I was looking some time ago to the certification community at the Oracle site and discovered for the first time that there is a (seems to me ) generally accepted idea that there are legitimate and not legitimate tools to prepare tests.
I would understand what is the mood about this in the VMware area. Looking on the net there are many collections of questions and answers on several subjects.
I strongly disagree on the approach I saw there which is to remember instead of understand: the question I saw everywhere is if the test is ""still vailid"",instead of if "the answers are correct to the questions" . But I do not think that practising in itself is wrong, as it is not the knife the problem, but the way is used (can be used to eat a steak or to kill someone).
So if VMware, Oracle and others would be sure of the value delivered with certification, they simply should ask for a kind of question which can not be solved remembering.
At the Politechnical School I attended years ago, there was a course where knowing previous questions was quite unuseful.
The professor often told : to pass this exam the requirement is to be "lazy". That is the difference between difficult and poorly complex.
Any opinion on this?
Fabio D'Alfonso