Hello, not sure if I am in the right spot to post my question about PowerShell/PowerCLI
I have a script in powershell that will send an email to an outlook client.
The msg body will have values regarding to two things: Active Snapshots in the virtual environment and CD ROMs attached to the VMs.
Let's talk when the email reports more that one CDRoms attached, how do I increase or decrease the msg body depending of the results gathered from the virtual environment ?
So, far I have this code:
if (($Snapshots -eq "yes") -or ($cdroms -eq "yes")) {
$array0 = @()
$array1 = @()
$array2 = @()
$array3 = @()
start-sleep 1 connect-VIServer $vcserver
$array0 += Get-VM | get-snapshot | %{$_.VM.Name} $array1 += Get-VM | get-snapshot | select-object -expandproperty Name
$array2 += Get-VM | get-snapshot | select-object -expandproperty Created
$array3 =@(Get-VM | where { $_ | Get-CDdrive | where { $_.ConnectionState.Connected -eq "true" } } | Select-object -ExpandProperty Name)
$i = 0
$j = 0
Do {
$msg.Body += "<FONTCOLOR=black>VMware HealthCheck vCenter2</FONT><BR><BR>" + `
"<B><FONTCOLOR=black>Snapshots Active</FONT></B><BR>" + `
"<B><FONTCOLOR=black>VM Name</FONT></B>"+`
"<B><FONTCOLOR=black> ` Name</FONT></B>"+` "<B><FONTCOLOR=black> ` Created</FONT></B><BR>"+` "<FONTCOLOR=Red>"+$array0+"</FONT>"+` "<FONTCOLOR=Red> "+$array1+"</FONT>"+` "<FONTCOLOR=Red> "+$array2+"</FONT><BR><BR>"+` "<B><FONTCOLOR=black>CDROMS Connected (Bad Habit)</FONT></B><BR>"+"<B><FONTCOLOR=black>VM Name</FONT></B><BR>"+"<FONTCOLOR=Red>"+$array3+"</FONT>"
} Until (($array0[$i] -eq $null ) -or ($array3[$j] -eq $null))
The output i get is:
From: VMware Healtcheck
Sent: Thursday, June 20, 2013 1:26 PM
To: Me
Subject: VMware Health UPIvCenter2
VMware HealthCheck vCenter2
Snapshots Active
VM Name Name Created
VEEAM1 VEEAM1 Test1 Test2 06/20/2013 09:06:09 06/20/2013 09:31:15
CDROMS Connected (Bad Habit)
VM Name
And would like to have is:
From: VMware Healtcheck
Sent: Thursday, June 20, 2013 1:26 PM
To: Me
Subject: VMware Health UPIvCenter2
VMware HealthCheck vCenter2
Snapshots Active
VM Name Name Created
VEEAM1 Test1 06/20/2013 09:06:09
VEEAM1 Test2 06/20/2013 09:31:15
CDROMS Connected (Bad Habit)
VM Name
NOTE: I can have multiple snapshots or multiple VMs with CD Roms connected. Thanks for your help.