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Modifying virtual machine custom attributes values using pyvmomi


There is a discussion https://communities.vmware.com/thread/474322?start=0&tstart=0 which talks about creating virtual machine custom attribute using pyvmomi.

I want to set and get virtual machine custom attribute values using pyvmomi. What are the steps I can take to do that. 

For example I create a custom attribute like this

Name : owner

Type : Virtual Machine

Value : {not set}


I want steps to set the value to "Tom" for a specific vm whose name is "myvm". Then read the value for the vm "myvm" to check if it is still "Tom".

JavaScript Question: Setting VMWare enumerated value




I'm new to JavaScript so I apologize for such a n00b question, but I'm having difficulty setting the time zone in a workflow that clones a VM.  Can any post a code line setting a time zone value?


Also, if you're building a Windows host with volume licensing, what options do you generally set for licensing when building the spec?  Leave it null?


Sorry for the basic questions, this stupid little thing is all I couldn't figure out by myself up to this point.

VCPU to PCPU allocation


I am running 4 ESXI host in a cluster suing VSphere 5.5 with VRealize 6.2 in production.  What is VMWare best practice for VCPU  guest allocation, I am using 1:1 I have 80 cores  between the 4 host and according to VRealize 25% is used for HA buffering.curr ently I have 29 virtual servers 54 VCPU VRealize says there is 0% remaining capicity.

Copying files from one ds to another


Hi guys.


for legal reason, I need to make snapshot (with memory) for a considerable number of vms and take them to another datastore.


So if I did it manually it would be:


take snapshot

browse datastore

copy vmdk and vmsn to another datastore


I need to automate this.


the snapshots are already done

- created text file with vm names

- Get-Content .\TEXTFILE.txt | ForEach-Object {get-vm $_ | New-Snapshot -name SNAPNAME -memory:$true }


Now, I'm trying to copy files and with the following, it does not copy everything I need... (powercli gives copy-item : Operation is not valid due to the current state of the object.) and only copies one item)


- Create csv file with: vmname,ds,folder


- use those lines:


import-csv CSVFILE.csv |

ForEach {

$ds = get-datastore -name $_.ds

$folder = $_.folder

$vmname = $_.vmname

$newds = Get-Datastore -Name DATASTORENAME

New-PSDrive -Location $newds -Name newds -PSProvider VimDatastore -Root "\"

New-PSDrive -Location $ds -Name oldds -PSProvider VimDatastore -Root "\"

copy-item "oldds:\$folder\*" "newds:\vmfolder\$vmname"

get-psdrive oldds | remove-psdrive

get-psdrive newds | remove-psdrive




I'm cutting my hairs overs this one.


Any ideas?



Locale used by vmrc




What are the parameters used by the VMRC application to specify the language to use when running?


I'm running a Windows 7 SP1 English, i have change the default input language to French at the installation.


Every time i used the VMRC application, it use a french local instead of an english and i would like to change that behaviour.


Thanking you in advance,



Taking forever for vApp templates to be available in vRA


Is there a setting somewhere to get vApp templates to appear quicker in vRealize Automation?


If I create a vApp template (or copy one from one catalog to another) in vCloud Air and then go into vRealize Automation (vRA) and try to use it, it will not appear - sometimes not for hours later.  I've tried doing an inventory rescan of the compute resource for vCloud Air - several times in fact - and it can take anywhere from 30 mins to several hours for the vApp template to finally show up in vRA so I can use it in a blueprint.  It's really annoying because if I have even a small change I need to make on a vApp template, I then have to wait hours sometimes in order to actually test it out.  And the process is repeated.  So it can literally take days to fully test/update/test a new vApp template in vRA.

Testing vSAN


Other than the built in Proactive test how else do you test you #vsan cluster before putting into production?

VUM available in C# but not in Web Client


I just installed VUM but I cannot see the tabs or icon in the Web Client. I am however able to see and manage things in the C# client.


vCenter server appliance with embedded PSC - Build Number 3343022

VUM installed on Server 2012 R2

I re-registered using the IP instead of the FQDN as well as rebooted the VCSA but nothing changed.

Any ideas?

Windows 10 Start Menu not working after refresh/recompose


Has anyone else run into this issue or know anything about it?  If I provision a new linked-clone VM running Windows 10 and log into it with using a writable volume (UIA plus profile template), refresh or recompose, then login again, the Start Menu and Edge don't work at all.


Here are the steps I'm testing with.

  • Provision a Windows 10 VM using linked-clones
    • Nothing is on the base VM except VMware Tools, Horizon Agent, and App Volumes Agent
    • I've also applied the Windows 10 optimization settings from VMware (minus a few settings)
  • Login with a new writable volume assigned to the user account
  • Verify Start Menu / Edge work fine
  • Create a small text file on the desktop to confirm when we log back in that it's attaching the writable volume
  • Restart
  • Manually initiate a refresh or recompose
  • Login; notice the text file exists and it shows the writable is attached
  • Attempt to use Start Menu / Edge and neither work


Here's my environment.

  • Windows 10 build 1511.1 (April 2016) 64-bit
  • VMware Horizon 7.0
  • App Volumes 2.10


I do have some AppStacks assigned to my user account but I can't foresee how that would break things.

vSphere 6u2 and EMC UnityVSA and VVOLs -> Protocol Endpoints are not created


Hi all,


I've just installed UnityVSA from EMC (Version 4.0.1) in my lab with vSphere 6u2.


I've created an old fashioned VMFS-Datastore on a LUN and an NFS-Datastore on a share. Everything is working fine.


Then I created using Unisphere a Datastore for blockbased VVOLs (via iSCIS) and for filebased VVOLs (via NFS). Everything went fine in the UnityVSA.


Then I added the StorageProvider in vCenter - also this workes without error.


BUT: There are no PEs created on the vSphere.


The PEs are present on the UnityVSA (output from uemcli executed directly on the UnityVSA):


18:25:40 service@VIRT1636W2LHJW-spa spa:~> uemcli -d localhost -u admin -securePassword /stor/prov/vmware/pe show


Storage system address: localhost

Storage system port: 443

HTTPS connection



1:    ID                   = rfc4122.b835c8dd-5cc2-48d8-9bb6-4e1483c35ecf

      Name                 = nas_pe_3

      Type                 = NAS

      VMware UUID          = rfc4122.b835c8dd-5cc2-48d8-9bb6-4e1483c35ecf

      Export path          =

      IP address           =

      WWN                  =

      Default SP           =

      Current SP           =

      NAS Server           = nas_1

      VMware NAS PE server = PES_1

      VVol datastore       = res_9

      Host                 =

      Health state         = OK (5)

      Health details       = "The protocol endpoint is operating normally. No action is required."



2:    ID                   = rfc4122.60060160-b2ed-2021-a932-d2f0067c0253

      Name                 = scsi_pe_13

      Type                 = SCSI

      VMware UUID          = rfc4122.60060160-b2ed-2021-a932-d2f0067c0253

      Export path          =

      IP address           =

      WWN                  = 60:06:01:60:B2:ED:20:21:A9:32:D2:F0:06:7C:02:53

      Default SP           = SPA

      Current SP           = SPA

      NAS Server           =

      VMware NAS PE server =

      VVol datastore       =

      Host                 = Host_1

      Health state         = OK (5)

      Health details       = "The protocol endpoint is operating normally. No action is required."



3:    ID                   = rfc4122.60060160-b2ed-2021-a2df-e66d9f94b2d1

      Name                 = scsi_pe_14

      Type                 = SCSI

      VMware UUID          = rfc4122.60060160-b2ed-2021-a2df-e66d9f94b2d1

      Export path          =

      IP address           =

      WWN                  = 60:06:01:60:B2:ED:20:21:A2:DF:E6:6D:9F:94:B2:D1

      Default SP           = SPA

      Current SP           = SPA

      NAS Server           =

      VMware NAS PE server =

      VVol datastore       =

      Host                 = Host_2

      Health state         = OK (5)

      Health details       = "The protocol endpoint is operating normally. No action is required."



4:    ID                   = rfc4122.60060160-b2ed-2021-b146-73a102b508cf

      Name                 = scsi_pe_15

      Type                 = SCSI

      VMware UUID          = rfc4122.60060160-b2ed-2021-b146-73a102b508cf

      Export path          =

      IP address           =

      WWN                  = 60:06:01:60:B2:ED:20:21:B1:46:73:A1:02:B5:08:CF

      Default SP           = SPA

      Current SP           = SPA

      NAS Server           =

      VMware NAS PE server =

      VVol datastore       =

      Host                 = Host_3

      Health state         = OK (5)

      Health details       = "The protocol endpoint is operating normally. No action is required."



19:02:21 service@VIRT1636W2LHJW-spa spa:~>


Also the appropriate LUNs for the blockbased VVOLs are created and provisioned (snipplet form vmkernel.log from one of the ESXi; the iSCSI-LUNs are available via two paths):


2016-09-09T18:38:00.810Z cpu3:32925)ScsiPath: 604: Path vmhba33:C0:T3:L1023 is a VVol PE (ver:6)

2016-09-09T18:38:00.811Z cpu1:32924)ScsiPath: 604: Path vmhba33:C0:T2:L1023 is a VVol PE (ver:6)


I can create the VVOL-Datastore from vSphere Web Client, the appropriate Storage Containers (i.e. "Datastores" from UnityVSA) are presented. But as there are no PEs, the Datastores are unaccessible and show a size of 0 bytes (output from PowerCLI):


PowerCLI C:\> get-datastore vvol*

Name                               FreeSpaceGB      CapacityGB

----                               -----------      ----------

vvol-nfs-vsa-1                           0,000           0,000

vvol-iscsi-vsa-1                         0,000           0,000

PowerCLI C:\>


By the way, the vvold on the ESXi ist not running, it says, that there is no VVOL-configuration.


[/etc/init.d/vvold: /etc/init.d/vvold start, called by pid 43665]

[/etc/init.d/vvold: vvold max reserve memory set to 200]

2016-09-09T20:20:15.054Z Section for VMware ESX, pid=43696, version=6.0.0, build=4192238, option=Release

------ Early init logs start --------

2016-09-09T20:20:15.052Z info -[FFD82350] [Originator@6876 sub=Default] Successfully registered SIGHUP handler

2016-09-09T20:20:15.052Z info -[FFD82350] [Originator@6876 sub=Default] Successfully registered SIGPIPE handler

2016-09-09T20:20:15.052Z info -[FFD82350] [Originator@6876 sub=Default] Successfully registered SIGTERM handler

------ Early init logs end   --------

2016-09-09T20:20:15.054Z info vvold[FFD82350] [Originator@6876 sub=Default] Logging uses fast path: true

2016-09-09T20:20:15.054Z info vvold[FFD82350] [Originator@6876 sub=Default] The bora/lib logs WILL be handled by VmaCore

2016-09-09T20:20:15.054Z info vvold[FFD82350] [Originator@6876 sub=Default] Initialized channel manager

2016-09-09T20:20:15.055Z info vvold[FFD82350] [Originator@6876 sub=Default] Current working directory: /var/log/vmware

2016-09-09T20:20:15.055Z info vvold[FFDC3B70] [Originator@6876 sub=ThreadPool] Thread enlisted

2016-09-09T20:20:15.055Z info vvold[FFE04B70] [Originator@6876 sub=ThreadPool] Thread enlisted

2016-09-09T20:20:15.055Z info vvold[FFE45B70] [Originator@6876 sub=ThreadPool] Thread enlisted

2016-09-09T20:20:15.055Z info vvold[FFD82350] [Originator@6876 sub=ThreadPool] Thread pool on asio: Min Io, Max Io, Min Task,

Max Task, Max Concurency: 2, 22, 2, 52, 2147483647

2016-09-09T20:20:15.055Z info vvold[FFD82350] [Originator@6876 sub=ThreadPool] Thread enlisted

2016-09-09T20:20:15.055Z info vvold[FFE86B70] [Originator@6876 sub=ThreadPool] Thread enlisted

2016-09-09T20:20:15.055Z info vvold[FFD82350] [Originator@6876 sub=Default] Syscommand enabled: true

2016-09-09T20:20:15.056Z info vvold[FFD82350] [Originator@6876 sub=Default] ReaperManager Initialized

2016-09-09T20:20:15.056Z info vvold[FFD82350] [Originator@6876 sub=Default] Initalized App with config file:/etc/vmware/vvold/config.xml

2016-09-09T20:20:15.056Z info vvold[FFD82350] [Originator@6876 sub=Default] Listening on port 8090 (NOT using SSL) using version 'vvol.version.version1'.

2016-09-09T20:20:15.056Z info vvold[FFD82350] [Originator@6876 sub=Default] Initializing SOAP tcp adapter

2016-09-09T20:20:15.056Z info vvold[FFD82350] [Originator@6876 sub=Default.HTTPService] Using default for nonChunkingAgents: 'VMware VI Client|VMware-client|VMware-client/3.*'

2016-09-09T20:20:15.056Z info vvold[FFD82350] [Originator@6876 sub=Default.HTTPService] Using default for agentsNeedingContentLength: 'VMware-client'

2016-09-09T20:20:15.056Z info vvold[FFD82350] [Originator@6876 sub=Default.HTTPService] Max buffered response size is 104857600 bytes

2016-09-09T20:20:15.056Z info vvold[FFD82350] [Originator@6876 sub=Default] enableChunkedResponses: true

2016-09-09T20:20:15.057Z info vvold[FFD82350] [Originator@6876 sub=Libs] UUID: Running in UW, but cannot verify vmk syscall version, giving up.

2016-09-09T20:20:15.057Z info vvold[FFD82350] [Originator@6876 sub=Libs] UUID: Valid gethostid routine. Value = A8C01704.

2016-09-09T20:20:15.058Z info vvold[FFD82350] [Originator@6876 sub=Default] Creating SOAP body handler for version 'vvol.version.version1'

2016-09-09T20:20:15.058Z info vvold[FFD82350] [Originator@6876 sub=SOAP-1] Created SOAP body handler for vvol.version.version1 (vvol/1.0)

2016-09-09T20:20:15.058Z info vvold[FFD82350] [Originator@6876 sub=Default] Creating SOAP body handler for internal version 'vvol.version.version1'

2016-09-09T20:20:15.058Z info vvold[FFD82350] [Originator@6876 sub=SOAP-2] Created SOAP body handler for vvol.version.version1 (internalvvol/1.0)

2016-09-09T20:20:15.066Z error vvold[FFD82350] [Originator@6876 sub=Default] VVold SI:main, no VVol config available, exiting

[/etc/init.d/vvold: /etc/init.d/vvold stopnomemclear, called by pid 43701]

[/etc/init.d/vvold: vvold stopped.]

[/etc/init.d/vvold: WaitVvoldToComeUp /var/run/vmware/.vmware-vvol.started created]

[/etc/init.d/vvold: vvold stopped after start!]

[/etc/init.d/vvold: /var/run/vmware/.vmware-vvol.started is not created]

[/etc/init.d/vvold: Successfully cleared vvold memory reservation]


With "esxcli storage vvol vasaprovider list" I don't get a Storage Provider listed - although it's registered in vCenter (and listed as online vie the Web Client).


Anything I should be missing, but at the moment, I don't have any idea to go further. Any help very appreciated.


Best regards,


USB not working for Horizon 7


Hi all,


Recently installed Horizon 7 VDI. I have the apps and desktops being presented fine, but USB redirection shows "disabled" in the agent settings. I checked Global Policies and verified USB is enabled.





Edge hijacking pdf file type association in Windows 10


Hi, I set file type associations successfully in UEM for mp4 and wmv to open with VLC, but with pdf, the setting will not change.  I'm able to use the control panel "default applications" menu to make PDFs open with Adobe Reader XI, but that setting won't persist.


I tried putting in this key as a partially enforced predefined setting for registry keys in Windows 10 but that didn't work.  I tried baking it into the default user's ntuser.dat on the image and that didn't help either:




Has anyone here seen this problem?

Unable to migrate VMs from one cluster to another.




I have been facing issue while migrating VMs from one cluster to another. While checking compatibility in wizard, I am getting below error.


"The target host doesn't support the virtual machine's current hardware requirements"


I have checked there's no any reservation on CPU and memory resources of VMs, neither EVC is enabled on both of clusters.


Also, both clusters have Intel CPUs and same esxi versions (ESXI 5.5). Same SSO domain of vcenter as well.


What else other options I need to check ????



forced to provide RSA 2FA creds TWICE when load balancing via F5


I'm testing out load balancing via an F5 (not with an iApp, just super basic F5 config) and it's working. but I am finding that when i first connect with my client i have to provide 2FA, then i get a list of VM's, then when i select a VM to connect to i get prompted for 2FA credentials a second time. i also have to wait for the passcode to change before inputting it on this second prompt, otherwise i get Access Denied. Has anyone seen this or know how to fix it? i googled around and found nothing in F5 nor View documents. once i provide the second credentials, i can connect just fine.

infoblox 4.0 plugin and vRA 7.1


Anyone running this?  if so, is your vRA 7.1 a minimal install or HA (medium / large), using embedded vRO too.   If you have a medium / large, does the plugin work ok?

Code stream forum and usage of Houdini (IT devops management pack)


Apparently code stream "Houdini" is the best thing to replicate content between vRA instances. If you aren't using this, how do you keep content in sync across vRA environments?


PS - the code stream forum appears to be locked down.

nsx lab on 2 hosts


I got a test vcenter that has one cluster and 2 hosts. Can I setup a nsx lab on this? or do I need at least 2 clusters?

no nsx manager available


I deployed my nsx manager and registered both lookup service and vcenter but when I go to nsx manager in the web client I see this. any idea? I am logged in as administrator@vsphere.local

cambio de tamaño de maquina virtual, ESXI 6.0


Tengo una maquina que quiero reducir su tamaño.  Es un Windows 2003. La quiero reducir por que la hice de 160 GB pero realmente con 90 me vale. El tamaño del Windows es de 80 realmente.

Use el gparted, y redimensione a 85 GB. Pero los tamaños en el hypervisor no los puedo retocar o no se. El tipo de disco que monté es THIN


Os adjunto pantallazos.mv_01.png










Gracias por vuestro tiempo chicos.

Different Color Icons in the Restore Tab


Can someone point me to some documentation that explains what the different colored icons mean when I select a guest to restore?  Some of the backups are Orange icons some of the backups are green with a red dot in the top left.



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