Workstation 9 takes > 3 mins to shut down XP instances. Sometimes > 5 mins...
This is driving me nuts. I go to shut down a vm in Workstation 9.0.2 running on my developer machine (Windows 7 x64, 16GB ram, 500GB SSD), and it TAKES FOREVER (if it ever completes at all). If I use...
View ArticleWhy are there two edge device vms for my single edge device?
They have the same name, but one ends with '-0' and the other ends with '-1'. Is this the high availability fail over pair?
View ArticleMigracion esxi 4.1u2 a esxi 5.1u1. Problemas de espacio, recomendaciones
Buenas compañeros. Actualmente tenemos nuestro vcenter en un servidor fisico con windows 2008 r2 y un raid 1 de 36GB. El problema que tenemos que para hacer un upgrade a la nueva version 5.1u1a...
View ArticlevCenter Operations Manager 5.7 is now available
vCenter Operations Manager 5.7 is now available
View ArticleVM disk space allocation confusion
In the vSphere Client, my vCenter server, a Windows 2008 R2 virtual machine, shows under its Summary tab that the "Provisioned" space for it is 88.11GB; its "Not-shared Storage" is 56.24GB; its "Used"...
View ArticleESXi5 losing internet connectivity
Hi all, I have a ESXi5 box (Dell PE 2950) running Win2008 as a DC and DNS server as well as a ClearOS Pro 5.0 appliances running. They have been running fine for the the last year with no problems and...
View ArticleCan anyone tell me what's going on because I'm dead in the water.
VMware Player, version 5.0.2 build-1031769Host: WinXP3 (32 bit) The link below points to my OP...Player/Workstation clash (bug?) causes "Virtual Machine Settings" dialog to hang...but it goes deeper. I...
View ArticleDefault settings for edge gateway
I'm trying to troubleshoot my connetivity problems. My vapps can't connect to the external network; no ping, no internet, etc. They can ping the edge gateway and they can ping each other though. So,...
View ArticleIf my External Network VLAN, does my VCNI pool have to have that VLAN specified?
External Network runs on a portgroup with VLAN ID= X. If I use a VCNI Pool to create internal networks that will go out through that network, even if through an edge gateway, do they have to specify...
View ArticleEsxi 5.1 and Data ONTAP 8.1
I was trying to assign a LUN from our new netapp running ONTAP 8.1. Unfortunately ESXi fails when creating the VMFS on the LUN.We never had this problem with ONTAP 8.0Any had simialr experiences ?...
View ArticleInitial network setup for ESXi
Hi all, New VMware user here, setting up my first environment. I have an ESXi host that has four physical NiCs (NiC0, NiC1, NiC2, NiC3). I have installed ESXi, the VCVA appliance, and several VMs...
View ArticleSetting preferred DomainControllers on ESXi5
Hi all, in our Firewalls we can see, that the ESX-Hosts, which are configured to use AD-Authentication are using any DomainController which is avaible on the network, depending on the DNS-Answer ( DNS...
View ArticleAdaptec 7805 PCI Passthrough Issue w/ ESXi 5.1 and Ubuntu 12.04 + Windows...
Hello, I am pretty new to VMware/ESXi but I am taking ESXi 5.1 for a spin (free trial license) to see if it will become the hypervisor of choice for my home server. So far so good, until I wanted to...
View ArticleVCAP-DCD Подготовка к вопросам
Добрый день.В данном экзамене как мне известно присутствуют около 6 вопросов, где нужно составить логический дизайн архитектуры на Visio (поправьте плиз, если что-то понял не так), скажите, есть...
View Articlevm query script help
I've learned enough around here to compose the below scriptlet that will find VMs on specific datastores and attached to specific port groups but have been failing for hours trying to add another...
View ArticleWorkstation 7 graphics works with team fortress, but not newer versions.
Source thread: Screen turning white when launching Team Fortress 2 Still wondering, what did you people do to your graphics engine to wreck the graphics engine? Attempted to use with 8, and 9.02 and...
View ArticleVM sluggish performance
Hi All, Has any one seen VM Sluggish performance and it got resolved by vMotion?.Recently i got a call for sluggish performance on a VM, its a RedHat Linux VM i used top and all other tools to identify...
View Articleunable to connect to the MKS: internal error
Hi - can anyone help with this please I've been using Vsphere 4 for a couple of years at my last company - no problems, bullet proof reliaility Recently changed jobs and my current company is now...
View ArticleVMware Player 5.0.2 on Slackware 14 host - installation trouble?
Hello - I'm trying to install Player 5.0.2 on a headless Slack 14 system. I am invoking the installer as root with the '--console' parameter to eliminate some of the GTk failures I see in...
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