Is it even possible to pass commands to a vm's console window? I'm looking at resetting a bunch of passwords on pfsense, which is two keystrokes after you open the a console window.. I get the strong feeling it isn't.. Only remote connections to vm is HTTPS, but we don't know all the passwords to the pfsense machines..
PowerCLI passing keystrokes to console window..
vROPS storage mngt pack cannot handle diskless VSAN Nodes
I started using the "Management Pack for Storage Devices" (v6.0.5) in vROPS v6.2
Since then, my two Nodes that are only consuming storage from the nodes that do have disks, keep popping up with this error "VirtualSAN Host has misconfigured storage".
The cause according to vROPS is "vmhba32 has symptom: No Diskgroups connected to the host adapter".
Really? You don't say...
vmhba32 is the onboard SATA controller. The nodes boot of a USB Stick.
Anyway, can someone from the VSAN team tell the vROPS folks that such a thing as a non-contributing node exists
Purple Screen of Death ESXi 6.0
VDP 6.0 "Select Destination" in FLR is blank
Hi all,
Running Vsphere 5.5 U2, and VDP 6.0.
I am using a Server 2012 R2 VM to attempt a FLR (file level restore) and I get all the way to the point where I select a destination to restore the file to. When the window comes up the progress bar goes for a minute and then the window is blank. Any ideas?
While Installing Checkpoint R75 VM I Getting "driver not found" Error
i'm trying to install Checkpoint R75 as VM On Esxi 5.5.
i selected red hat 6 as OS.
at the beginning of the installation i'm getting " driver not found " See Attache file.
How Can I fix IT ?
Any other better way of generating the total snapshots' size for one VM via vSphere Perl SDK
I've searched the VMware Community, looking for the key to getting the whole snapshots' size for a single VM via vSphere SDK such as Perl or Java Edition, instead of using the powerCLI command 'Get-VM | Get-Snapshot ' (it's meaningless to me namely).
And I do get some ideas from the existing discussions in this community, although there's no API to getting the whole snapshots' size directly.
Here's the useful link with core code displayed in JAVA style:
In the discussion,
I think it's a good way to gathering the whole snapshots size indirectly.
What I actually want to know is, is it accurate enough to summary the snapshots' size for one VM.
Here's my demo code of getting the whole snapshots' size via vSphere Perl SDK. You can run it like this: ./ --vm vm_name --server vc_ip --username account_name --password account_pwd
I hope someone else can help to give me some advise/suggestion, or another way of getting the data.
Thank you all in advance!
Jin Rong 2016/09/05.
Esxi Licence help me please
Hi every one,
in my vcenter i can't attribute i lcence ky to my ESXI
the error is futures in use
vcenter agent
vsphere distributed switch
what i must do
Thank you very much
Licence help me please
Hi every one,
in my vcenter i can't attribute i lcence ky to my ESXI
the error is futures in use
vcenter agent
vsphere distributed switch
the problem is the host when i have my NSX Manager
Thank you very much
Accessing the Horizon View Administrator page displays a blank error window in Horizon 7
- I have followed certain steps like going to connection server and in C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware View\Server\sslgateway\conf. and by creating atext file by name
- and with a line to be added in text file as checkOrigin=false and thereafter restarting the vmware horizon conneciton server services but its no use.
- So finnaly can anyone help me regarding opening view administration in google chrome. how to solve this issue.
- Iam working for DRDO (RCI) as its defence environment i need to solve this issue at earliest.
VMware Workstation 12.0 tools issue
Hi everyone. I have an issue with VMware Workstation 12, when I install VMware tools on Windows XP it says PCI device can't be installed, so I did follow this help content but it didn't work. Hardware ID is PCI\VEN_15AD&DEV_07E0&SUBSYS_07E015AD&REV_00. Thanks in advance.
How to move extra disks to second controller
I am trying to accomplish a pretty simple task, and it should be easy enough, but I cannot get it to work. I hope someone inhere will be able to figure out why.
I want to move all disks in a VM (Except for the first OS disk: Harddisk 1) to a second Para Virtual Controller (Controller 1) The controller is already added to the machine.
I have the following code, that runs successfully, but it does not accomplish the job, and I cannot figure out why. The environment is vSphere 6, and the vRO is version 7.0
Best Regards
var runtime = vm.config var hardware = runtime.hardware; var devices = hardware.device; var foundController = false; var correctControllerType = false; var disks = []; var deviceConfigSpecs = new VcVirtualMachineConfigSpec(); deviceConfigSpecs.deviceChange = new Array(); System.log("deviceChange: " + deviceConfigSpecs.deviceChange); //System.log("Number of Devices: " + devices.length); for (var i in devices) {  if (((devices[i].deviceInfo.label).indexOf("Hard disk 1") == -1) && ((devices[i].deviceInfo.label).indexOf("Hard disk") > -1)) { System.log(i + " " + "deviceInfo Label: " + i + " - " + devices[i].deviceInfo.label); System.log(i + " " + "Backing: " + i + " - " + devices[i].backing); System.log(i + " " + "ControllerKey: " + i + " - " + devices[i].controllerKey); disks.push(devices[i]); } } if (disks.length > 0) { // Multiple disks found for (var i in devices) { if ( devices[i].deviceInfo.label == "SCSI controller 1") { var controllerType = devices[i].deviceInfo.summary; if (controllerType.indexOf("VMware paravirtual SCSI") > -1) { System.log("Found Correct Controller for Disks"); var deviceControllerKey = devices[i].key; } } } if (deviceControllerKey) { var unit = 1; for (var i in disks) { System.log("Checking Controller Key: " + deviceControllerKey + " for Disk: " + disks[i].deviceInfo.label + " with key: " + disks[i].controllerKey); if (true) { // (disk[i].controllerKey != deviceControllerKey) { var deviceConfigSpec = new VcVirtualDeviceConfigSpec(); deviceConfigSpec.operation = VcVirtualDeviceConfigSpecOperation.edit; deviceConfigSpec.device = new VcVirtualDisk; deviceConfigSpec.device = disks[i]; deviceConfigSpec.device.controllerKey = deviceControllerKey; deviceConfigSpec.device.unitNumber = unit++; deviceConfigSpecs.deviceChange.push(deviceConfigSpec); System.log("Settings Controller Key: " + deviceControllerKey + " for Disk: " + disks[i].deviceInfo.label + " - unit: " + unit); } } task = vm.reconfigVM_Task( deviceConfigSpecs ); } }
No SRM Icon on home page
I have a fairly strange issue
I have been trying to install the latest version of SRM with the embedded database. Everything works ok and the installation goes through without any issues.
I am using the latest version of the VCSA for vSphere 6
There is no firewall between the VCSA and the SRM windows vm and they are all on the same subnet
I have verified that SRM has deployed by making sure the object is registered under vcenter and it is there by going to http://vcenter_name/mob
The only problem I have is that I cannot see the icon on the home page and it is not listed under client extension
I have tried removing the extension and re-installing SRM several times but each time I cannot get the icon to appear on the home page
Just wondering if anyone has seen this problem
Reservation capacity alert emails failing
Hi All,
Has anybody got the capacity alerts for reservations working? I have the email to business group manager ticked, have also tried a another user in the recipient box, still nothing. Have set the sliders low to make sure they should fire off the alerts.
All the other emails out of vra appear to be working ok, version is 7.01.
Would appreciate any comments, cheers
VAAI UNMAP - reclaim-unit for a netapp storage
I am using "esxcli storage vmfs unmap"
command to reclaim the deleted blocks from datastore. There is a parameter -l reclaim-unit to be mentioned in this command if we don't want to use the default value of 200. I would like to know what will be the suitable reclaim-unit value for a Netapp storage? Is there a easy way to find this value?
ESXi 5 Display name and UID missing
We have had a critical VM go down due to it being inaccessible to its datastore. We have a cloned backup which we have brought into production but this is not as up to date as it should be (so a massive lesson learnt there).
I have tried a number of different troubleshooting steps with vSphere Client re-scanning all the stoarge adapters and checking connective and and adapter connectivity to our SAN iscsi appliance. I have ran the following command line comand:
"esxcli storage core device list"
The below disk has either become unmounted or corrupted in some as to make it inaccessible to the datastore.
  Display Name:
  Has Settable Display Name: false
  Size: 0
  Device Type: No device type
  Multipath Plugin:
  Devfs Path:
  SCSI Level: 0
  Is Pseudo: true
  Status: off
  Is RDM Capable: false
  Is Local: false
  Is Removable: false
  Is SSD: false
  Is Offline: true
  Is Perennially Reserved: false
  Thin Provisioning Status: no
  Attached Filters:
  VAAI Status: unknown
  Other UIDs:
I am trying to remount/re-initialize this drive so that it can be accessed and I have ran the following command with no success:
esxcli storage filesystem mount naa.6006016046c03c0027a38f5648ae56f2
I not the most experienced with vmware in general and certainly not wioth the command cli commands so any help getting this drive available withits existing data still in tacked would be greatly appreicated.
PowerCLI script for delete vmware-*.logs file
Hi all.
I need script to delete vmware-*.logs file from all VM folders in all my datasrote in vCenter.
Something like
Get-Datastore | Where Name -like '<datastore name>*'
Remove-Datastore item vmware-*.logs
ThinApp executable decompile
If I have a ThinApp executable or dat file but I don't have the original precompiled setup capture files, is it possible to extract the application's file and registry contents from the executable/dat file?
Looking for the right Custom Properties for event VMPSMasterWorkflow32.EVENT.ReconfigureVM
I`m having problems finding the correct Custom properties fro the events VMPSMasterWorkflow32.EVENT.ReconfigureVM so that I get more information into vRO.
For the normal VM provisioning process the stuff was mapped by pretty good here: vRealize Automation 7 – Enabling the Event Broker » Extending Clouds see the spreadsheet. However I cant not figure out where to get that information. No vmware doc seams to have a list or some ideas
What i want to do is hook into the reconfigure Action. The reconfigure action triggers the following (vRA7.1) events:
- VMPSMasterWorkflow32.EVENT.ReconfigureVM.Pending
- VMPSMasterWorkflow32.EVENT.ReconfigureVM.Successful
- VMPSMasterWorkflow32.EVENT.ReconfigureVM.Complete
- VMPSMasterWorkflow32.EVENT.ReconfigureVM.Failed
But without the customer property I only get this information from the payload:
/lifecycleState/phase : EVENT
/lifecycleState/state : VMPSMasterWorkflow32.VMPSMasterWorkflow32
/lifecycleState/event : VMPSMasterWorkflow32.VMPSMasterWorkflow32.EVENT.ReconfigureVM.Complete
/componentId : vSphere_Machine_1
/blueprintName : test
/componentTypeId : Infrastructure.CatalogItem.Machine.Virtual.vSphere
/IaaSTimeoutId : 1019
/endpointId : 398eb55d-a68e-4ff2-8f1b-07d4d4bafb93
/machine/externalReference : vm-618
/machine/owner : configurationadmin@vsphere.local
/machine/name : test31
/machine/id : e2824606-c8e1-4678-9f9d-6f19611ce9ad
/machine/type : 0
/requestId : 06fdb66f-1253-45a7-b6d5-e40e86483f0e
What I need would be the the machine properties of the VM, such as:
/machine/properties/VirtualMachine.Memory.Size : 1024
/machine/properties/VirtualMachine.Cafe.Blueprint.Component.Cluster.Index : 0
/machine/properties/VirtualMachine.CPU.Count : 1
/machine/properties/__Clone_Type : CloneWorkflow
/machine/properties/__clonespec : Linux
/machine/properties/VirtualMachine.Admin.TotalDiskUsage : 5120
/machine/properties/VirtualMachine.Disk0.Label : Hard disk 1
PS: you can rad the properties pretty easy with the following vRO workflow:
function getSubproperties(subject,prop){Â Â Â for each (subkey in prop.keys) {Â Â Â Â Â Â Â subcontent=prop.get(subkey);Â Â Â Â Â Â Â if ((typeof subcontent) == "object"){Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â getSubproperties((subject+"/"+subkey),subcontent);Â Â Â Â Â Â Â } else {Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â System.log((subject+"/"+subkey) + " : " + subcontent);Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â }Â Â Â } } for each (key in payload.keys) { Â Â Â content=payload.get(key);Â Â Â if ((typeof content) == "object"){Â Â Â Â Â Â Â getSubproperties(("/"+key),content);Â Â Â } else {Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â System.log("/"+key + " : " + content);Â Â Â Â } }
Please help understand new vmware products
Can someone please explain to me in plain simple English terms the following technologies:
What are they for and how they work?
Are they related to each other?
Are they considered part of SDDC (Software Defined Data Center)?
vCOPs -Â VMware vCenter Operation Manager
vCAC -Â VMware vCloud Automation Center
Thanks in advance...
How To disable network propeties console while deploying OVA
Hi All,
I was created ova and while deploying this ova its enabling network properties tab in console for network configuration for some ESXi servers. I'm not sure which configuration defined to enable this.
How could I disable not to display network properties while deploying this OVA? Please find attachment for more details.
I tried set ‘vadk:SetNetwork to false’ but It didn’t work. I appreciate your help. Thank in advance.
Sankar D