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Best Practises - disaster recovery - small enviroment - 2 host - shared storage - vmessential - noHA no vmotion


Hello, sorry for my bad english, i'm trying to write a to do list for a disaster recovery plan of my small enviroment.


So could you tell me if is all correct or do you make other things?


My situation:

2 host (host1 and host2) esxi 5 - 1 shared storage hp p2000 iscsi - vm essential (no HA no vmotion)

vcenter appliance running on host 1


i'm tryng to analyze alla cases of failure:


case 1 (named vcenter down)

host1 failure (host2 and shared storage running)


in this case i have to:

1 connect directly to host2 - browse datastore - register vcenter.vmx - and power up the machine

2 connect to vcenter activated on host2

3 remove host1 from inventory

4 browse datastore to register all virtualmachine.vmx to host2


is correct?


case 2 (named host2 down)


in this case vcenter is running so i have to:

1 connect to vcenter

2 remove host2 from inventory

3 browse datastore to register all virtualmachine.vmx to host2


case 3 (named shared storage down)

i have to call hp to repair p2000 and wait


if the storage is lost i have to buy a new host with good resource of space and ram and restore all virtual machine with veeam backup that backup vm all nights?


Is all correct?


Cheers and thanks for your contributions

Desktop Icon Size in Windows 10


In Windows 7, preserving users' desktop icon size and arrangement was as easy as this:





In Windows 10, the same does not work.  In my testing, I'm finding that when users' change the icon size on their desktop by either using the CTRL+wheel or just "right-click desktop --> View --> Large/medium/small Icon Size", the HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\Bags\1\Desktop\IconSize REG_DWORD registry key value does not change to reflect this.  The only way I'm finding to get this registry key to update to match the desired configuration is to click on the desktop and hit "F5" on the keyboard.  After that, the registry key value changes to match the newly set size.


If I exit explorer.exe or logoff the computer, the registry key does not update.  It appears to be necessary to "refresh" the desktop get the registry key to update the value for IconSize.  If I don't do this, restarting explorer.exe or loggong off/on does  not save the icon size because the registry key is not updated.


So basically, the change in icon size appears to stay in the memory of explorer.exe unless the desktop is 'refreshed' at whcih point the icon size change happens in the right registry key.


Does anyone know a better way to "trigger" this refresh before the user logs off so that the registry keys update as needed?

AV 2.11 and Office 365 (Office 2016)


I've seen this question asked already, but no clear response yet. We are looking to use Office 365 with Office 2016 and App Volumes. Is there support for this version in 2.11? If not, when can I expect it?



Horizon Adapter Instance Name blank on Horizon Adapter Self Health Dashboard in Horizon Adapter widgit- vRealize Operations for Horizon 6.3


Instance Names occasionally appear as blank on Horizon Adapter Self Health Dashboard under Horizon Adapter widgit.  The blank instance shows as data receiving in the widget but Horizon Adapter Statistics widget shows NO DATA.  Horizon Broker Agent widget shows all names and collecting.  Administration / Solutions / VMware Horizon shows the adapter instance is collecting and data receiving.   Usually will see 1 or 2 of the instances names in the dashboard go blank at a time.  Bringing cluster offline and back online is usual fix.  Anyone see this before?

Errore alla fine della virtualizzazione


Buonasera a tutti, in vista del cambio HD del mio notebbok, sto provando a virtualizzarlo con vCenter Converter per poi riprodurlo con Workstation Player sull'altro pc desktop.


Ieri sera dopo ben 9 ore di elaborazione mi ha restituito l'errore in allegato .  Unica particolarità è che nell'impostazione prima di avviare la conversione ho limitato la dimensione in GB a 300 : il disco originale è di 1 TB ma lo spazio veramente allocato è solo di 256 GB, non so se questo ha impallato il tutto.


Qualcuno può darmi qualche dritta per portare a buon fine la conversione ? E' normale che ci metta 9 ore ?? 





Win7 host, CentOS 7 guest, spurious unwanted keypress repeats


I'm having a problem with my CentOS 7 guest on Windows 7 host, whereby every once in a while (and fairly often), a keypress will just start to repeat so I get a whole string of "s" or "a" or CRs or whatever.  I have to press another key to get it to stop.  The standard fix of adding "keyboard.typematicMinDelay" to the vmx file doesn't seem to be working.


This also happened on my Windows 10 guest on the same Windows 7 host, and I was able to fix it by adding 'keyboard.typematicMinDelay = "2000000"' to its vmx file.  However, adding that same parameter to the CentOS guest's vmx file did nothing... the guest ignores it.


I also tried "xset r rate 1000 10" in the CentOS guest, and all that does is slow the rep rate down, but I still get repeats where I don't want them.


What can I do to make the CentOS guest recognize the changed keyboard.typematicMinDelay parameter?  As I said it just ignores it.


Version of Player is Workstation 12 Player version 12.1.0 build 3272444.





Unable to Configure Protection


Hello Guys

I have been trying to protect vm's on SRM. But everytime I try to do it, it fails with error : com.vmware.vcDr.dr.fault.InsufficientLicensesFault.summary

It says : There are not enough Licenses to Perform this operation.

I checked all the licenses we have and none are expired.

Any Idea ?

Error while powering on: The file specified is not a virtual disk


As of today I am not able to power on my VM. I use Moka5 but am not sure if this has anything to do with the issue. My virtual disk file(s) appear to be missing. When Player launches the VM it gives me the error: Error while powering on: The file specified is not a virtual disk. I've attached the VMX, VMDK descriptor, and VMware.log files for reference. Anybody know what I can do to resolve?

Handle vRA Request Error


Hi, everyone,


I'm currently working on create a 3rd party ticket when there is any error occurs during the provisioning process, which the main part is "How to trigger something when error occurs".

I have tried to subscription - machine provisioning, set condition to 'any event', but the workflow is not been triggered when some thing like 'no reservation available" error occurs. Is there anything custom properties required to enable some feature?


I found the document Configuring the Error Behavior for States and Events , but it's not clear how to use it. Anyone have example?

Thanks a lot

vGPU and Blast Extreme vs PCoIP




We have been running Horizon View 6 with vGPU enable (K1 and K2 cards) to support our CAD/Engineering team and we continue to get complaints that the 3D/Graphic performance isn't up to par.


We have tried various GPO settings to see if we can get the performance out of these VMs utilizing the PCoIP protocol..  We have plenty of resources for the VMs to access, however the users who are connecting are on a 6MB MPLS network. VMs are configured with K160 and K260 profiles.


In efforts to see if I could improve performance, I setup View 7 with the Blast Extreme protocol to see that would help vs. PCoIP.  A couple of the users informed it was about the same for graphic performance, but they noticed an improvement in file open times (not sure about that).


I keep coming across YouTube videos of 4K videos being played over Blast Extreme but to me that is not a big deal.  My engineers need to navigate, rotate, walkthrough various 3D models.  Are there "optimal" GPO setting for Blast Extreme Protocol I need to be adjusting based on the bandwidth available to the users?  The site where the VMs are hosted at have a 100MB MPLS connection.  I am wondering too if their is something inside the NVIDIA Control Panel for the driver that needs some tweeking as well.


Also, I was under the impress that the Blast Extreme protocol went over the 443 port and not 8443.  Is this true?


Greatly appreciate any direction, suggestion and support.


Thank You

Cannot access web application running on VM from other network computers


I have the following setup.

Client: Workstation 11 VM running Windows Server 2012 R2 with a web-based application server running.

Client Network Adapter: Bridged

Host: PC running Windows 7


Network connectivity between the host and client are good because I can use a browser in the client or host to access the web-based application in the VM.


The host is on a home office network ( behind a FIOS router with two other computers.

From the other two network computers I can ping the host and the client. But, when I try to access the web-based application on the client nothing happens. I get a message from the browser that the session timed out.


Additional information

The URL for the web-based app is http://<client_name>:10108.

Windows Firewall in the client is disabled.

Host files on all computers are pointing to the client IP address/computer name.

Host, client, and two network computer network adapters are setup for IPv4 to use DHCP to acquire IP addresses; the FIOS router is the DHCP server. All IP addresses are statically assigned in the FIOS router.

I can open the Ethernet0 adapter on the client and when I ping the client from any computer I can see the Sent and Received counters tick up. When I open a browser session to the web-based app in the host I can see the Sent and Received counters tick up. When I try to open a browser session from one of the other two computers, only the Sent counter ticks up a few bytes; the Received counter does not move.


Any help would be appreciated.

Does Chromebook folder redirection in Horizon 4.1 actually work ?


Prior to 4.1 support for local drive access / redirection for chromebooks was explicitly excluded .

However the chromebook specific doco for the newly released 4.1 has a section on how to implement / utilise drive / folder redirection. Which infers it is now supported.




However when I try  , it all sets up as per the doco ,  no errors etc , however the drive share doesn't show in the VDI view eg the drive is unselectable thus no content can be read.

I was abit worried when I saw the mention of \\tsclient , given a older terminal server type method.


The intent was to have access to a USB memory stick from within the VDI , when accessed via Horizon 4.1 running on Chromebook (chromeOS).

The USB is seen and supported when accessed directly within ChromeOS , and is vsibile for selection in the Horizon App , just not within VDI.


Is this meant to work ? 

Has anyone got it to work ?



How can I diagnose frequent Windows 7 BSOD?


Between the two of us using Workstation and a Windows 7 guest O/S, we experience a BSOD on the guest O/S one to five times every 24 hours, on average (but some are as many as 3 days apart). Both of us were using Workstation 10 until a few weeks ago when I upgraded to 12. Under Workstation 10, the Windows BSOD usually crashes the emulator also. Since I upgraded to 12, the VM itself has never crashed, but the guest O/S blue-screens and restarts almost every day (twice already today, though), and often after I have left for the day. All the occurrences I have seen report one of two causes, either Memory Management or something about a Driver parameter value, and both seem to occur with equal frequency. The O/S restarts fine, although it twice ran chkdsk last week, and everything works for several minutes, hours, or days until the next BSOD.

The forum has one post that may address the driver issue, [SOLVED] BSOD on vm3dmp.sys after installing VMWare Tools 7 on Windows 7, but I don't think we can locate the necessary disks to perform what it says, and it hurts to think I may be dealing with two different problems instead of one. Since the VM keeps humming along nicely, what forensic evidence should I collect from where to enable me to post a more succinct question about what is going wrong?

Help with persisting Office365 username as part of Office 2016


Each time I log on, I have to re-enter my Office365 and OneDrive for business username. Anyone know where this is stored?

Unlock lockdown after blocking all L2 traffic in Firewall


I was playing with settings in NSX Manager trough vCenter  and successfully locked a whole infrastructure. I have 10 VMs including Active Directory Domain Controller, vCenter, NSX controller, NSX Manager on a single host. All the VMs are connected to vDS. The last thing I did was going into Firewall menu (between NSX Edges and SpoofGuard on the left pane), Ethernet button and then enabling a rule inside it.


As a result I have no connection to VMs from outside, all the VMs don't see each other from inside. I only have access to the host's management kernel adapter/port and vDS (vSwitch) adapter/port. Also I can ping NSX Manager.


By using vShpere Client and connecting to the host, I can open a console of NSX Manager and ping NSX Controller. So NSX Manager has connectivity with the controller and the host. And how to disable firewall? NSX commands are useless, they are only "show" commands, I cannot control anything with NSX CLI.

prepare hosts in vcd via powerCLI


Hello, i am trying  to use a script to prepare esxi 5.5 / 6.0 hosts in vcd without storing the password in the script.  I found and have tested this http://blogs.vmware.com/PowerCLI/2012/04  from alanrenouf  but storing the password is a problem and i had issues getting it to pop up a prompt for the credentials.  is there a different way to do this and then disable the host afterwards in powerCLI?


I found this to disable a vcd host: Automating vCloud: "Disable Host" and "Redeploy All VMs" , again, not sure if there is other ways.


Thank you

Storage vMotion x Migrate Vms



Preciso fazer o storage vmotion do ambiente de legado para um ambiente novo criado em paralelo:

1) Posso migrar, considerando fazer o storage vmotion entre datacenters de versões diferentes? Ou versões de ESXi diferentes (5.0 to 6.0)

2) O storage vmotion é realizado através da rede vMotion somente? Ou posso fazê-lo através da rede SAN (HBAs)?

3) A melhor estratégia de migração seria inserir os hosts do cluster de legado (versão 5.0) no cluster novo (versão 6)?

Parsing the json output from a workflow


We are working on some ServiceNow integration with vRO7 and I am having a heck of a time parsing the json I'm getting back from vRO. Were I am running into problems is dot-walking the output-parameters. On the vRO side we have defined some outputs for simple things like ip address and FQDN that I'm trying to pull back into ServiceNow. When I parse the JSON on the SN side I feel like i should be able to access those key:value pairs at jsonObj.output-parameters.vmIpAddress and so on but am having a heck of a time finding the values. Am I going about this completely wrong?

macOS Sierra 10.12 GM (Gold Master) as host Error starting VM "Could not open /dev/vmmon: No such file or directory." VMWare Fusion 8.1.1


I seen some earlier versions were also popping up "Could not open /dev/vmmon: No such file or directory.", with remedies such as:


1. Reinstall VMWare Fusion

2. Repair permissions.


I have reinstalled VM - same problem.

Under macOS Sierra there is no way to repair permissions - option for that has been removed from disk utils and from command line.


It is said VMWare Fusion 8.5 is coming (now delayed) - but till that, what other fix is available?



vSphere Client Console, VM guest only show in 1/4 of the console window


Hi all,

We have multiple hosts in vCenter, running different versions of ESXi, 5.0, 5.5 and 6.0, as such I have multiple vSphere clients installed on Windows 10 laptop.


When I attempt to connect to a Console of a VM guest, I see a really odd 1/4 screen view. The easiest way to explain this is with a picture. It doesn't matter if the guest is Windows, or a Linux console, the issue is the same. Any ideas?







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