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Error while running sound stream: Recording may not work


I realize that one cannot expect too much in regards to sound/VoIP within a VM but I would like to at least give it a try in troubleshooting this error, since the sound actually works for a short time. Basically, what happens is I start a VoIP application and make a call and talk just fine for about 3 or 4 minutes and then the sound input ceases (the other party can't hear me) and I get this vmware error:


Error while running sound stream

Recording may not work


I have tried this on multiple VoIP applications and experienced the same problem. Most of the google results I'm seeing are for the sound input never working in the first place. This is different. The sound works perfectly -- actually amazing quality -- until it suddenly stops. Even after it stops, I can still hear the other party but they say they can't hear me. I have tried using every possible setting in the Use physical sound card drop down menu of vmware. Below are my specs. Ideas?


Host: lubuntu 14.04.1 64-bit

vmware: Workstation 12 Player

Guest: Windows 7 Pro 64-bit

vSphereHA 仮想マシンの障害試験について







環境:VCSA 6.0u2
設定値:vSphere HA "チェック"
    仮想マシンの監視 "仮想マシンの監視"
        仮想マシン監視の感度 "高"































Unable to uninstall VMware Bridge Protocol


I'm trying to remove VMware Bridge Protocol after an uninstall of VMware player 12.0.1-3160714 on Windows 10 Pro. Apparently the VMware uninstaller did not do a clean uninstall. Attempt to delete it causes this error as shown in screenshot.



I've also tried to remove the protocol via regedit at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Network, and upon reboot the protocol still remains.

This is a problem because it is preventing me from applying IPV4 settings, giving me the "An unexpected condition occured" when I try to apply DNS settings.


Can anyone tell me how to remove that damn protocol apart from reinstalling Windows 10?

VMware Workstation unrecoverable error: (vcpu-0)


Every time I try to boot up VMware Workstation(windows xp) I get an error message


VMware Workstation unrecoverable error: (vcpu-0)



NOT_IMPLEMENTED bora\devices\mainmem\mainMemHosted.c:3616



A log file is available in "C:\Users\Joselito\Documents\Virtual Machines\Windows XP\vmware.log". 



You can request support. 



To collect data to submit to VMware support, choose "Collect Support Data" from the Help menu.



You can also run the "vm-support" script in the Workstation folder directly.



We will respond on the basis of your support entitlement.

Base System Upgrade - License Transfer


My intent w/in the next 90 days is to upgrade my current system. What this means is:

  1. New MOBO.
  2. New CPU
  3. New OS Drive (SSD)
  4. Additional/New RAM


Presently, my license for Workstation 12 Pro is based on my current configuration.


Once the new hardware is installed, a new pristine Windows 10 Pro shall be installed. This is required due to the following reason(s):

  • The MBR is located on a different physical drive (UEFI) designated by the BIOS as P1.
  • The OS is located on a different physical drive designated as P0.
  • Over the past six months multiple approaches have been made attempt to combine the two in preparation for this upgrade, w/out success.
    • Restore from backup (Acronis) w/o P0 plugged in/powered on - system failed to boot.
    • Restore from backup (Nova) w/o P0 plugged in/powered on - system failed to boot.
    • Use of various tools to update/move the MBR from current drive to OS drive - system failed and was corrupted.


In any case, I figure the only approach is to start with a pristine install of the OS and build from the ground up. I know (from past experience it'll take 18-24 hours).


However, once begun, the original system shall no longer be available, nor the HDDs now installed (total of 20.5TB). The original OS drive, and the drive where the MBR resides shall be retasked.


The question: How do I use my current license with the new install? It is anticipated that the original activation took a snapshot of my original configuration, and the new configuration shall not match. This shall trigger a red-flag and potentially shutdown use of my current VMWare Product. Please advise as to appropriate path for restoring my active licensed product.


Thank you.

How to modify /etc/fstab to load host shared folder automatically?



I add statement ".host:/media/sda2     /mnt/hgfs    vmhgfs    defaults 0 0" into /etc/fstab in order to load host shared folder automatically, but it does not seem to work, is there something wrong about this statement?






Thanks for reply!



how to new vds after creating an Transport zone ?


need help : i already have transport zone that span across 2 vds ( vds1 and vds 2 ) ,  now i have created third vds and also define port group and add the cluster in the new vds  but the tranport zone not showing the new vds due to which i am not able to use the portgroup defined in new vds ..   can anyone help how to add in new vds after creating an transport zone ...




Hosts randomly drop off VSAN cluster. Anyone have advanced troubleshooting steps?


We have a problem of VSAN hosts dropping off our cluster, and I'm not getting anywhere with the regular troubleshooting methods. I've had a ticket open with GSS and the VSAN team since July, but we've gotten nowhere on the cause.

We have a 4 host VSAN cluster that was perfect for the first year until we upgrade the VSAN from 6.1 to 6.2. In July we had host #3 drop off the cluster. The VMs are still running on it, but the clients briefly lost their connection to the VMS running on it.The host showed disconnected from the cluster. Attempts to reconnect it to the cluster fail with timeouts. Attempts to connect to it with a web browser fail, as do attempts with the original VSphere client.

I am able to connect to it via SSH, which proves VMKernel IP availability, yet attempts to restart the services hang. I looked at the VPXA logs from the client from around the failure time as well as the VPXD logs from VCenter, but I'm unable to determine anything unusual.

All servers are running on R730XDs and have the latest firmware/drivers from the VMWare HCL.

In August Host #4 had the exact same issue, then 3 days ago, host #2 now has the same issue.

The only way to get the cluster up and working again was to RDP into the guests, do a graceful shutdown of each, open them on a different host, then reboot the failed host, join the cluster, vmotion the guests back onto it.

Even the shutdown cannot happen gracefully as attempting to shut down via SSH or DCUI hangs as well.


Hosts are joined by Brocade VDX 10G switches which have no errors on any ports, only discards on the receiving ends. There are two distributed switches set up, one for VSAN (dedicated ports) and one for VM traffic/VMotion traffic. The VMWare managment network is separate VLAN, separate physical switches, on regular vswitches. The fact that the VSAN and management networks on only one host dropped off at the same time seems to point to the host.


I think that it is a bug with the Hosts' OS. Build number is 3825889


Anyone experienced this? Troubleshooting route?




New Installation - No internet


I purchased the VMware for the Mac yesterday.  The install was a bugger.  I could not take the installation from my windows 8 machine (windows was an OEM version) and I ended up with an XP version.  It will not see the internet. It does see the connections, but not in IE.  After some reading I think VMNetconfig.exe would solve the problem, but I do not have this in the installation.  I think the internet is a bridging problem.



How can I get internet access from the Virtual machine??



Error during vRA 7.0.1 install. vCAC Server Custom Setup Installation Failed, ExitCode:1619



Error installing vRealize Automation Server Setup (files installation). For more information, refer to Server-Setup.log after collecting the IaaS logs.





Downloading installer... Execution time:00:06.482 Download succeeded. Installing vCAC Server Custom Setup files on the disk Executing:"C:\Windows\TEMP\VMware\vCAC\\vCAC-Server-Setup.exe" /s /w /V"/qn ADDLOCAL=Database INSTALLDIR=\"C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\vCAC\\Server\" /Lvoicewarmup! \"C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\vCAC\Management Agent\Logs\InstallLogs\Server-Setup.log"" vCAC Server Custom Setup Installation Failed, ExitCode:1619


Error installing vRealize Automation Server Setup (files installation). For more information, refer to Server-Setup.log after collecting the IaaS logs. Execution time:00:12.177



























HA Buffer missing since VROPS 6.1 to 6.2 upgrade


My VROPS install used to take cluster HA into account when reporting on capacity/time remaining, so my buffer would be "HA (40%) + 10%".  Ever since my upgrade it just shows 0%, even though the cluster in vCenter has a 40% admission control policy and I have  "Use High Availability (HA) Configuration (Uses more capacity)" configured in my VROPS policy.  Anyone seen this issue before and can suggest why its not working??


OS::Heat::SoftwareDeployment in VIO 2.5.1 + NSX


Hi all,

i'm trying to create a stack starting from this template (attached). Anyone know why the script doesnt execute and the deployment remains "in progress" state?

I created a centos7 cloud-image (Software configuration — heat documentation) with all heat and os packages.

Entering into instance and executing (os-collect-config --one-time --debug) i found this log:


2016-08-31 12:55:08.164 9211 INFO os_collect_config.heat_local [-] Local metadata not found (['/var/lib/heat-cfntools/cfn-init-data'])

2016-08-31 12:55:08.164 9211 WARNING os-collect-config [-] Source [heat_local] Unavailable.

2016-08-31 12:55:11.181 9211 WARNING os_collect_config.ec2 [-] HTTPConnectionPool(host='', port=80): Max retries exceeded with url: /latest/meta-data/ (Caused by NewConnectionError('<requests.packages.urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x1e15bd0>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 113] No route to host',))

2016-08-31 12:55:11.181 9211 WARNING os-collect-config [-] Source [ec2] Unavailable.

2016-08-31 12:55:11.181 9211 INFO os_collect_config.cfn [-] No metadata_url configured.

2016-08-31 12:55:11.182 9211 DEBUG os-collect-config [-] Source [cfn] Not configured. collect_all /opt/stack/venvs/os-collect-config/lib/python2.7/site-packages/os_collect_config/collect.py:170

2016-08-31 12:55:11.182 9211 INFO os_collect_config.heat [-] No auth_url configured.

2016-08-31 12:55:11.182 9211 DEBUG os-collect-config [-] Source [heat] Not configured. collect_all /opt/stack/venvs/os-collect-config/lib/python2.7/site-packages/os_collect_config/collect.py:170

2016-08-31 12:55:11.182 9211 INFO os_collect_config.request [-] No metadata_url configured.

2016-08-31 12:55:11.183 9211 WARNING os-collect-config [-] Source [request] Unavailable.

2016-08-31 12:55:11.183 9211 WARNING os_collect_config.local [-] /var/lib/os-collect-config/local-data not found. Skipping

2016-08-31 12:55:11.183 9211 WARNING os_collect_config.local [-] No local metadata found (['/var/lib/os-collect-config/local-data'])

2016-08-31 12:55:11.183 9211 WARNING os_collect_config.zaqar [-] No auth_url configured.

2016-08-31 12:55:11.184 9211 DEBUG os-collect-config [-] Source [zaqar] Not configured. collect_all /opt/stack/venvs/os-collect-config/lib/python2.7/site-packages/os_collect_config/collect.py:170

2016-08-31 12:55:11.184 9211 DEBUG os-collect-config [-] No changes detected. __main__ /opt/stack/venvs/os-collect-config/lib/python2.7/site-packages/os_collect_config/collect.py:295


i'am able to use cloud-init, software config and so on ... my only problem is the returning signal from the vm using deployment.

Calling Initialize-PowerCLIEnvironment.ps1 causes variable leak




I've noticed that when I'm loading PowerCLI modules (as suggested in this blog) some of the variables in my script get rewritten. Here's a simplified example (I'm using PowerCLI 6.3R1):

$Configuration='Something valuable'

if ( !(Get-Module-NameVMware.VimAutomation.Core-ErrorActionSilentlyContinue) ) {

   .“C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\Infrastructure\vSphere PowerCLI\Scripts\Initialize-PowerCLIEnvironment.ps1”




DefaultVIServerMode         : Multiple

ProxyPolicy                 : UseSystemProxy

ParticipateInCEIP           : True

CEIPDataTransferProxyPolicy : UseSystemProxy

DisplayDeprecationWarnings  : True

InvalidCertificateAction    : Unset

WebOperationTimeoutSeconds  : 300

VMConsoleWindowBrowser      :

Scope                       : Session


I was wondering if there is another way to do this or if there are any plans to introduce a module that could be loaded using Import-module instead of dot-sourcing to avoid variable leakage? That module could offer a slightly different experience that could suit better for embedding into other scripts (i.e. avoid things like, rewriting PSHost title, changing PS prompt, changing location, etc.)






VM Tools: Copy&paste not working



Copy&Paste is not working anymore between host and vm.

I already re-installed the VM tools. While configuring  the tools I get the attached exception

Host: Win10, VM: Ubuntu 16.04


Thx for support.


Onyx Crashing




Does anyone have a working Onyx (Not the Web Edition since it does not produce vRO output)


Mine always crashes, the only requirement I can find is Net 3.5.1, and that is installed, but stille it always crashes when doing almost every tasks in vCenter 6.0.


Best Regards


Not able to ping Photon Host or connect to docker on port 2375


Hi community,


I wanted to start expermineting with Photon OS Docker /Vmware Orchestrator and so on.


But i'm struggling just at the beginning.

What I did so far:

Used ISO (photon-1.0-13c08b6.iso) and even the OVA-Template (same Version) to install an instance of Photon OS. Host is vSphere 6.0 U2 or Workstation 12 Pro.


Installation seemed to be fine. I did some local testing with nginx as described in the wiki and even there I can connect to the nginx instance.

I changed permissions to ssh to login as root --> it works.



1. I cannot ping the Photon Host

2. Cannot connect to docker from "outside" to 2375. I changed the docker.service file and localy I can connect docker using -H ...:2375


So my question is, why I'm not able to connect from the "outside"




How to get Snapshot space using vi java api??




I am in trouble to get the Vm snapshot space regarding to the specific cluster. I didn't find any property or method in the vi java api. So please tell me how to get snapshot space??? or refer me any sample code related to the VM snapshot Space.


Thanks in advance.

Desperately need OS X Snow Leopard Server


I am in major need of Snow Leopard Server. I have a retail copy of Client 10.6.8, which does me no good given it cannot be virtualized. Apple says that they do NOT still carry it, and had no suggestions of where to look. Does anyone know of a place I can still purchase it or download it? Thanks!

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