I am running a partial tile at this point - basically I am excluding the Email/ Standby workloads, but everything else is enabled.
My harness is starting up and looks like it is able to talk to everything, I can see it pulling information from vCenter and initializing workloads for OlioDB, etc.
Then, about 1 minute in, It terminates with the below error (sorry it is so lengthy)
- Any idea what the culprit may be here? Looks like it is failing on something related to sVmotion. I am able to hit vCenter with the account I have in the vmark config file and sVmotion the VMs/ see storage/ etc so doesn't look like a permissions problem,
20130625-10:18:10 STAXPythonEvaluationError signal raised. Terminating job.
===== XML Information =====
File: c:\vmmark2\xml\svmotion_functions.xml, Machine: local
Line 190: Error in element type "script".
===== Python Error Information =====
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<pyExec string>", line 2, in <module>
IndexError: index out of range: 0
===== Call Stack for STAX Thread 1 =====
function: Main (Line: 104, File: C:\VMmark2\xml\vmmark2_main.xml, Machine: local://local)
sequence: 2/19 (Line: 116, File: C:\VMmark2\xml\vmmark2_main.xml, Machine: local://local)
testcase: VMmark Initialization (Line: 232, File: C:\VMmark2\xml\vmmark2_main.xml, Machine: local://local)
sequence: 14/17 (Line: 233, File: C:\VMmark2\xml\vmmark2_main.xml, Machine: local://local)
iterate: 8/9 SVmotion gUNIFIEDLIST (Line: 375, File: C:\VMmark2\xml\vmmark2_main.xml, Machine: local://local)
sequence: 2/3 (Line: 376, File: C:\VMmark2\xml\vmmark2_main.xml, Machine: local://local)
function: InitSVmotion (Line: 26, File: c:\vmmark2\xml\svmotion_functions.xml, Machine: local)
sequence: 2/2 (Line: 33, File: c:\vmmark2\xml\svmotion_functions.xml, Machine: local)
function: SVmotionConfig (Line: 44, File: c:\vmmark2\xml\svmotion_functions.xml, Machine: local)
sequence: 12/16 (Line: 54, File: c:\vmmark2\xml\svmotion_functions.xml, Machine: local)
loop: #0 from 0 to 0 (Line: 180, File: c:\vmmark2\xml\svmotion_functions.xml, Machine: local)
iterate: 1/1 Standby sVMotionWorkloads (Line: 181, File: c:\vmmark2\xml\svmotion_functions.xml, Machine: local)
sequence: 2/3 (Line: 182, File: c:\vmmark2\xml\svmotion_functions.xml, Machine: local)
if: RC == 0 (Line: 188, File: c:\vmmark2\xml\svmotion_functions.xml, Machine: local)
sequence: 1/1 (Line: 189, File: c:\vmmark2\xml\svmotion_functions.xml, Machine: local)