Error 29126. Second install in multisite SSO install
I'm trying to install SSO in a second site after successfully installing in a new site. After selecting the multi-site option and following all the normal options it error's right at the end with...
View ArticleTarget VM shuts down after successful P2V
I am having a problem with a Windows 2000 sp4 machine which has been P2V. The process seemed to go fine and boots up, the problem is it only stays on for about 15 seconds before it does a self...
View ArticleBeginner setup
Hi I am fairly new to configuring ESX from the bottom - I have worked with preconfigured ESX-hosts for a couple of years. I have a few questions about configuring the network-cards.I think its best if...
View ArticleVSphere Client Install Issues
Hi appologies if this is not in the correct forum. I am trying to install VSphere Client 4.1 on my machine which is running Windows 7 Pro 32bit, it gets part way through the installation process and...
View ArticleSRM & Managed Object References Between vCenter Server Instances
Does the Managed Object Reference for objects migrated via SRM remain the same from vCenter Server to vCenter Server instance? If the MOR changes, how is SRM maintaining which object relates to which...
View ArticleVMWare Tools devices tab gone?
I upgraded from Workstation 7 to 9. I've noticed the new VMWare Tools in the guest windows vm no longer have a devices tab. Is it still possible to list or see available usb host devices in the guest,...
View ArticleHow to configure Dell Cachecade for ESXi
What's the procedure to configure Dell Cachecade for use with ESXi 5.1? (assuming its supported) I have a Dell 620 with 6 SAS drives and a 200Gb SSD - how can I configure it to boost IO of the VMs...
View ArticleVMware Factory Hosing up one of my hosts
Anyone having an issue loading this on 5.1? As soon as I try to load this up and try a workload to create a windows 7 vm, I get and error message within vcenter saying "Database temporarily unavailable...
View ArticleSTAX Error when executing VMMark2-STAX.bat - STAX Service Not Registered
Hello,Is there anything I need to do to register the STAX service? I am running the prime client on Windows Server 2008 R2?- In the benchmark guide, the StaxEngine section was pretty short - it just...
View ArticleVMW Horiz View Client cannot connect (Status Code 400)
Hi Team... I'm stuck getting off the ground with VMW View. I've got my first linked clone pool ready to go (no errors).Its provisioned and users are entitled. I try to reach out using the VMware View...
View ArticleVCSA 5.1 U1a stops on regenerating certificate
Hello guys, Yeasterday I deployed new VCSA and moved existing ESX servers to it. Then I shut down old vCenter and changed IP and hostname of new VCSA to IP/hostname that was previously set on old...
View ArticleFusion Tech Preview 2013 on MacPro early 2008 fails to start Windows 8 x64 vm
Hello, Windows 8 x64 VM previously running in 5.03 fusion does not run on Tech Preview 2013 upgraded to vm hardware 10.Any known problems in that direction ?
View ArticleWeb client SSL certificates for SSO integration in vCloud director
Hello, I have installed vCloud director 5.1 and now I am in the process of integrating the authentication using SSO. My vCenter services are all using the self signed certificates. After I configured...
View ArticlePowershell/PowerCLI Dynamic Email Message Body with Datastores
Hello the following is related to this email but I am stuck in rounding the numbers Powershell/PowerCLI Dynamic Email Message Body I am getting an email with the following info:Datastore HealthCheck...
View ArticleRunning batch file on guest VM using vCD?
There are examples where I can execute batch files on guest OS through vCenter, but I don't know how to do it through vCD. Are there any examples of how this can be done? Thanks in advance!
View ArticleESXi 5.1 installation fails with "retryWrites" error
Dear ESXi5-community, this is my first post in this community and I hope that one of you could assist me with the following problem: I'm recently trying to install ESXi 5.1 on an older HP Workstation...
View ArticleVCAP5-DCA exam today - Performance issues
I sat the DCA exam today, and it was PAINFULLY slow. I only made it through 22 tasks. This is the first time I sat for this exam, and I am a little frustrated because there was nothing on the exam...
View ArticleUnable to enter license key on OpenSuse 12.2 64 bit
I have completed the trial download for Workstation 9. And completed the install using "sudo sh ./<package file>. That all seems to work just fine. After install VMWare Player also seems to...
View ArticleNexus 1000v iscsi multipath not working for two hosts.
It seems only one host can connect to my iscsi storage when using iscsi port binding (multipath). When I don't use port bindings, both hosts can see the storage. ie right click iscsi initiator...
View ArticleRecommendation for a DCA testing centre in the UK .. specifically ..
Either London / Welwyn Garden City / Cambridgeshire areas. I really don't want to go through the stress of hitting a testing centre with shocking connectivity / PCs etc. so would love to hear from our...
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