderstood behaviour or possible bug?



Dell R730xd on VSAN 6.2 Boot Hung at "vmkfbft loaded successfully"


Hi Guys

Am facing esxi host hung issue while booting ESXI at the stage of vmkfbft loaded successfully.

we have installed lsi_mr3 divers also upgraded RAID controller firmware. but still facing same issue. if any one faced same and resolved. could you please help.

Thanks in advance.

ALT+F12 and look for error messages. Always Display "lsi_mr3: fusionReset:2779: megraid_sas: Hardware critical error, returning FAILED"


My Hardware Environment:

BIOS 2.0.2

iDRAC/LCC 2.30.30


My Software Environment:

root@esxi01:~] vmkload_mod -s lsi_mr3
vmkload_mod module information
input file: /usr/lib/vmware/vmkmod/lsi_mr3
Version: 6.903.85.00-1OEM.600.0.0.2768847
Build Type: release
License: GPLv2
Required name-spaces:
  lb_pending_cmds: int
    Change raid-1 load balancing outstanding threshold.Valid Values are 1-128. Default: 4
  msix_vectors: int
    MSI-X max vector count. Default: Set by FW
  disable_dual_qd: int
    Disable dual queue depths. Default: 0
  mfiDumpFailedCmd: int
    Hex dump of failed command in driver log
  max_sectors: int
    Maximum number of sectors per IO command

[root@esxi01:~] vmkload_mod -s lsi_mr3 | grep Version
Version: 6.903.85.00-1OEM.600.0.0.2768847

[root@esxi01:~] for a in $(esxcfg-scsidevs -a |awk '{print $1}') ;do vmkchdev -l |grep $a ;done
0000:03:00.0 1000:005d 1028:1f47 vmkernel vmhba0
0000:00:11.4 8086:8d62 1028:0627 vmkernel vmhba1
0000:00:1f.2 8086:8d02 1028:0627 vmkernel vmhba2

[root@esxi01:~] vmware -v
VMware ESXi 6.0.0 build-3620759


RAID Setting and Firmware Version:


vRA request stuck at "Pending Approval" status, even after all approvals are done.


vRA request stuck at "Pending Approval" status, even after all approvals are done.

ANy suggestion and help.




When the VMS SWAP file will be used? Is it before Host SWAP ?

Thank you

VMWare Horizon agent for Linux subpar as compared to Windows?


We're currently using the latest server/client side (4.1.0 Build 3976982) binaries but are seeing a big discrepancy between how the Linux-based client-side horizon agent works as compared to Windows.


An example:

  • From Windows, if you launch a published application (Outlook) it can be dragged across any monitor. You can subsequently launch a second different published application (Excel) and they are completely independent of each other and can be dragged across all screens. It’s great. Even calendar popups from Outlook get a dedicated window.
  • From Linux, if you launch a published application, it appears to be forced to render within the VMWare Horizon Client window itself. If you subsequently launch a second published application, it basically shares the same window meaning you can't look at two applications simultaneously. This behavior is essentially no different than running rdesktop from linux into a windows target and working within that “single pane”.


Is this a known limitation for the Linux agent or is it possible to get multiple, independent, published applications running via the Linux agent across multiple monitors?



May corrupt filesystem in Guest when parent vmdk having streamOptimized type




I'm wondering for a long time why guest filesystem sometime corrupt.

(Often occured when remove temporary snapshot,)

But now, I found a cause.

When one or more of parent snapshot's vmdk had streamOptimized (current snapshot's vmdk is ordinary monolithicSparse), it is very dangerous.

If Windows 10 Guest with parent having streamOptimized, defrag C: & chkdsk C: /f & shutdown -r -t 0 will/may report filesystem corruption in event viewer.

Reconvert all of parent snapshot's vmdk type from streamOptimized to monolithicSparse, above commands works fine without filesystem corruption.

(Tested on VMware Workstation 11.1.4.)

VMware Console Resizing Bug




I have a Problem with the Console, my Console is "cut" on every VM do anyone have a solution ?

same Problem on the Web Client.


Lg Krapfal


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