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Restore Client - login to




VDP 6.1. I'm studying how to do file level recovery and Admin Guide says I must access the VDP Restore Client:

https://<IP_address_of _VDP_appliance>:8543/flr

It's asking me for username and password ("Basic mode") and I don't understand what I must to enter.


When I use the same credentials that are OK in


- default username root and password, Restore Client says:

"Login failed. Cannot locate vm in vCenter". Which vm ? Must I configure something first ?


kickstart without DHCP?


We are using kickstart (and puppet) to deploy linux servers, the problem is – there is no DHCP on our network. Is there a way to automate the linux provisioning?

All info I could find is that I must use DHCP for kickstart.


We are using vRA 7 (new environment)


Cannot access to vm settings or consol


Hi there !


I'm on ESXi 6.0


Here my issue: When I want to access to my vm settings or consol I got the following error


"Appel "EnvironmentBrowser.QueryConfigOption" pour l'objet "1-envmgr" sur ESXi "" a échoué."

In english : Call "EnvironmentBrowser.QueryConfigOption" for "1-envmgr" on ESXi "" failed.


I try to reboot the ESXi host but didn't work !


So I search for log and here what I got from C:\Users\MySelf\AppData\Local\VMware\vpx


[viclient:SoapTran:M: 6] 2016-09-06 15:51:14.533  Invoke 364 Start QueryConfigTarget on EnvironmentBrowser:1-envmgr []. [operationID:28D58FA5-0000016C][Caller: VpxClient.VMConfig.ConfigEditor..ctor]
[viclient:SrvMsg  :M: 6] 2016-09-06 15:51:14.533  RMI Request Vmomi.EnvironmentBrowser.QueryConfigTarget - 364<host />
[viclient:SoapTran:M: 6] 2016-09-06 15:51:14.913  Invoke 364 Finish QueryConfigTarget on EnvironmentBrowser:1-envmgr [] - Serial:0,009, Server:000,369
[viclient:SoapTran:M: 6] 2016-09-06 15:51:14.913  Invoke 365 Start QueryConfigOption on EnvironmentBrowser:1-envmgr []. [operationID:28D58FA5-0000016D][Caller: VpxClient.VMConfig.ConfigEditor..ctor]
[viclient:SrvMsg  :M: 6] 2016-09-06 15:51:14.914  RMI Request Vmomi.EnvironmentBrowser.QueryConfigOption - 365<key /><host />
[viclient:SoapTran:W:17] 2016-09-06 15:51:29.429  Invoke 358 Finish WaitForUpdates on PropertyCollector:ha-property-collector [] - Serial:0,005, Server:031,417
[viclient:QuickInf:W:17] 2016-09-06 15:51:29.429  WaitForUpdates Version = 123
[viclient:SoapTran:W:17] 2016-09-06 15:51:29.430  Invoke 366 Start WaitForUpdates on PropertyCollector:ha-property-collector []. [operationID:28D58FA5-0000016E]
[viclient:SrvMsg  :W:17] 2016-09-06 15:51:29.430  RMI Request Vmomi.Core.PropertyCollector.WaitForUpdates - 366<version>123</version>
[viclient:SoapTran:M: 6] 2016-09-06 15:51:44.920  Invoke 365 Finish QueryConfigOption on EnvironmentBrowser:1-envmgr [] - Serial:0,000, Server:030,005 [ERROR]
VirtualInfrastructure.Exceptions.RequestTimedOut: La demande a échoué parce que le serveur à distance '' a mis trop de temps à répondre. (La commande a dépassé le délai car le serveur distant prend trop de temps pour répondre.)
 System.Net.WebException: La commande a dépassé le délai car le serveur distant prend trop de temps pour répondre.   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---   at VirtualInfrastructure.ManagedObject.InvokeMethod(MethodName, Object[])   at Vmomi.EnvironmentBrowser.QueryConfigOption(String, HostSystem)   at VpxClient.VMConfig.ConfigEditor..ctor(VirtualMachine, ICollection)   at VpxClient.Common.UiCommands+VirtualMachine.Edit(VirtualMachine, Boolean)   at VpxClient.InventoryContextMenus.miVmProperties_Click(Object, EventArgs)
...   at System.Windows.Forms.Application.Run()
[viclient:Error   :M: 6] 2016-09-06 15:51:44.923  RMI Error Vmomi.EnvironmentBrowser.QueryConfigOption - 365<Error type="VirtualInfrastructure.Exceptions.RequestTimedOut">  <Message>La demande a échoué parce que le serveur à distance '' a mis trop de temps à répondre. (La commande a dépassé le délai car le serveur distant prend trop de temps pour répondre.)</Message>  <InnerException type="System.Net.WebException">    <Message>La commande a dépassé le délai car le serveur distant prend trop de temps pour répondre.</Message>    <Status>Timeout</Status>  </InnerException>  <Title>Erreur de connexion</Title>  <InvocationInfo type="VirtualInfrastructure.MethodInvocationInfoImpl">    <StackTrace type="System.Diagnostics.StackTrace">      <FrameCount>35</FrameCount>    </StackTrace>    <MethodName>Vmomi.EnvironmentBrowser.QueryConfigOption</MethodName>    <Target type="ManagedObject">EnvironmentBrowser:1-envmgr []</Target>    <Args>      <item />      <item />    </Args>  </InvocationInfo>  <WebExceptionStatus>Timeout</WebExceptionStatus>  <SocketError>Success</SocketError></Error>
[        :ShowExcp:M: 6] 2016-09-06 15:51:44.924  Erreur de connexion: La demande a échoué parce que le serveur à distance '' a mis trop de temps à répondre. (La commande a dépassé le délai car le serveur distant prend trop de temps pour répondre.)
VirtualInfrastructure.Exceptions.RequestTimedOut: La demande a échoué parce que le serveur à distance '' a mis trop de temps à répondre. (La commande a dépassé le délai car le serveur distant prend trop de temps pour répondre.)   à VirtualInfrastructure.Soap.SoapServiceWrapper.DoInvokeSync(ManagedObject mo, MethodName methodName, Object[] parameters, Int32 timeoutSecs)   à VirtualInfrastructure.Soap.SoapTransport.VirtualInfrastructure.Transport.InvokeMethod(ManagedObject mo, MethodName methodName, Object[] pars)   à VirtualInfrastructure.ManagedObject.InvokeMethod(MethodName methodName, Object[] pars)   à Vmomi.EnvironmentBrowser.QueryConfigOption(String key, HostSystem host)   à VpxClient.VMConfig.ConfigEditor..ctor(VirtualMachine vm, ICollection clientConnections)   à VpxClient.Common.UiCommands.VirtualMachine.Edit(VirtualMachine vm, Boolean startWithProfilesTab)
 System.Net.WebException: La commande a dépassé le délai car le serveur distant prend trop de temps pour répondre.   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---


Again I got timeout, too much time to respond, Connection error,  ..etc..


This issue occur after some raid error, ESXi server install on raid5 with 3 hard disk and 1 past out. But every thing still work great ! Virtual Machine still running great. I don't understand why i can't access my VM settings.


If someone can help me on this one !


Best regards,



Get-ContentLibraryItem doesn't work




I just installed PowerCLI 6.3 Release 1, in order to get 'Get-ContentLibraryItem' cmdlet available.

After launching the console, and connect to a vCenter, I run 'Get-ContentLibraryItem' command but, nothing happens.

The console doesn't return anything and it's like stuck. I can't even stop the command by CTRL+C.


It works for the other commands with no issue (get-vm, get-vmhost, and so on).


Has anybody been able to get content library information via PowerCLi?


If anybody can help, no idea how to troubleshoot this issue.



Thanks in advance.


View Smart Card info


Anyone found a way to view with PowerCLI whether or not smart card authentication is enabled?  AD info seems hard to come by via PowerCLI!


one vcenter with srm


i have one vCenter 6 and i have 2 clusters on it . i want to install srm 6 on this infrastructure . is it possiple ?


how to reinstall vcenter 5.5 in Suse linux


I have few errors in existing vcenter 5.5.


How to reinstall vcenter 5.5 with existing data in linux server ?


Copy-Harddisk error


When I copy all the hard disks of VM named "1", it copies all the disk to destination folder named "2" in datastore named "Data", the below command works:-

Get-HardDisk -VM 1 | Copy-HardDisk "[Data] 2/"


When I try to copy only one particular Disk it errors out as below :-

Get-HardDisk -VM 1 | Copy-HardDisk -HardDisk "[Data] 1/1.vmdk" -DestinationPath "[Data] 2/"

Copy-HardDisk : Cannot bind parameter 'HardDisk'. Cannot convert the "[Data] 1/1.vmdk" value of type "System.String" to type


At line:1 char:46

+ Get-HardDisk -VM 1 | Copy-HardDisk -HardDisk "[Data] 1/1.vmdk" -DestinationPath  ...

+                                              ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    + CategoryInfo          : InvalidArgument: (:) [Copy-HardDisk], ParameterBindingException

    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : CannotConvertArgumentNoMessage,VMware.VimAutomation.ViCore.Cmdlets.Commands.CopyHardDisk

Any help, thanks


Does player support suspend on host shutdown?


Does VMware player (I'm using version 7.1.4) support suspending the running VMs when the host OS (Windows 7) is shut down (or the user logs off)?


I just tried to shutdown the host and Window tells me the VMWare Player processes are holding the process.


I could swear this worked on the other computer, but that might have been VirtualPC and not VMWare Player. So someone please just confirm if VMware has this feature or not.





Edge Gateway Rules Overwritten/Deleted


Hi Guys,


Not sure if I'm going at this the correct way but the challenge we have is creating rule sets within new Edge devices, each devices needs 30-40 rules to be configured.


To better manage this i started adding the required rules from vShield Manager rather than vCloud Director console as you can use predefined  groups for source, destination and service making the config much quicker.


The problem is if you add any rules though vShield Manager on the Edge Gateway firewall tab they are removed any time you edit the Edge in vCloud Director.


Dose anyone have any experience with this or have a good way to template, automate or improve the provisioning process of Edge devices?


Thanks in advance,




Snapshot Memory Defaults can they be changed to be False?


I am using VMware 5.5, but this question I guess applies to 4.1 as well. I have issues with both Backup Exec and Veeam taking snapshots that include memory. This results in snapshots taking a long time and delaying the backup runs. It also has impact on some time sensitive applications (e.g. JDE) which then stop after the snapshot.


I understand the default is for snapshots to be taken with memory; thus any 3rd party backup tool that just requests a snapshot via the API will take a snapshot with memory.

I also understand that if I manually take a snapshot and un tick the memory option then subsequent backups (of that system), and snapshots will run without memory.


What I want to be able to do is to change the default behaviour of snapshots at the vCenter or ESXi host level so that I can turn off memory on all VM snapshots without taking a snapshot.


Is this possible? If so, how would I do it.


Single vShield Edge backup and restore




As far as I know, there is no possibility to backup and restore an individual Edge VM on vShield Manager interface. But it should be possible with PowerCLI scripts with VSM API.

If anyone had already done this, it would be appreciated if he can share this with the community




Switch values for 'VC:X' type parameters based on parameter value of type 'VC:Datacenter'


Hello All,


I am looking for a way to switch values for input parameters of the type 'VC:X' based on the value of an input parameter of type 'VC:Datacenter'.  Consider the following: 


The "Clone thin provisioned..." workflow requires among other input, a Datastore and VMFolder.  Our software R & D vCenter implementation places users from distinct business units into distinct datacenters to assist with logical grouping as well as acting as a cost center.  The idea is that by prompting for the datacenter to which a user belongs, the workflow would then map/script/hardcode that clones would therefore be created in storage and VM folders belonging to that datacenter.  Down the road, there are additional 'VC:X' type variables that I will need to map as I work further with VMs.  VC:Network and VC:HostSystem would seem to be among them. 


Does anyone have any thoughts on how input parameters of type 'VC:X' may be mapped by way of a specified VC:Datacenter parameter?

- I could simply expose each parameter of type 'VC:X' but that is a lot of drilling for user input when something could be mapped 'by definition' - especially if you consider my earlier post about specifying a root object from the web client apparently not working. 

- I could maintain multiple copies of the "Clone thin provisioned..." workflow, hard code each input of type 'VC:X' to an attribute, and then add those elements as required - but that seems like a lot of unnecessary duplication. 


Appliance version Build 4276164

Workflow Designer version

Java version 1.8.0_92

vSphere Web Client version 6.0.0 Build 2997665


Any thoughts would be appreciated.  Thank you


change ip of standalone 5.5 sso (not changing fqdn)


How to disable "Snapshot's the virtual machine memory" for users


Hello All,


I want to disable "Snapshot's the virtual machine memory" checkbox for my users. Is there a way to do this?





Failure to create a build profile from an existing VM


I am attempting to use studiocli to create a build profile from a Centos 7 minimal OS install VM I created using vSphere Web Client on our ESX server running 5.5 using the instructions from Chapter 14: Build From and Existing VM of the 2.6 Developer's Guide.  I had no issues creating the VM, installed the provagent, and shut down the VM. However, when I to import the vm using


studiocli --importvm --name TestMinCentos7 -v


It is failing discovery


root@emtbuild:/opt/vmware/etc/new_os# studiocli --importvm --name TestMinCentos7 -v

This tool guides you to create an importing profile.

Type *TAB* twice to get hint for answer.


Tell me about the INPUT VM.

Source VM Location [type "vi" for remote VM]: vi                                                                                                              

Please follow the instruction to find the source VM on remote host.

REMOTE ENGINE TYPE: esx                                                                                                                                       

REMOTE ENGINE VERSION : 5                                                                                                                                     

HOST: emtesx                                                                                                                                                  

PORT [443]:                                                                                                                                                   

USERNAME [root]:                                                                                                                                              



[INFO ]: Contacting <emtesx:443> to get information about datacenter/datastore/...

Resource pool [optional, ]:                                                                                                                                   

[INFO ]: Read the VM list at <ha-datacenter/host/emtesx.tavve.com> ...

Choose existing VM: SteveL-CentOS7.2Min                                                                                                                       

[INFO ]: Read the snapshot list of VM <SteveL-CentOS7.2Min> ...

Choose snapshot [optional]:                                                                                                                                   

Linux OS vendor [optional]: Centos                                                                                                                            

Linux OS major version [optional]: 7                                                                                                                          

Linux OS minor version [optional]: 2                                                                                                                          


Tell me about provisioning settings for VM discovery!

The provisioning host is defaulted to be <emtesx:443>.

Resource pool [optional, ]:                                                                                                                                   

[INFO ]: Read the VM list at <ha-datacenter/host/emtesx.tavve.com> ...

Datastore [NFS2]: Datastore2                                                                                                                                  

Network [VM Network]:                                                                                                                                         

Choose a name for transient VM? The following VM names are in using: SteveL-CentOS7.2Min,

Name for Transient VM [optional, SteveL-CentOS7.2Min]:TestMin7.2                                                                                              

[INFO ]: Creating importing profile ...

Path to save importing profile: /root/importp                                                                                                                 

The profile "/root/importp.xml" is created

Starting VM importing process; This process may take a while.

Note that the provisioning agent /etc/vmware-studio/provagentd must exist in the input VM for the import process to proceed.

If the agent is not already in place, terminate this process, copy /opt/vmware/www/provagent/vmware-studio-provagent*(deb|rpm) from VMware Studio to the input VM, install it, shut down the VM, and restart this process.

VMware Studio Version - Build 631426

Description - VMware Studio


Preparing input VM for discovery.

Connecting to <ESX> at <emtesx> as <root>.

Scanning for conflicting VM on provisioning host.

Initiating VM discovery process.

Preparing ISO with discovery scripts to be executed in the input VM.

Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at /opt/vmware/lib/build/VADK/VMDiscovery.pm line 238.

Failure: Aborted by user or system intervention (signal Can't locate auto/VADK/ProvInterface/VimESX/attachCdFlo.al in @INC (@INC contains:  /opt/vmware/lib/build /etc/perl /usr/local/lib/perl/5.8.8 /usr/local/share/perl/5.8.8 /usr/lib/perl5 /usr/share/perl5 /usr/lib/perl/5.8 /usr/share/perl/5.8 /usr/local/lib/site_perl . /opt/vmware/lib/build) at /opt/vmware/share/build/import.pl line 288

was caught).

Use of uninitialized value in substitution (s///) at /usr/share/perl/5.8/File/Basename.pm line 338.

fileparse(): need a valid pathname at /opt/vmware/lib/build/VADK/ProvInterface/Vim.pm line 400


The perl script /opt/vmware/lib/build/VADK/VMDiscovery.pm is complaining on the following line:


   my $isoPath = $discoverDir.'/'.$VADK::Build::provConfig{VADK::Constants::K_VMNAME}.'_'.VADK::Constants::PROVISO;


$VADK::Build::provConfig{VADK::Constants::K_VMNAME} is not initialized and there the script fails. $VADK::Build::provConfig is used several times in the script so something must be wrong with my installation.


Please help understand Horizon Products


I am new to Horizon products. Please help understand what this product does in simple English terms (Not copy and paste).


What is the idea behind the product and what is its purpose?

How does it work?

What components required server/client etc?


What are these sub-products:

Horizon 7.0.1 View Connection Server (64-bit)

Horizon 7.0.1 View Agent (64-bit)

Horizon 7.0.1 Persona Management (64 bit)


Thanks in advance.
PS. please use your own words.


Use vRealize Operations to get VM snapshots and date taken




I'm using vROPs 6.2 and I'm building health reports. One of the things that we really would like to know is which VMs have a snapshot and what date the snapshot was created on. I'm halfway there with the "Disk Space|Snapshot Space" Metric. However I cannot figure out if it is possible to tie a date to when the snapshot was created.


Is it possible to use vROPs to find a date when a snapshot was taken? and if so could you provide me some pointers?




Error when creating a Logical Switch - A specified parameter was not correct: spec.uplinkTeamingPolicy.uplinkPortOrder.activeUplinkPort


I'm trying to create a logical switch and I get the following error:



Error creating network vxw-dvs-19864-virtualwire-8-sid-5003-LS3 - A specified parameter was not correct: spec.uplinkTeamingPolicy.uplinkPortOrder.activeUplinkPort; nested exception is com.vmware.vim.binding.vmodl.fault.InvalidArgument:

invalidProperty = spec.uplinkTeamingPolicy.uplinkPortOrder.activeUplinkPort

inherited from com.vmware.vim.binding.vmodl.fault.InvalidArgument: A specified parameter was not correct: spec.uplinkTeamingPolicy.uplinkPortOrder.activeUplinkPort.



I see between the messages in the error a problem with the uplink port order. In my case I have two VTEP and the teaming is Load Balance - srcid.  Any help will be appreciated. Thanks


Not receiving license key for Server


I've tried two email addresses, multiple times, and am still not receiving the email with the license key for activation (VMware Server 2.0.2 for Windows).  I've sent test emails from outside addresses to each of my email addresses, and those get through fine, so it seems that the emails are not being generated.  When I registered for the second address, I received a new account email from vmware.com almost immediately, so other emails from vmware are getting through.  I see from searches that this has been issue in the past, as well.

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