Hi ,
I am new to the vSphere web client plugin development. I went through some samples specifically the helloworld sample and the views-properties-ui sample. I was then trying to retrieve list of powered on VMs and list their corresponding datastores. I am using DataByConstraintRequest for that. In the documentation, they say
you can give names to the event annotations like the following :
instead of
as given in the sample. That way I can do two different things on firing two separate queries by writing two different response handlers.
When I change the name however, I get the following errors:
Description Resource Path Location Type
abc is not a valid name attribute for this tag. FirstPluginMediator.as /FirstPlugin/swf/src/main/flex/com/acme/firstPlugin/views /FirstPlugin/swf/src/main/flex/com/acme/firstPlugin/views/FirstPluginMediator.as Metadata Tag Problem
What could be the problem?