Hi All,
Passed my VCP exam today after spending last 3 days in front of my laptop going through the PDF files.
I relied on Course Manuals, Went through the PDF files for VI3 on
I studied for about 2 weeks, and had 3 months experience of working on a project to virtualize one of our client's physical infrastructure. I passed with a narrow margin, as my score was 70%. I was glad to see that in the end A pass is a pass. Had an exhibit question as well on the exam, which I was surprised to see. I thought there are only multiple choice questions.
After the Exam I feel I should have concentrated more on permissions, roles, where a HOST is moved across a cluster. But this does not mean everyone should be doing this, maybe on my day Exam was more about these topics. I would advise to go through all the PDF files (Resource management in particular) and after reading the manual ask yourself questions such as what would happen to a particular object once its moved into a DRS cluster or moved away.
I hope I am not giving too much information here.
Good luck for any future candidates