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VM failed to boot due to insufficient Space on DataStore


Hello Everyone ,

I am new to VMware

On my Esxi host there are  6 virtual machines but one of them failed to boot due to insufficient space on the data store. But space assigned to the drives on the virtual machines are still  having lot of free space for example the vm which failed to boot has 125 Gb available on dirve C and 200 GB available space on drive D. I freed some space on the data store by moving some files to other data store and than vm was able to boot but after one day i had again the same problem of insufficient space the 10Gb that i had freed was used in just one day. I am unable to understand why there is a problem of of low disk space even the drives on the virtual machines are still empty.???


Thank you in advance

NSX Edge On-demand Failover



I'm looking in the web console or directly on the edge device the command to use the on-demand failover for the edge device ... Didn't find anyhting i'm on NSX 6.2.4 ... Any direction will be appreciated!

Windows 98SE hardware access


I have an existing Windows 98SE application that I want to run on new/faster hardware.  If I run VMware on a Windows 10 computer and load a W98SE VM can the W98-DOS based program address the I/O ports without any modifications?  If the program needs to be modified to read and write to I/O ports, what are the needed changes?

Thanks for any help!

Powercli script to match drive letter and SCSI Id correctly




I am trying to write a powercli script that will give me hard disk information for my VMs; however, I am running into a problem when I try to match drive letters to the SCSI Id. When the SCSI controller is 0, the drive letters are matched correctly; however, when it is higher than 0, it will swap the drive letters.

Below is an example of the disk drives for a particular VM and corresponding SCSI Ids.


Drive Letter                   SCSI Id

       C:                             0:0

        I:                              0:1

       P:                             0:2

       Z:                              0:4

       J:                              1:0

       K:                             2:0

       T:                              3:0


My script gives me the correct output EXCEPT for the drives that have a SCSI controller higher than 0. For example:




SCSI 1:0 should be drive letter J: instead of T:

SCSI 2:0 should be drive letter K: instead of J:

SCSI 3:0 should be drive letter T: instead of K:


In this example I am using the Get-WmiObject cmdlet, so the disk information matches the drive letter. I also tried doing it without using the Get-WmiObject cmdlet and the disk information matches the SCSI_Id; however, I can't get it so everything matches including Drive letter and SCSI Id.


Any ideas on how to do this? Any suggestions will be appreciated!



Alerting on non-OS filesystem usage on Linux


Hi Guys,

We have the EPOps agent deployed to a number of Red Hat 6 VMs, and have noticed that we are not seeing Alerts for non-OS file systems when they hit Warning, Immediate or Critical thresholds.


OS file systems (e.g /, /opt, /var, /home etc) all alert correctly, whereas custom file systems (e.g /applogs, /appdata) do not.


When drilling down through the OS object within vROps, I can see that the metrics are being gathered for each "FileServer Mount" (see screenshot), but these metrics are not being alerted on.


How do we configure vROps to alert on ALL linux filesystems (as it seems to do for Windows) current and future?  Or is it a case of changing the Metric / Property Symptom definition each time a VM comes along with a new file system?  This seems like unnecessary administration





Can Fusion boot from USB Drives?



I was wondering if there is a workaroud to boot from external drives? I do computer repair, and it would be great to work on an OS (ie Windows) by just plugging it in directly to my Macbook and having the software recognize the drive as internal so it can boot properly..









CIS for vSphere 6.0


Hello Team,


I am looking for CIS for vSphere 6.0. When is the CIS planned to be released?


How much percentage of differences can be observed with respect to CIS for vSphere 5.5.


We being part of Security Company(Symantec) want to compliant vSphere 6.0 (ESXi 6.0, vCenter Server 6.0) machine. We develop checks which would check the settings on vSphere as per CIS. We want to develop checks. In case we get some prior understanding of what will be available in CIS for vSphere 6.0, it will be great.


Thanks for your help and support.



Khushboo Maniyar

How to mount a vVol Datastore on multiple ESXi hosts in the same cluster with vSphere SDK API?


Dear talents,


I intended to setup a shared Datastore that is accessible from multiple ESXi hosts in the same cluster. This can be done with the "Mount Datastore on Additional Hosts" option in the vSphere Web client. However, I failed to find any vSphere SDK API for the referred function.

Any thoughts?


Thanks in advance for your help!

App Volumes shows many pending actions


in App volumes 2.11 I see a lot of pending actions, now 1793 pending actions. mostly the following actions

Aug 29 2016 04:45PMExpire Sessions                        Close web sessions idle for more than 30 minutes
Aug 29 2016 04:54PMImport Storage Groups              Import volumes from any Storage Group configured to automatically import
Aug 29 2016 05:10PMUpdate Graphs                          Collect usage statistics for dashboard graphs
Aug 29 2016 05:10PMRefresh Computers                   Ensure Computers still exist and update their online status
Aug 29 2016 05:10PMImport Storage Groups             Import volumes from any Storage Group configured to automatically import
Aug 29 2016 05:10PMInitiate Replication                    Starts replication jobs for StorageGroups


If i assign apps stacks to a users this doesn't doe anything because all the pending jobs need to be done first.


I already restarted the app volume server. but doesn't solve the problem.

does anyone know why these actions stay pending and how to solve it?

or can I delete pending jobs

Deploy OVF failure with 'The request was aborted: The request was canceled'


Greetings all!


I am running a vCenter Server 5.5.0, 2183111.


I am trying to create a VM while deploying from an OVF file located in a remote http server.


Every attempt fails at around 34% with the error:


"Failed to deploy OVF package: The request was aborted: The request was canceled"


The hostd logs show the following:


2016-09-05T13:15:21.176Z [463C2B70 verbose 'Vmsvc' opID=3F21BA77-00199ACE-9a-18-fe-9b-f7 user=vpxuser] Create VM initiated [376]: /vmfs/volumes/4fae3a98-d970f788-8c3e-180373efe41b/abcd/abcd.vmx

2016-09-05T13:15:21.456Z [FF987B70 verbose 'Hbrsvc'] Replicator: ReconfigListener triggered for config VM 376

2016-09-05T13:15:21.456Z [FF987B70 error 'Hbrsvc'] Failed to retrieve VM config (id=376)

2016-09-05T13:15:21.456Z [FF987B70 error 'Hbrsvc'] Replicator: VmReconfig failed to retrieve replication config for VM 376, ignoring: vim.fault.ReplicationVmConfigFault

2016-09-05T13:15:23.240Z [486C1B70 verbose 'Hbrsvc'] Replicator: ReconfigListener triggered for config VM 376

2016-09-05T13:15:23.255Z [47EC1B70 info 'Hostsvc' opID=3F21BA77-00199ACE-9a-18-fe-9b-f7 user=vpxuser] Lookupvm: World ID not set for VM 376

2016-09-05T13:15:23.255Z [47EC1B70 verbose 'Hbrsvc' opID=3F21BA77-00199ACE-9a-18-fe-9b-f7 user=vpxuser] Replicator: VmFileProviderCallback VM (id=376)

2016-09-05T13:15:23.256Z [486C1B70 verbose 'Hbrsvc'] Replicator: VmReconfig ignoring VM 376 not configured for replication

2016-09-05T13:15:26.483Z [484CAB70 info 'Snmpsvc'] ReportVMs: processing vm 376

2016-09-05T13:36:50.613Z [48680B70 info 'Hostsvc' opID=hostd-5cab user=vpxuser] Lookupvm: World ID not set for VM 376

2016-09-05T13:36:50.614Z [48680B70 verbose 'Hbrsvc' opID=hostd-5cab user=vpxuser] Replicator: VmFileProviderCallback VM (id=376)

2016-09-05T15:49:31.854Z [48680B70 info 'Hostsvc' opID=hostd-6c09 user=vpxuser] Lookupvm: World ID not set for VM 376

2016-09-05T15:49:31.855Z [48680B70 verbose 'Hbrsvc' opID=hostd-6c09 user=vpxuser] Replicator: VmFileProviderCallback VM (id=376)

2016-09-05T17:47:27.527Z [FF987B70 info 'Hostsvc' opID=hostd-8caf user=vpxuser] Lookupvm: World ID not set for VM 376

2016-09-05T17:47:27.527Z [FF987B70 verbose 'Hbrsvc' opID=hostd-8caf user=vpxuser] Replicator: VmFileProviderCallback VM (id=376)

2016-09-06T17:32:08.116Z [FF9C8B70 verbose 'Default' opID=3F21BA77-00199ACE-9a-18-69 user=vpxuser] AdapterServer: target='vim.VirtualMachine:376', method='destroy'

2016-09-06T17:32:08.116Z [FF9C8B70 info 'Vimsvc.TaskManager' opID=3F21BA77-00199ACE-9a-18-69 user=vpxuser] Task Created : haTask-376-vim.ManagedEntity.destroy-48633278

2016-09-06T17:32:08.123Z [FFC40B70 verbose 'DatastoreBrowser' opID=3F21BA77-00199ACE-9a-18-69 user=vpxuser] 376-envmgr-datastorebrowser::Destroy

-->          key = 'vim.VirtualMachine:376',

2016-09-06T17:32:08.124Z [FFC40B70 verbose 'Hostsvc' opID=3F21BA77-00199ACE-9a-18-69 user=vpxuser] RemoveEntry '376'

2016-09-06T17:32:08.124Z [FFC40B70 verbose 'Hostsvc.ResourcePool ha-root-pool' opID=3F21BA77-00199ACE-9a-18-69 user=vpxuser] Removed child 376 from pool

2016-09-06T17:32:08.124Z [FFC40B70 verbose 'Hostsvc' opID=3F21BA77-00199ACE-9a-18-69 user=vpxuser] Security domain hostd376 not found

2016-09-06T17:32:08.125Z [484CAB70 info 'Guestsvc.GuestFileTransferImpl'] VmOperationListener: unregister notification received for VM: 376

2016-09-06T17:32:08.125Z [484CAB70 info 'Hbrsvc'] Replicator: UnregisterListener triggered for config VM 376

2016-09-06T17:32:10.120Z [FF9C8B70 verbose 'Vmsvc' opID=HB-host-136@278343-431d2875-1b user=vpxuser] Vmsvc: Filtering Vms: ignored vm not ready to query power state vim.VirtualMachine:376

2016-09-06T17:32:12.643Z [FFC40B70 info 'Vimsvc.TaskManager' opID=3F21BA77-00199ACE-9a-18-69 user=vpxuser] Task Completed : haTask-376-vim.ManagedEntity.destroy-48633278 Status success

2016-09-06T17:32:13.074Z [FFC40B70 verbose 'Vmsvc' opID=3F21BA77-00199ACE-9a-18-69 user=vpxuser] Released Vm Id: 376.


Has anyone faced this issue before?


Thank you in advance for any info/advice.

[ warning] [guestinfo] Failed to get disk info.

vmsvc[705]: [ warning] [guestinfo] Failed to get disk info.


I am seeing this error over and over again in /var/log/messages on a CentOS 7 VM.

Does anyone know how to resolve it?

Hosts migration from vCenter 5.5 to vCenter 6 with DVS


Hi guys


Appreciated if you can point me write-ups or link that will guide me to migration of hosts from vCenter 5.5. to vCenter 6 with DVS.

I already setup new vCenter Server 6 on a new environment with new management network different from my existing.


On a high level I'm thinking of:

     1. Existing hosts management network should be routed to the new vCenter 6 management network.

     2. Export ALL DVS CONFIGURATION from vCenter 5.5

     3, Import ALL DVS CONFIGURATION to new vCenter 6

     4. Create Clusters on the new vCenter 6

     5. Disconnect ESXi host from vCenter 5.5

     6. Add ESXi to vCenter 6

     7. Migrate other remaining hosts


Let me know if there would be downtime on this process.



TPS, Large page file and Disable Sharing Memroy



-1 If i disabled sharing memory on a paricular VM is there will be in effect on the peromance ?

- 2 In the Large bage file TPS is not enabled or not function is there any meaning to disable Shring memory  per host ? or there is no relation between TPS and sharing memory across VMS ?

V2P win 2008 r2 on ESXi5

Track Network Workloads to vCD Org or VM?



I would like to track from where a certain network load is coming. Ive gotten word from Network-guys that there are some very high peaks that occur in specific times.

What would be the best way to locate from what VM or vCd Org it its originating? A traffic trend with drill-down capabilities or similar would be nice. Ideas?

Ive looked around our VROPS (6.1) but cant seem to find the right view..

vmrun -T player start : Error: Unknown Error 2.6.32-573.el6.x86_64





I am running the following system:




VMWare Player 12.1.1-3770994.x86_64


The issue I am having is that I can start the VM through the GUI no problem using "vmplayer" as root however when I try to do vmrun -T player start /path/to/vm.vmx nogui I get the response "Error: Unknown error" with no log entries appearing in vmware.log to provide insight as to whats happening. I have tried the below solution which seems to solve it for others but this is not working for me:


Re: After install kernel 2.6.32-504 Could not open /dev/vmmon


I can follow all steps without errors for all suggested solutions in that thread all the way to the end and it still fails to run. Really frustrated here and not sure where to look next, any help or pointers anyone could provide would make my day .... :-(





Seeing a NonPaged leak with pool tag VMHO which maps back to VMNetAdapter.sys


Running VMWare Workstation 12.1.1 (Build 3770994) on Server 2008 R2 SP1 (fully patched) and I have noticed that overall memory usage seems to climb while the machine runs normally.  I patched the host today so shut down all of my VMs and found that 15G of 60G total was still in use.  13G of that was attributed to NonPaged pool and PoolMon confirmed that tag vmho is the culprit.  I see some ~3.3M allocations of 2192 bytes each for 7.1G.  The next highest NonPaged consumer is LSbf for 51M so vmho is definitely the culprit.


The issue seems to have started with the 12.1.1 upgrade, as best I can recall.  The driver is version (Build 2003952) dated 4/14/2016.  I run with 9 host only NICs where RRAS on the host routes between them.  NAT and DHCP are all disabled in the VMNet configuration.  I cannot find anything online indicating that anyone else is hit or reporting this.  I tried to disable the NICs, to see if doing so would free up the memory, but only the first one disabled and the rest seemed to ignore the request entirely.  I then tried to re-enable the first NIC and it is hung with the Enabling... dialog now.


Is VMWare aware of this issue?  A fix would be greatly appreciated.

Cuantas maquinas virtuales


Hola a todos. Soy nuevo en lo que a virtualizacion se refiere y tengo unas preguntas:

- si tengo un socket físico con dos cores y 2GB de ram, cuantas maquinas virtuales podria crear? Comóplatos se hace el calculo?

- que licencias tendría que pagar?

- instaló un ESXI y luego el vclient,  no?

Muchísimas gracias.

esxi 5.5 update 6.0 ,then guest os cannot power on


When I use the update manager upgrade ESXi from 5.5 to 6.0, all GUEST OS cannot power on.


I look LOG and found the following error message:


DictionaryLoad: Cannot open file "/usr/lib/vmware/config": No such file or directory

ConfigDB: Failed to load /usr/lib/vmware/config

DictionaryLoad: Cannot open file "//.vmware/config": No such file or directory

ConfigDB: Failed to load ~/.vmware/config

DictionaryLoad: Cannot open file "//.vmware/preferences": No such file or directory

PREF Failed to load user preferences


I use SSH connections, /usr/lib/vmware/config not found

But there find config in /etc/vmware


This is an upgrade failure?


How to fix it?

Run ESXi hosts under a Windows server (2012R2) which has VMWare Workstation installed


Hello all,

I'm relatively new to VMWare, and am looking to set up a lab environment. I wondered if the following was possible :Vmware workstation setup.jpg

If it is could you please recommend the VMware products I would need to make this setup please.


Welcome any questions on the setup



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