Hi all,
in our Firewalls we can see, that the ESX-Hosts, which are configured to use AD-Authentication are using any DomainController which is avaible on the network, depending on the DNS-Answer ( DNS asked for Domain-FQDN, answer is round-robin ),
so the authentication is often be done via WAN on a DC in a foreign location. In this case, the authentication takes a long time ( 20 - 30 sec. )..
In my opinion it would help to set UserVars.ActiveDirectoryPreferredDomainControllers, so the ESXi would probably only talk to the configured DC´s in our location.
Is that right? And, is it possible to set more than one DC? What is the separator? comma or semicolon ?
I would like to set these value via PowerCLI, my actual script to read the current values looks like:
$51hosts = Get-View -ViewType HostSystem -Filter @{"Summary.Config.Product.Version"="5.1.0"} |Sort-Object $_.Name | Select -ExpandProperty Name
foreach ($51host in $51hosts ) {
Get-VMHostAdvancedConfiguration -VMHost $51host -Name UserVars.ActiveDirectoryPreferredDomainControllers
#Set-VMHostAdvancedConfiguration -VMHost d100spwesxc0001* -Name UserVars.ActiveDirectoryPreferredDomainControllers -Value ",,"
Problem: The Values in $51hosts aren´t sorted by Name.
How do I sort the Hosts by name ( in $51hosts) and what is the seperator for the values ?
Thx in advanvce