Hi there,
We are trying to request a machine from a blueprint but failed. The "Build Information" tab of the blueprint is as follows.
"Platform type": vCloud
"Blueprint type":Server
"Provisioning workflow":CloneWorkflow
"Clone from":vApp_temp (Selected from "vApp templates" shown in dialog box "Selected vApp Template")
User "pono\Tommy" is a member of domain "pono.local". We had made "pono\Tommy" an organization manager of Company_Org_vdc in vCD and a group manager of provisioning group in vCAC before we performed the machine requesting.
Error Information
"Workflow "vCloudCloneVM" failed with the following exception: Error in finding user Tommy in organization Company_Org_vdc. Inner Exception: Error accessing organization: Company_Org_vdc."
Stack Trace
"at DynamicOps.VCloudModel.Interface.VCloudManagementServices.GetOrgUser(String orgName, String vcdUserName) at DynamicOps.VCloudModel.Activities.VCloudGetUserReference.Execute(CodeActivityContext context) at System.Activities.CodeActivity.InternalExecute(ActivityInstance instance, ActivityExecutor executor, BookmarkManager bookmarkManager) at System.Activities.Runtime.ActivityExecutor.ExecuteActivityWorkItem.ExecuteBody(ActivityExecutor executor, BookmarkManager bookmarkManager, Location resultLocation) Inner Exception: at DynamicOps.VCloudModel.Interface.VCloudManagementServices.GetAdminOrg(String orgName) at DynamicOps.VCloudModel.Interface.VCloudManagementServices.GetOrgUser(String orgName, String vcdUserName)"
Please help.
Many thanks