We current have an ESXI 5.0 setup and two Dell R710's that are the hosts. This morning we wanted to migrate one of our servers to a different host and also change the data store location. The process went fine until 99% (where it reported it was doing a cleanup after the migration) and then I lost access to my Vcenter console. I can access the first host as well as all of the VMs. I am unable to connect to the second host or the main Vcenter console that controls all HA features and manages the host cluster. Odd thing is that 4 of the 5 VMs are up and opertational without issue. My concern is that I currently cannot get into the cluster, etc. What would be my first steps towards resolving this to regain control?
I was thinking to shut down all Guests on both hosts and then to reboot the hosts, but I am not sure if this will restore the items and allow me access, nor do I want to do anything to further the issues. I am still a basic VMWare user, so please be patient.
Thank you!