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5.5 Update 3e vm resume problem?


I'm unable to resume suspended vm after upgrade to 5.5 Update 3e


Error: This host does not support a feature required by the VM.

The features supported by the processors in this machine are different from the features supported by the processors in the machine on which the virtual machine state was saved.

Resume on a machine with similar processors.

An error occurred while restoring the CPU state from file ...


After downgrade, resume is ok.


Opened support case with vmware....

VCENTER erişim sorunu


2 adet sunucularda 1. sunucuda esx1 var 2. sunucuda esx2 ve vcenter yüklü.


sistem veeam backupları alırken esx2 bağlantısı kesildi. ping de atılmıyor ssh da gitmiyor.


Neden olmuştur ? Erişim nasıl sağlayabilirim ?

ESXi 5.1.0, 838463

Subnets for NSX Components


I haven't found a clear guide on where each NSX Components should sit in relation to my other management networks.


For example, should the NSX manager be on the same subnet as my vCenter?  Should the Manager, Controllers and VTEPs be on the same?


Basically I'm trying to build the following table.  This will be for our dedicated NSX manager cluster

I want to keep the underlying physical network as simple as possible so I'm trying to decide what management pieces can be safely combined.


Host Management = VLAN 100 (subnet

vMotion = VLAN 101 (subnet

Storage = VLAN102 (subnet

NSX Manager = VLAN XX (subnet 192.168.x.0)

NSX Controller = VLAN XX (subnet 192.168.x.0)

VTEP = VLAN XX (subnet 192.168.x.0)

vCenter VLAN XX (subnet 192.168.x.0)


Can anyone help fill in the blanks on what the best practice would be?  We are not huge...10 host in our compute cluster all with dual 40GB adapters.

NSX Recherche d'explications simples et claires.




Je rêve d'une FAQ officielle VMware où seraient regroupées par application les questions essentielles, basiques, par ordre des plus lues... Une FAQ quoi !


Si quelqu'un passant ici connait une telle page web ? (quelque soit le langage )... Merci beaucoup.



Exemple d'un type de question "bête" mais très utile pour un singe comme moi même...


-Est-ce que l'utilisation de l'application NSX permet de s'affranchir totalement de matériels/boitiers hardware de réseaux comme les switch, les routeurs... ?

-Est-ce que des sociétés en production sous NSX connectent leurs serveur fils à fils sans autres connections ?



Thinapp - Windows 10 Support?


...any word on ThinApp supporting Windows 10? - currently all applications bug out and can't unpack correctly.(using thinapp 5.7)



recupero VM


Buongiorno a tutti,

ho installato ESXi 5 su il mio server con controllor asus pike e due dischi in raid 1.

Si e rotta la scheda madre una asus Z9PE-D16.

Se adesso stacco uno dei dischi e lo collego come dispositivo esterno posso accedere ai dischi virtuali delle VM?

Grazie in anticipo per aiuti e risposte.



operation of snapshot and replica file


Dear all



i have a few questions :


1 - in all of vmware documents said don't keep snapshots more than 3 - 4 days but here in horizon view in link clone mode we have to use snapshots  exactly why we have to use snapshot ? what is that benefit of use snapshot ?


2- what is replica file ? what do it do ?


Best regards

HTML5 Client SDK - Trouble getting an extension point to appear in Object Navigator




I'm having trouble getting an extension point for the category id vsphere.core.navigator.solutionsCategory for Object Navigator Extension to appear using the HTML5 Client Fling SDK. (Screenshots provided below)

I have the same plugin loaded for the HTML Bridge for vSphere and it works fine.

Also, I did change the dependencies for HTML5 Client SDK (mentioned in the Getting Started pdf) when migrating from HTML Bridge.


Here is the structure in the plugin.xml file:



 <!-- Add link to the Object Navigator -->   <extension id="com.mycompany.testpluginui.sideLink">      <extendedPoint>vise.navigator.nodespecs</extendedPoint>      <object>         <title>My test plugin</title>         <parentUid>vsphere.core.navigator.solutionsCategory</parentUid>         <navigationTargetUid>com.mycompany.testpluginui.mainView</navigationTargetUid>         <viewOpenedUponFocus className="com.vmware.ui.objectnavigator.views.CategoryNodeTreeView" />      </object>   </extension>    <!-- Page 2 -->   <extension id="com.mycompany.testpluginui.pageTwo">      <extendedPoint>vise.navigator.nodespecs</extendedPoint>      <object>         <title>Page 2</title>         <navigationTargetUid>com.mycompany.testpluginui.mainView</navigationTargetUid>         <parentUid>com.mycompany.testpluginui.sideLink</parentUid>      </object>   </extension>  <!-- Page 3 -->   <extension id="com.mycompany.testpluginui.pageThree">      <extendedPoint>vise.navigator.nodespecs</extendedPoint>      <object>         <title>Page 3</title>         <navigationTargetUid>com.mycompany.testpluginui.mainView</navigationTargetUid>         <parentUid>com.mycompany.testpluginui.sideLink</parentUid>      </object>   </extension>   <!-- Main view -->   <extension id="com.mycompany.testpluginui.mainView">      <extendedPoint>vise.global.views</extendedPoint>      <object>         <name>#{app.name}</name>         <componentClass className="com.vmware.vsphere.client.htmlbridge.HtmlView">            <object>               <root>                  <url>/vsphere-client/testpluginui/resources/mainView.html</url>               </root>            </object>         </componentClass>      </object>   </extension>



The first screenshot is from HTML Bridge, and the extension point is visible from the Object navigator and works when is clicked.

The second screenshot is from HTML5 Fling and doesn't show the extension point.




I have tried other Category IDs listed here, such as vsphere.core.navigator.virtualInfrastructure and vsphere.core.navigator.administration, and they both work

fine for the HTML5 Client but they do not display the view I'm looking for.


I also tried modifying the sample plugins (ChassisA,B, Global App) plugin.xml files but to no avail.

From the Virgo logs there's this snippet from: vsphere-ui/server/serviceability/logs/osgi.log


[2016-08-17T13:07:25.156-07:00] [DEBUG] http-bio-9443-exec-18        70000203 100002 200001 o.s.w.servlet.mvc.method.annotation.RequestMappingHandlerMapping  Looking up handler method for path /resources/ui/views/objectnavigator/CategoryNodeTreeView.html
[2016-08-17T13:07:25.157-07:00] [DEBUG] http-bio-9443-exec-18        70000203 100002 200001 o.s.w.servlet.mvc.method.annotation.RequestMappingHandlerMapping  Did not find handler method for [/resources/ui/views/objectnavigator/CategoryNodeTreeView.html]
[2016-08-17T13:07:25.157-07:00] [DEBUG] http-bio-9443-exec-18        70000203 100002 200001 o.s.w.servlet.mvc.method.annotation.RequestMappingHandlerMapping  Looking up handler method for path /resources/ui/views/objectnavigator/CategoryNodeTreeView.html
[2016-08-17T13:07:25.158-07:00] [DEBUG] http-bio-9443-exec-18        70000203 100002 200001 o.s.w.servlet.mvc.method.annotation.RequestMappingHandlerMapping  Did not find handler method for [/resources/ui/views/objectnavigator/CategoryNodeTreeView.html]
[2016-08-17T13:07:25.158-07:00] [DEBUG] http-bio-9443-exec-18        70000203 100002 200001 org.springframework.web.servlet.handler.SimpleUrlHandlerMapping   Matching patterns for request [/resources/ui/views/objectnavigator/CategoryNodeTreeView.html] are [/resources/**]


Running: vSphere Client version 6.5.0 build 4231781

Best practice to upgrade a datastore.


I have an ESXi-5.5 with a 500GB HDD datastore and a 220GB SSD datastore.  Both standalone drives.


I would like to upgrade the 500GB HDD with a new 4TB drive.  What is the best way to accomplish this?

vSphere 6 DRS not working as expected



We've got a brand new vSphere 6 environment with 27 VMs on a 2-node-cluster.

Both hosts are HP DL360 G9 with identical hardware and connected by redundant SAS to a HP MSA 2040.

All VMs are running fine and everything seems to be good, except that DRS is not working as expected.

As of today 26 of the 27 VMs are running on one host, while the second host nonly holds a single VM.

I can manually migrate VMs from one host to the other without any trouble, but the load balancing seems not to work. DRS is set to fully automated and I even tried to set the Migratio Threshold to "agressive (5)" but nothing happened at all.

When I look into the DRS faults list in the cluster properties, the list is empty. A look into "Memory Utilization" shows >50% usage on the first node and nearly no utilizationon the sencond one.

Does anybody have an idea what we did wrong or why it doesnt load balance the VMs between the hosts?


All the best from Germany


Backing up SQL


Hi All having an issue with trying to get the VDP backing up my SQL Databases


I installed the plugin on my SQL Server we are running Microsoft SQL 2012 Server on a Windows Server 2012

when i try and create a New Backup job on Applications and select Microsoft SQL Server it gives me an Error message


"There are no registered Microsoft SQL Server available. The group has been removed."

My Tools PowerCLI

Error when install VCENTER 5.5




I try to install a vcenter server 5.5 over w2008 R2 and I found an error and the installation go to rollback action.


I see the log but I didn't found the problem.


Can yo help me please? I'm desesperated


Before I intalled vcenter single sign-on and inventory service


I send the logs

the log is so long I can not find the problem

Shared folders on a Linux guest for a Windows host doesn't work properly


When I share a folder on a Windows host with a Linux guest VM, the guest portrays some weird behavior with respect to operations performed on the shared folder. All files and directories in the shared folder have 777 permissions which cannot be changed by chmod. This makes sense as the shared folder has been configured with read/write permissions and these are essentially managed by Windows implying that Linux permissions cannot be applied on them. When I try to perform certain git operations, though, they just don't seem to work for some reason.


For example, a git clone doesn't work and gives the following error:

Cloning into 'git-clone-test'...

fatal: 'origin' does not appear to be a git repository

fatal: Could not read from remote repository.



Please make sure you have the correct access rights

and the repository exists.


When I tried to reproduce the steps that git clone follows, I realized that git is unable to add remote repositories to the config file within the .git directory which is done using the following command. 

git remote add origin https://github.com/poelzi/git-clone-test.git

On a normal directory (not shared), the .git/config file now contains the following.


        repositoryformatversion = 0

        filemode = true

        bare = false

        logallrefupdates = true

[remote "origin"]

        url = https://github.com/poelzi/git-clone-test.git

        fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*

On the shared directory, the same file contains the following.


        repositoryformatversion = 0

        bare = false

        ignorecase = true

[remote "origin"]

        fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*

We can see that the lines "filemode = true" and "url = https://github.com/poelzi/git-clone-test.git" are missing in the latter. This causes git to not work and makes it difficult to synchronize work on the Linux guest with the Windows host.


I saw a few links related to the same issue on StackOverflow and on the VMware communities but did not find any info that helps solve this problem. Although there are workarounds like working on the VM and then copying the files over to Windows, they are more cumbersome than working directly on the shared folder.

How to Get Running Task ID Through Vsphere Webservice


I want to get the running task ID in vcenter server. Because sometimes we need to cancel this task due to some reasons. I know I can use PowerCLI get-task to get this.

Can I get the Running task ID use Webservice? Or other Method, we need to integrate with other system.

Switch values for 'VC:X' type parameters based on parameter value of type 'VC:Datacenter'


Hello All,


I am looking for a way to switch values for input parameters of the type 'VC:X' based on the value of an input parameter of type 'VC:Datacenter'.  Consider the following: 


The "Clone thin provisioned..." workflow requires among other input, a Datastore and VMFolder.  Our software R & D vCenter implementation places users from distinct business units into distinct datacenters to assist with logical grouping as well as acting as a cost center.  The idea is that by prompting for the datacenter to which a user belongs, the workflow would then map/script/hardcode that clones would therefore be created in storage and VM folders belonging to that datacenter.  Down the road, there are additional 'VC:X' type variables that I will need to map as I work further with VMs.  VC:Network and VC:HostSystem would seem to be among them. 


Does anyone have any thoughts on how input parameters of type 'VC:X' may be mapped by way of a specified VC:Datacenter parameter?

- I could simply expose each parameter of type 'VC:X' but that is a lot of drilling for user input when something could be mapped 'by definition' - especially if you consider my earlier post about specifying a root object from the web client apparently not working. 

- I could maintain multiple copies of the "Clone thin provisioned..." workflow, hard code each input of type 'VC:X' to an attribute, and then add those elements as required - but that seems like a lot of unnecessary duplication. 


Appliance version Build 4276164

Workflow Designer version

Java version 1.8.0_92

vSphere Web Client version 6.0.0 Build 2997665


Any thoughts would be appreciated.  Thank you

VDP 5.8 and 6.1 deployment wizard loop.


I have deployed  many VDP's, but the last week I am running into an issue.


I deploy the ovf fine.

after adding memory I boot up the new vdp.

when vdp is started I can access the vdp configuration wizard. I walk through the wizard without any issues.

Wizard adds storage successfully. At the end it reboots the VDP.

When VDP is back online, I access the vdp web client and I am offered the wizzard again at step 1. I can do the wizard again until choosing storage, it then says it already has storage.


VDP is correctly in the DNS, forward and reverse. Ip is not duplicate. and vcenter account is also correct.


I am at a lose, I cannot figure out what is happening. 

Run ESXi hosts under a Windows server (2012R2) which has VMWare Workstation installed


Hello all,

I'm relatively new to VMWare, and am looking to set up a lab environment. I wondered if the following was possible :Vmware workstation setup.jpg

If it is could you please recommend the VMware products I would need to make this setup please.


Welcome any questions on the setup



Can't access the Internet?


Hello Everyone! I was thinking about getting VMWare Workstation or Player, but I had Virtualbox on my older computer. Virtualbox on installiation including network drivers disables internet until next reboot, or something bad happens. And now i'm very confused: Will VMWare disable Internet when I install it. I am running windows 10 on a laptop. I have Qualcomm Atheros AR956x Wireless Network Adapter. Laptop: ASUS X550ZE. Please help.

Poll: Observed vDP deduplication ratios




would appreciate if people would share the vDP deduplication ratios from their enviornments.


I'm trying to come up with a solid average ratio I could use in our future production backup storage calculations.


Our vDP is in an evaluation mode, so it is small, per below. I'm hoping biger environments observe better ratios.


Number of backed up VMs: 6

Non-deduplicated size: 323.3GB

Deduplicated size: 67.6GB

Dedup ratio: 4.8/1

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