I'm trying to work out the settings outlined in this yellow-bricks article, but i'm not sure i've got it right;
I have two vmnics added to vswitch0, vmnic0 and vmnic10.
On that vswitch I have two port groups, one for vmotion vmk1 and the other for management vmk0.
On the NIC teaming tab of the vmotion port group I specify vmnic10 as the active adapter and vmnic0 as the standby with failback set to no.
On the NIC teaming tab of the management network port group I do the opposite, vmnic10 is standby and vmnic0 is active, but with failback set to no again.
Is this correct so far?
What I'm ultimately confused by is the vswitch configuration NIC teaming tab. Should both adapters be set to active since they are each active for a different port group in that vswitch? and should failback be set to no in that tab as well?
Thank you for any help you can provide.