We have ESXi Entperise Plus license. We have three servers with 8 Intel gigabit NICs. We also have two FC ports for storage access. I'm trying to design how I will allocate the nics and somehow tie that into the configuration of the cluster. (vmnic0 to vmnic3 are on one card; vmnic4 to vmnic7 are on the other)
I imagine:
* vmnic0 as management (the default) - this is called the Service Console right?
* vmnic7 as potentially a redunandt service console port (per best practices, though I don't know how to set this up).
* vmnic 3 and vmnic 4 for vmotion
*vmnics 1, 2, 5, 6 for vm networking.
do I build multiple dVswitches and port groups on each host?
thanks. if you're so inclined a picture is worht a thousand words to me.