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New ESXi VM's won't connect to internet




I have a new esxi that I have spun up, everything appeared to be working fine, until I migrated a couple vm's.  Basically once migrated they do not have access to the internet, what is weird is I can create a new NIC for them on DHCP and they do have access to the internet.  I have checked my IP's, DNS, Gateways and they are all correct so I am at a loss as to why they cannot connect.  I even attempted to create a new NIC, made sure it connected with DHCP then tried to put in the static ip and it still fails.  Any help would be appreciated.

Trying to Upload files and attach to a SR


I wonder if somebody can help

I am trying to attach some log files to a sr from a host I have checked the permissions and they are all in place but am getting the error below


One of the reason for the Log Upload Failure can be due to Insufficient Privileges. Click here for more details. If you believe you have sufficient privileges on your Skyline service account, then please contact support.

  • 5c2f407257211d00103428f4_ESX-VC-4173b49e-7fdf-46ed-8186-c2bdb6d0c5a7-unknown-host-1546601142659.tar.gz


Anyone know what could be causing this

How to use pyVmomi to verify overall health of standalone ESXi instance.


I am setting up an IaaS monitoring system. I monitor the hardware via IPMI sensors via the iLo port. Some of my compute servers have ESXi installed and some have Openstack installed. I want to use pyVmomi to verify that ESXi is installed and get its overall status, not the status of VMs it may be hosting.

Connect-SrmServer fails when -RemoteCredential is used


vCenter version 6.0.0, build 3634794.

srm version: 6.1.0


I have a protected site, and a recovery site.  Running `connect-viserver -alllinked:$true -server protected.domain.com` works just fine, and I can see all the linked servers in $global:DefaultVIServers


PS > $global:DefaultVIServers


Name                           Port  User

----                           ----  ----

recovery.domain.com  443   DOMAIN\timkennedy

protected.domain.com 443   DOMAIN\timkennedy


When I go to connect to the SRM server(s), I can log into each one individually, but I can't authenticate a single session to both servers using the -RemoteCredential option or the -RemoteUser & -RemotePassword options.


First, building a credential known to work at both sides (AD SSO):


PS > $credential = Get-Credential -Message 'Enter Password:' -UserName 'DOMAIN\timkennedy'


Using -RemoteCredential or passing -RemoteUser with -RemotePassword:


PS > Connect-SrmServer -IgnoreCertificateErrors -Server protected.domain.com -RemoteCredential $credential -Credential $credential

Connect-SrmServer : 8/29/2017 12:51:33 PM       Connect-SrmServer               Cannot complete login due to an incorrect user name or password.

At line:1 char:1

+ Connect-SrmServer -IgnoreCertificateErrors -Server protected.domain. ...

+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [Connect-SrmServer], VimException

    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : Core_BaseCmdlet_UnknownError,VMware.VimAutomation.Srm.Commands.Commands.ConnectSrmServer




PS > Connect-SrmServer -IgnoreCertificateErrors -Server protected.domain.com -RemoteUser 'DOMAIN\timkennedy' -RemotePassword 'supersecretpassword' -User 'DOMAIN\timkennedy' -Password 'supersecretpassword'

Connect-SrmServer : 8/29/2017 12:51:33 PM       Connect-SrmServer               Cannot complete login due to an incorrect user name or password.

At line:1 char:1

+ Connect-SrmServer -IgnoreCertificateErrors -Server protected.domain. ...

+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [Connect-SrmServer], VimException

    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : Core_BaseCmdlet_UnknownError,VMware.VimAutomation.Srm.Commands.Commands.ConnectSrmServer


And even calling the api directly after logging into a SRM server directly:


PS> $global:DefaultSrmServers[1].ExtensionData.SrmLoginSites('DOMAIN\timkennedy','supersecretpassword','DOMAIN\timkennedy','supersecretpassword')

Exception calling "SrmLoginSites" with "4" argument(s): "Cannot complete login due to an incorrect user name or


At line:1 char:1

+ $global:DefaultSrmServers[1].ExtensionData.SrmLoginSites('DOMAIN\timk ...

+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [], MethodInvocationException

    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : VimException


The same behavior is seen, even if I change the target server to be recovery.domain.com.


Without specifying any -Remote options, I can log into both SRM servers successfully using either username and password, or credential, however this prevents being able to do things like configure protection on an array based protection group, because the single session isn't authenticated to both SRM servers.


PS > Connect-SrmServer -Credential $cred -Server protected.domain.com


ServiceUri    :

SessionSecret : "10334eb7e60c9bb1cb23c4fdce6a8c1c525423af"

User          : DOMAIN\timkennedy

IsConnected   : True

Port          : 9086

Version       : 6.1.0

Build         : 3037005

ProductLine   : srm

InstanceUuid  : 459474ca-50ad-41de-8d3f-a21cdbb0027c

RefCount      : 1

ExtensionData : VMware.VimAutomation.Srm.Views.SrmServiceInstance

Uid           : /SrmServer=domain\timkennedy@

Id            : /SrmServer=domain\timkennedy@

Name          :

IsInUse       : True



PS > Connect-SrmServer -Server recovery.domain.com -Username 'DOMAIN\timkennedy' -Password 'supersecretpassword'


ServiceUri    :

SessionSecret : "e58247793dcda1e31182388d1856dd2be40457e7"

User          : DOMAIN\timkennedy

IsConnected   : True

Port          : 9086

Version       : 6.1.0

Build         : 3037005

ProductLine   : srm

InstanceUuid  : cf5269b3-237b-4d6a-b6a7-f5632e015c90

RefCount      : 1

ExtensionData : VMware.VimAutomation.Srm.Views.SrmServiceInstance

Uid           : /SrmServer=domain\timkennedy@

Id            : /SrmServer=domain\timkennedy@

Name          :

IsInUse       : True


I this scenario, if I configure a new protection group, via the api at $global:DefaultSrmServers[1].ExtensionData.Protection something like:



$pgroup = $srmapi.Protection.ListProtectionGroups()[-1]

$pspec = New-Object VMware.VimAutomation.Srm.Views.SrmProtectionGroupVmProtectionSpec

$pspec.Vm = (Get-Vm test-vm).ExtensionData.MoRef
$ptask = $pgroup.ProtectVms($pspec)


Here is the error:


PS > $ptask.GetResult().Error


Fault                  LocalizedMessage

-----                  ----------------

VMware.Vim.MethodFault Not authenticated into SRM server 'Recovery'.


I should note, that logging in to the same vcenter server as the same user, and using the GUI to configure protection on the protection group does work.  So I'm not sure what I'm missing.

New to VMWare on Mac. 'Could not open /dev/vmmon: Broken pipe.' ... 'Please make sure that the kernel module `vmmon' is loaded.' ERROR


Downloaded VMWare this afternoon after reading/hearing about how good it is after experiencing some frustration with VirtualBox.


Paid 70 pounds, downloaded and installed ... upon first attempt of setting-up a Windows VM, I get the 'Could not open /dev/vmmon: Broken pipe' error, try again with Linux Mint and get the same.


Reading these forums, it says lots about granting access through security settings which I have done.  These weren't set so I made the changes and re-started but the error was still there.


I then attempted to uninstall the program to reinstall it ... this was also problematic as the program is not easy to fully remove - even with the removal instructions that uses the finder to remove hidden library files.  Upon re-installation, things are still there from the first installation which suggests not everything had been removed.  Two re-installations later and the error still comes up.


Could anybody please tell me how I even get support from VMWare?  The 'get support' page asks me to select the program I require, but it is not listed in my account profile, despite me purchasing it from the account.


Help needed.  Just paid 70 pounds for something that doesn't work.


Mac OS Mojave 10.14 MBP 15in mid-2014


Many thanks,



How to reset a lost password ON A VIRTUAL MACHINE?


can You help me to RESET A LOST PASSWORD on a Virtual Machine in a WorkStation 9.0?



Adobe Reader and Acrobat Customization Issues


When creating an App Stack containing either of the above mentioned products it seems that any customization is lost.  I have used the Adobe customization wizard to disable various features (online updates, online storage, etc.), and everything works properly on the provisioning VM.  However, once provisioning is complete and the App Stack that was created is attached to a VM the customization done previously is no longer in place.  Has anybody else experienced this issue?

VM Provisioned space per each connected Datastore


  I have been having issues trying to pull the provisioned space per connected datastore of each VM.  I can get the total provisioned space of the VM via 'ProvisionedGB' but this total is across all of the VM's connected datastores.  What I need is a .CSV that contains a breakdown of all datastores connected to each VM and the provisioned space that VM is using on each connected datastore.  I have modified several scripts but I am uncertain on how to get this information.  Most scripts I have worked with look something like the line below where it only pulls one of the connected datastores.


"where {$_.ID -match (($vmview.Datastore | Select -First 1) | Select Value).Value}"


Currently, I am pulling the below details and I realize there will be redundant info this way if we add additional rows for each disk and/or datastore.  I am open to other suggestions you may have. 


(Current Column Layout)


| VMName | Powerstate | OS | IPAddress | ToolsStatus | NumCPU | MemGB | Datastore | DiskType | DiskGb | DiskFree | DiskUsed | ProvisionedSpace |



Perhaps adding each datastore name to the columns would help prevent redundant data and simply add the VM's provisioned space of that specific datastore to these columns? 


Example:  | VMName | etc. | Datastore_1 | Datastore_2 | Datastore_3 |





  Anyway, below is the current script I have been modifying.  As you can see it will only pull one connected datastore per VM although the VM's have multiple datastores attached.  The "Guest.Disks" and "ProvisionedSpaceGB" properties will measure all VM guest disks and provisioned space regardless of what datastore.  I need to figure out how to break these fields down to a per datastore equation for each VM guest. 





filter Get-FolderPath {

    $_ | Get-View | % {

        $row = "" | select Name, Path

        $row.Name = $_.Name


        $current = Get-View $_.Parent

        $path = ""

        do {

            $parent = $current

            if($parent.Name -ne "vm"){$path = $parent.Name + "\" + $path}

            $current = Get-View $current.Parent

        } while ($current.Parent -ne $null)

        $row.Path = $path





$VCServerName = "vsphere.com"

$VC = Connect-VIServer $VCServerName

$ExportFilePath = "C:\TEST.csv"


$Report = @()

$VMs = Get-VM | Where-Object { $_.Name -like 'Client*' }


$Datastores = Get-Datastore | select Name, Id

$VMHosts = Get-VMHost | select Name, Parent


ForEach ($VM in $VMs) {

      $VMView = $VM | Get-View

      $VMInfo = {} | Select VMName, Powerstate, OS, IPAddress, ToolsStatus, NumCPU, MemGB, Datastore, DiskType, DiskGb, DiskFree, DiskUsed, ProvisionedSpace

      $VMInfo.VMName = $vm.name

      $VMInfo.Powerstate = $vm.Powerstate

      $VMInfo.OS = $vm.Guest.OSFullName

      $VMInfo.IPAddress = $vm.Guest.IPAddress[0]

      $VMInfo.ToolsStatus = $VMView.Guest.ToolsStatus

      $VMInfo.NumCPU = $vm.NumCPU

      $VMInfo.MemGB = [Math]::Round(($vm.MemoryGB),2)

      $VMInfo.Datastore = ($Datastores | where {$_.ID -match (($vmview.Datastore | Select -First 1) | Select Value).Value} | Select Name).Name

      $VMInfo.DiskType = $DiskTypes[$VMInfo.Datastore]

      $VMInfo.DiskGb = [Math]::Round((($vm.Guest.Disks | Measure-Object -Property CapacityGB -Sum).Sum),2)

      $VMInfo.DiskFree = [Math]::Round((($vm.Guest.Disks | Measure-Object -Property FreeSpaceGB -Sum).Sum),2)

      $VMInfo.DiskUsed = $VMInfo.DiskGb - $VMInfo.DiskFree

      $VMInfo.ProvisionedSpace = [math]::round(($vm.ProvisionedSpaceGB), 2)

      $Report += $VMInfo



$Report = $Report | Sort-Object VMName


IF ($Report -ne "") {

    $report | Export-Csv $ExportFilePath -NoTypeInformation



$VC = Disconnect-VIServer -Confirm:$False




Unable to see value,constraint tab under storage (GB) section in custom form for vra 7.5


Hi Team,


While creating the custom form for vra 7,5 i am unable to see the value,constraint tab under storage (gb) element.Therefor i cannot provide users with the ability to extend the existing hard drive using the custom form.


I am using Version: 7.5.0 (Build: 10053500).


Please let us know if its a known bug?

ESXi 6.5 - Video Card Questions


Hey all,


I'm running into an issue with a particular application installed on a VM. The application is somewhat data intensive when its loading particular site maps for a particular region for the client. I thought maybe adding additional video card memory to the particular VM would help increase the performance but had some questions as we typically don't modify this value when building VM's. Our typical setup leaves total video card memory at 8 MB, with 3D graphics disabled, 3D Renderer set to Auto, and 3D memory set to 256 mb. (Host is a Dell R620/R630) Here are my questions:


1. If we allocate more video memory, let say 64 MB or more, how exactly does this work?There isn't a dedicated graphics card installed on this host, so where is this pulling from?

2. While adding these additional resources, does this pull from already allocated resources to the VM (like RAM) or does this pull overhead from somewhere else?

3. Anything I should be mindful of before increasing? Would this have any adverse affects?


Thanks for the help!

vsphere web client not displaying datastore files?


Hi all,


My Vsphere isn't showing any of my VM's files however the VM's are available and online?


Not sure whats happened here - Please see screenshot.


VMWare error 1.PNG


VMware error 2.PNG

Can't claim SSDs as Capacity Storage




I have a strange problem. I can't claim my Flash Drives as a Capacity Drive.

Already deleted the partitions on all of the SSDs and tagged everyone as a Capacity Drive, but the tag won't stay after a reboot of the whole vSphere Host.

There must be another issue beside the capacity tag. I have the option to claim every Flash Drive as Cache.

I already had them as Capacity Drive before I reenabled the vSAN Feature, but at this time I added them after I enabled vSAN, but it should possible to configure vSAN as All Flash from the start?


Now I have thrown some of the Hosts onto a new and fresh vCenter and resetted the Hosts itself to be sure, but the Problem is still there.


Anyone have a clue what is going on there?

ova fails to import, seems related to the BootOrderSection tag in the ovf


I've got an ova file that I've created with packer (via this plugin) that imports fine into my local vCenter managed vSphere cluster. I'm on version 6.5. I've got reports that a customer was unable to import this ova into their similar cluster. I don't have any information about what version they're running. Locally, I was able to reproduce their error on an unrelated vSphere 6.5 instance that isn't under vCenter management.


When I try to import the ova, when I'm at the end ready to let it upload the ova, I get the following message:


If I continue anyway, the "upload" completes immediately and produces a VM that takes up no space and won't boot. After 5 minutes of thinking, vSphere seems to decide that it's broken and automatically deletes it.


Interestingly, I tracked it down to the following bit of xml in the ovf file inside the ova:



   <Info>Virtual hardware device boot order</Info>


If I remove this, update the sha256 value in the manifest file, and re-tar the ova file, that one works fine on both of my environments.

I've attached the entire ovf file from my ova for reference, including what I believe to be the offending BootOrderSection tag.


Any one have any idea what's wrong with my standalone vSphere environment, or my customer's vCenter cluster that isn't showing up on my local vCenter cluster?

Conditional HTML tag for my PowerCLI report


I'm trying to create a conditional tag in my PowerShell/PowerCLI report.  I feel as though I'm missing something very simple.  I have reports with CSS and they come out correct, so I have an IF statement with an ID of 'Red' and I have the CSS color the background Red.  I'm certain that my CSS is not the problem, because I've used it for years, but the way I try and add the tag is causing problems (I think).  Here is what I have:


$css = (gc C:\MyCSS.css)


#$allVMs = Get-VM

$AllReport = @()


$allVMs | where { $_.PowerState -eq "PoweredOn" -and ($_ | Get-HardDisk).StorageFormat -ne "Thin" } | Sort Name | foreach {


    $vm = $_

    $disktype = ($vm | Get-HardDisk | select -ExpandProperty StorageFormat)


    $report = '' | Select Name, Disktype


    $report.Name = $vm.Name

    $report.Disktype = If ($disktype -ne 'Thin') { ("<a id='Red'>" + $disktype + "</a>") } #I"m sure this is the problem


    $allreport += $report


$allreport | ConvertTo-Html -Head "<style>$css</style>" -Body @"


<p><a id='Red'>This</a> is a test </p>


"@ | Out-File C:\MyOutput\Report.html


To make sure I had the CSS correct, I gave the word "This" the id tag of Red, and in my report its background color is red.  The problem is that the line that starts with $report.Disktype.  The tag is added, sort of.  When I look at the html, it shows this <tr><td>VMname</td><td>&lt;a id=&#39;Red&#39;&gt;EagerZeroedThick&lt;/a&gt;</td></tr>


The HTML for the word "This" with the id of Red shows this for its HTML:

<p><a id='Red'>This</a> is a test </p>


I think it has something to do with the quotes, so I've tried making the double quotes single, and the singles double, I also tried using a subexpression, but that didn't work.  I also attached the HTML reports appearance, it shows the same in Firefox or Chrome.


Any help is appreciated.

Upgrade VCSA 6 with Embedded PSC to VCSA 6.5 Step by Step guide documentation


Hello Experts


I have a VCSA 6.5 with an Embedded PSC and No update manager , The VCSA consist of 6000 with VSAN running on 60 ESXi host

I need to upgrade the VCSA 6 to 6.5 and setup VCHA as well


Can someone share a practical Step by Step guide to do this process without getting an issue please.

I have seen many documents in google but need  a step by step guide to document the process as I can't afford to make any mistakes


Can someone help me please


Many thanks


VCSA 6u2 check for updates fails using internet proxy


I am having this problem that if I use Check Updates -> Check URL I get the error "Download Failed." in the VMware Appliance Management Interface (VAMI)

Internet Proxy is configured in VAMI.


This problem applies to both of these versions.

VMware vCenter Server Appliance Build Number 3634791


VMware vCenter Server Appliance Build Number 3343022


I am checking



and find


Resolving vapp-updates.vmware.com... failed: Name or service not known.

wget: unable to resolve host address `vapp-updates.vmware.com'


Yes DNS server does not resolve internet IPs but that is no problem for vRO appliance or older vSphere Update Manager or any internet browser.


Actually nothing reaches the internet proxy (logging on firewall) it appears the VCSA does not even try to contact the internet proxy.


Anybody an idea what's wrong? I think DNS shouldn't have to forward to internet DNS, I mean VRO and older vSphere Update Manager can do without it as well.

failed to lock the file cannot open the disk



I have a problem. I just converted my physical machine (lenovo Laptop, windows 8.1), with the vmware vcenter converter standalone. Everything worked fine, no problems, no errors.

But when I want to open the file in vmware on my Ubtunu machine (a.t.m. dual-boot with win8 on the same laptop), after a while it returns the error:


Failed to lock the file

Cannot open the disk '/media/remy/WD My Book/Laptop-Remy/Laptop-Remy.vmdk' or one of the snapshot disks it depends on.

Module DiskEarly power on failed.

Failed to start the virtual machine.


I don't know if has to do with Ubutntu (version 13.04), or with vmware workstation (10.0)


I hope some can help.

thanks in advantage,

remy adriaanse

Screen resolution issue with macOS 10.14 (Mojave) guest on macOS 10.14 (Mojave) host - Fusion 11




Anyone know if macOS Mojave guests are supposed to function on Fusion 11?


If so, how do I make the guest understand that I'm running with the display capabilities of a MacBook Pro (15-inch, 2016)?





How a remote virtual maquine communicate with local network?


I have a problem, when I connect to a remote virtual machine , and then I add a NIC(bridge) to that virtual machine (using my  local computer), the IP it get is from the remote network(sharing server)!!!!!!, I would like the virtual machine that I get from the sharing server communicate with device on my local network, but for the moment it is not posibble. I really appreciate any help.

Mandatory User Profile / Start Menu Tiles



I try to set up a Windows 10 Golden Image with Window 10 1803 with this guide: https://techzone.vmware.com/creating-optimized-windows-image-vmware-horizon-virtual-desktop and a mandatory profile. But I'm unable to save the start menu (Tiles) layout of a user with UEM 9.5 and after login I'm getting always the same layout:

I use the follwing settings in UEM:













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