I have installed and configured the vMA 5.x. I have added and registered my vcenter server and two hosts (ESXi01, ESXi02). When i connect to the vMA using vi-admin and target the ESXi02 host i can run all my commands with out issues. However when I connect to the ESXi01 host and i try a command like resxtop i am prompted for user credentials, any credentials I try fails with "Login failed, reason: vim.fault.NoPermission" or "Login failed, reason: vim.fault.InvalidLogin". Even though when I first connect using the vi-admin account I have tried supplying the vi-admin account, I've also tried using my windows credentials and that fails, also I've tried using the root account of the host and that fails as well. Both hosts look exactly the same so I don't know what is prompting credentials for one host and not the other. This is really bugging me so any help is greatly appreciated.clear
commands using vMA