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Screen resolution changes when I leave the monitor vmware is running Windows 7 on


Hi there,


I'm using vmware on my macbook pro to run windows 7. When I'm doing this I use a second monitor for the virtual machine, and keep mac on the actual laptop screen. But, whenever I click from one screen to another, the resolution on the second monitor changes. Any help? Most of the discussions I was looking at were discussing using the virtual machine on two monitors, rather than on a separate one...



New to PowerCLI. Book recommendations


As I am new to scripting and PowerCLI, currently running ESXi 5.1, looking to upgrade to 6.  I have installed PowerCLI 6.3 R2 and I'm interested in the following books:


VMware vSphere PowerCLI Reference     Publication Date: March 25, 2011

PowerCLI Essentials.   Paperback      – April 25, 2016


Are these books still usable with the newer version of PowerCLI or will the examples and commands need modifications?   Any information would be helpful.


Thank you!



VSAN Para Horizon View


Estimados Buen Día,


Hoy quisiera me aconsejen una decisión de licenciamiento para una infraestructura Horizon View, a continuación el panorama:

40 escritorio, son de carga baja, netamente ofimaticos y se implementaran con VSAN

Opción 1

Licenciar Horizon edición Standard + VSAN

Opción 2

Licenciar Horizon edición Advanced.

Yo me inclino por la Opción 2, que opinan ustedes?

Por otra parte si selecciono la Opción 1  cual seria el criterio de selección de la edición de VSAN.

De antemano gracias por su tiempo, colaboración y su conocimiento.


$vm.extensionData and Get commands combined in the same script.


Hi all

I really could do with some help. I've got the below script which I found and modified to suit what I'm trying to achieve but it isn't outputting the info in an expected way. I'm trying to put generic VM info, plus VM info exposed through extensiondata, then get that eventually into a CSV but I've really hit a road block. My sample code is below but I'm sure there has to be a better way, especially where there are multiple objects returned like harddisks, datastores etc the formatting is broken and I'm at my knowledge limit. Thank you in advance.

$result = @()
    $VMS = Get-VM "vmname"
    ForEach($VM in $VMS){
    $VMVirtualDisk = Get-VM $VM | Get-HardDisk
    $NetworkAdapters = Get-NetworkAdapter -vm $vm
    $SCSIControllers = Get-ScsiController -vm $vm
    $DataStores = get-vm $vm | get-datastore

    $obj = new-object psobject
    $obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name VM_Name -Value $vm.ExtensionData.Name
    $obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name CPUSocket -Value $vm.ExtensionData.config.hardware.NumCPU
    $obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Corepersocket -Value $vm.ExtensionData.config.hardware.NumCoresPerSocket
    $obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name MemoryMB $vm.ExtensionData.config.hardware.MemoryMB
    $obj | Add-member -MemberType Noteproperty -Name Firmware -value $vm.ExtensionData.Config.Firmware
    $obj | Add-Member -MemberType Noteproperty -Name NetworkAdapterType -value $NetworkAdapters.Type
    $obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name IPAddress -Value $vm.ExtensionData.summary.guest.IpAddress
    $obj | Add-Member -MemberType Noteproperty -Name NetworkLabel -value $NetworkAdapters.NetworkName
    $obj | Add-Member -MemberType Noteproperty -Name DataStore -value $DataStores.Name
    $obj | Add-member -MemberType Noteproperty -Name ScsiAdapterType -value $SCSIControllers.Type
    $obj | Add-Member -MemberType Noteproperty -Name VirtualDiskCapacity -value $VMVirtualDisk_Capacity
    $result += $obj



$result | Format-Table -Autosize

VCP Portal error


The following error appears while trying to login to vcp portal

The same email is used for writing the exams.

Send an email to certificationatvmwaredotcom

Sorry! The portal you are attempting to access is private. Name (nameatemaildotcom) is not eligible to login to this portal based on the user profile and portal settings.


If you have just received your certification notification and completed any outstanding tasks for your VCP certification indicated in your myEnrollments page, please allow 24 hours for your portal access to activate. If it has been more than 24 hours, please certification@vmware.com?subject=Trouble%20Logging%20in%20-%20VCP%20Portalemail certificationatvmwaredotcom.


Could access the certificate manager section and able to see/ download the certificate and logos.


Please help

vRA 7: Error executing query usp_SelectAgentCapabilities




I am having the following errors in the vRA 7


  • CollectedDataImportService: Ignoring exception: Error executing query usp_SelectManagementEndpoint Inner Exception: Error executing query usp_SelectEntityProperties
  • DataBaseStatsService: ignoring exception: Error executing query usp_SelectAgent Inner Exception: Error executing query usp_SelectAgentCapabilities

I have followed the solutions that are found online

  1. Make sure that DTC is running - On both IaaS and IaaS SQL servers
  2. Uninstall and re-install DTC - On both IaaS and IaaS SQL servers
  3. Restart the VMs (IaaS and IaaS SQL)


However, I am still getting the same error. In the IaaS Server logs, this error was captured:

The MSDTC transaction manager was unable to pull the transaction from the source transaction manager due to communication problems. Possible causes are: a firewall is present and it doesn't have an exception for the MSDTC process, the two machines cannot find each other by their NetBIOS names, or the support for network transactions is not enabled for one of the two transaction managers. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8004D02B)


I have downloaded the DTCPing and both the servers are able to communicate with each other. Firewall has been turned off on both servers.


These servers are not joined to domain and all access are configured on the DNS server.


Appreciate any help on this issue. Thanks!

Crash-consistent backups in VDP


Hi everybody


I have installed the vSphere Data Protection 6.1 and since few days the backup of a VM is "crash-consistent". The other VMs don't have this problem and all the backups are "application-consistent".


What is the meaning of this type of backup?


What can I do to solve this issue?



Thx in advance, sincerely Omar

how to catch exception after ReconfigVM_Task?


Hi Guru,


I was using ReconfigVM_Task to reconfigure my vm, this task will be running in the background but frequently it could be exception at once, but I was not been informed in the console,


I wish I can print such as what type exception in the console, do you know how I should do? many thanks



VDR backup failing for all VM's in one appliance




VDR backup is failing with following error messages, could you tell me what would be the wrong


We checked shared path, all are working fine,


12/8/2014 9:33:33 AM: Can't save "Config10.bak", error -1001 ( unexpected operating system error)

12/8/2014 4:21:28 AM: Trouble writing to destination, error -1001 ( unexpected operating system error)

unable to find article related to error 1001

Frequent snapshot creation


Dears, In my POC environment requirement is to create snapshots on several times on multiple VMs in a months and also removal, so wondering if someone can help me with the script to automate the task - snapshot creation/deletion on multiple servers with preferred Name and description, and should omit Virtual Memory. thanks.

Datastore report with VI servers


hi Team,


I would like to generate a report with the datastore details (Capacity, Used, Free space) along with the VI servers.


Can you please help me on it.



Arvin Kumar

Unable to Search inventory objects in the vCenter


Hi Everyone


We are experiencing inventory search issue with few of our vCenters, We are unable to search objects (VMs,Hosts,Datastors, etc) in the VMware inventory. Let me quickly give you the background and the troubleshooting steps that we have followed. Unfortunately, still we are unable to fix this issue and hope you can help and advise us to fix this issue.


We are managing large scale VMware environment and we are using separate vCenters for each and every sites to manage the VM environment. I would like to remind you that we are experiencing the same issue with all the vCenters. When we are using the vSphere Client. But search function is working fine with the Webclient. And all our environment is based  on vSphere 5.5.


Once we search a VM or any other object in the inventory it throws the below error message




I did a google search and tried every possible answers and could not find any answer to fix this.

I found the below KB article and it was not able to give me what I expected and issue not resolved. Also changed the vCenter default time out settings.

Using the vSphere Client 5.5 to login, search, or sort the inventory fails with the error: Unable to connect to web serv…


Once We type the username and password manually without selecting the "Windows Authentication" we are getting the below error message , also we tried this with the vCenter Local account and gave the same error message.




I have escalated this to the VMware support and they mentioned that this is an error with the vCenter "Proxy XML" file and vCenter re-installation is required to fix this. As we are managing a large environment and lots of teams are using the vCenter we are not able to go for a re-build.


I really appreciate if you can assist me to find a solution for this search issue.

ARP cache on virtual switch


We have three separate VMware SQL 2016 AlwaysOn clusters running on vShere 5.1. We noticed on all three clusters whenever we'd fail over a Availability Group to a second node within the same VLAN and running

on the same ESX host, that the resources would not become available until a 15 minute time-out period. If we fail over the same AG group to a host in another building the resources are immediately available. 

This only happens on the same VLAN. So we opened a ticket with Microsoft and they ran a trace and stated the arp request is being sent out but no replies are being returned. Is this a vSphere issue?

Where in the process does VMware update the arp table?

Nutanix -- VM Template


Hi All,


In non-nutanix environment VRA blueprint is "Clone deployment". A dedicated template cluster holds all the templates. The template host can see all the clusters i.e.  template host cluster can see all the LUN's of all the clusters in that environment. So it was one template type( win 2012, win 2008)  per vCenter.


In nutanix environment how to achieve one template per vCenter. In Nutanix there is no "LUN" which can see all the clusters. Does it mean each cluster will have templates. Can VRA copy template from one cluster to any other cluster.


Any help appreciated.



Application migration XML Office 2010 to Office 2013




Does anyone here on this forum by any chance have the Application Migration XML for Office 2010 to Office 2013 migration? For 2007 to 2010 is provided, but since it is rather general I thought to ask if someone already made them and is inclined to share.





vRA 7.1 and infoblox plugin 4.0.0.. cant get it to work



I'm trying to get vRA 7.1 and Infoblox plugin 4.0 with WAPI to work.

I have followed the docs included with the plugin from infoblox and everthing is fine up to creating the endpoint for Infoblox in vRA.
In infoblox we have a specific user which have permission to register/release hostrecords on one specific /24 network. The WAPI connection is successful in the logs.
On vRA 6.2 we had to trail and error to get the permissions right for that user.


As i understand, now you have to create Network Profiles i vRA, and when i do this i can choose my Infoblox endpoint ive created.


On the tab "Network Ranges" the field "Address Space" is empty and when i try to +Add - "Select Network Range" i see errors in the infoblox workflow "Get IP Ranges".


IPAM Provider Error: {"code":3000,"message":"An error has occurred while searching for networks. Detail: Result set too large (> 1000) (Workflow:Get IP Ranges / Fill Networks (item2)#10)"} (Dynamic Script Module name : throwIpamError#28)


What caught my eye was "Result set too large (> 1000)".


After that...
I have created my blueprint with a server and a "existing network", then attached the network profile i created.
I have selected on server blueprint under the network tab i choose my network profile, can choose both static or dhcp assignment type.
Under reservations i have attached my network profile to the network path. 


So... does anyone know how to narrow down the search for that specific network? 
Or have any idea on permissions needed in infoblox for "Address Spaces" and "Get IP Ranges"? 
Can you filter in the custom properties in the endpoint maybe, infrastructure/endpoint/enpoints/infoblox-> custom properties?
The documentation ive found is so thin on this...


In vRA 6.2.3 we used the infoblox plugin 3.1.0 and did the exact same thing but we just pointed at the infoblox workflow "Reserve an IP in Network for vCAC VM" etc.


Maybe im missing something so clear i cant see it myself :(

Any idea what could be wrong is appriciated or direction to take.
I dont know if this forum is the right place but... ill give it a shoot.
Btw im just a vmware-admin and does not manage infoblox directly.


If in the end i need to call the support, do i call vmware or infoblox? :D


Included some screenshots.


/Best regards

I'm trying to get vRA 7.1 and Infoblox plugin 4.0 with WAPI to work.
I have followed the docs included with the plugin from infoblox and everthing is fine up to creating the endpoint for Infoblox in vRA.
In infoblox we have a specific user which have permission to register/release hostrecords on one specific /24 network. The WAPI connection is successful in the logs.
On vRA 6.2 we had to trail and error to get the permissions right for that user.
As i understand, now you have to create Network Profiles i vRA, and when i do this i can choose my Infoblox endpoint ive created.
On the tab "Network Ranges" the field "Address Space" is empty and when i try to +Add - "Select Network Range" i see errors in the infoblox workflow "Get IP Ranges".
IPAM Provider Error: {"code":3000,"message":"An error has occurred while searching for networks. Detail: Result set too large (> 1000) (Workflow:Get IP Ranges / Fill Networks (item2)#10)"} (Dynamic Script Module name : throwIpamError#28)
What caught my eye was "Result set too large (> 1000)".
After that...
I have created my blueprint with a server and a "existing network", then attached the network profile i created.
I have selected on server blueprint under the network tab i choose my network profile, can choose both static or dhcp assignment type.
Under reservations i have attached my network profile to the network path. 
So... does anyone know how to narrow down the search for that specific network? 
Or have any idea on permissions needed in infoblox for "Address Spaces" and "Get IP Ranges"? 
Can you filter in the custom properties in the endpoint maybe, infrastructure/endpoint/enpoints/infoblox-> custom properties?
The documentation ive found is so thin on this...
In vRA 6.2.3 we used the infoblox plugin 3.1.0 and did the exact same thing but we just pointed at the infoblox workflow "Reserve an IP in Network for vCAC VM" etc.
Maybe im missing something so clear i cant see it myself :(
Any idea what could be wrong is appriciated or direction to take.
I dont know if this forum is the right place but... ill give it a shoot.
Btw im just a vmware-admin and does not manage infoblox directly.
If in the end i need to call the support, do i call vmware or infoblox? :D
Included some screenshots.
/Best regards

upgrade esxi/vcenter 5.0 to 6.0


Hi all ,

I am currently looking into upgrading my esxi hosts and vcenter to the latest versions .

Currently I am running esxi/vcenter 5.0 .

My questions are :

- Do I need a new license for version 6 ?

- Or do I need to upgrade my license ?

- what are the steps for upgrade ?


thanks in advance


Regards ,



slow VDP backup job


Hi Everyone,


I have some problem with VDP. I have successfully run the backup job manually but the speed is too slow as it elapsed for 5 hour but progress bytes is just 66.8GB.


I don't understand the reason why did it is so slow like this. I have check the storage's hardware already and it's all fine.


I also try copy the file from VM to the storage directly and it's really fast like 1GB per 1.5min


Thank for answer in advanced.

Unused LUNs


In my inventory understand there are some free (unused) LUNs which I would like to be make a list with any automation magic, I request please someone please help with my trick which would help me to find out all the Unused LUNs, equally I'm also looking for orphaned VMDKs in Datastore, please suggest on it. Thank you so much in Advance.

ESXi 5 Display name and UID missing


We have had a critical VM go down due to it being inaccessible to its datastore. We have a cloned backup which we have brought into production but this is not as up to date as it should be (so a massive lesson learnt there).


I have tried a number of different troubleshooting steps with vSphere Client re-scanning all the stoarge adapters and checking connective and and adapter connectivity to our SAN iscsi appliance. I have ran the following command line comand:


"esxcli storage core device list"


The below disk has either become unmounted or corrupted in some as to make it inaccessible to the datastore.



   Display Name:

   Has Settable Display Name: false

   Size: 0

   Device Type: No device type

   Multipath Plugin:

   Devfs Path:




   SCSI Level: 0

   Is Pseudo: true

   Status: off

   Is RDM Capable: false

   Is Local: false

   Is Removable: false

   Is SSD: false

   Is Offline: true

   Is Perennially Reserved: false

   Thin Provisioning Status: no

   Attached Filters:

   VAAI Status: unknown

   Other UIDs:


I am trying to remount/re-initialize this drive so that it can be accessed and I have ran the following command with no success:

esxcli storage filesystem mount naa.6006016046c03c0027a38f5648ae56f2


I not the most experienced with vmware in general and certainly not wioth the command cli commands so any help getting this drive available withits existing data still in tacked would be greatly appreicated.

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