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L3 Switch -Vmware - Server 2019 Dhcp Server ip alamama sorunu


Merhaba ,


L3 switch de istediğim vlanları oluşturdum. Windows Server 2019 da dhcp de

switch de oluşturduğum vlan gruplarının aynısını dhcp server da scope olarak oluşturdum.

Switch da tanımladığım vlanlar ip almıyor.  Vmware de netwok kartlarında ayar yapmam gerekir mi ?

Vmware 6.7 sürümünü kullanıyorum.

Ping only in one direction


I need to create a test environment in Workstation 15 by simulating the production environment in ESXi 6.7.


VM "A" with 3 NICs

- NIC 1 Bridge to Wi-Fi

- NIC 2 Bridge on physical NIC. NIC 2 has static IP address

- NIC 3 Host-Only with static IP

On this last segment of the network there are two other Linux VMs: VM B ( and VM C (


I can ping:

- from VM A to VM B and C

- between VM B and C

but I can not ping either from the two VMs B / C to or google.com

and of course I can not navigate from the two VMs.


I do not understand where is the problem.

Being the B / C VMs in Host Only should not see the physical IPs, but also is host-only.

I suppose the problem is because VM A has two more NICs in Bridge and if it were like that I do not understand the reason.

on windows 10 os, on clicking on new option of streamdiff 3.2 shortcut, i am getting a prompt where it says stream diff has stopped working.. please suggest a solution


I have tried installing VC++ 2008 and 2013 along with thinapp capture process but still prompting the attached error on clicking on new option in the shortcut on Windows 10 OS. However the options are working fine on Windows 7 64bit.

How to extract all VMs list from VC




How can we extract list of all the vms from vc through webclient or by powercli,

please help on this




VM-VMN config in PC with Dual Boot


I have a PC with Win 10 Pro and Kubuntu 18.10

On both environments I installed VM WS Pro 15.0.2.

The WS default folder is on the same partition

In Windows it is V:\VMWare\

In Linux it is /VM/VMware/

Obviously the partition related as V: disk of Windows is mounted in Linux as /VM

I need to use the same VMs in both environments.


When I launch from Linux a VM that I used in Windows (or vice versa), appears the question "Copied or moved?".

There is no way to avoid it?


However my biggest problem is with the Virtual Network Editor.

In Windows I have this configuration

  1. VMnet0 Bridged Auto-bridging Automatic
  2. VMNet1 Host Only
  3. Green Bridged NIC2
  4. Orange Host only
  5. VMNet8 NAT


In Linux I start with this configuration:

  1. VMnet0 Bridged Auto-bridging Automatic
  2. VMNet1 Host Only
  3. VMNet8 NAT

but when I try to create a new bridged network, I receive the message "Cannot add bridged network: There are no un-bridged host network adapters"


I need to keep the VMs in the same configuration because I cannot change them every time I switch from Linux to Windows or vice versa.

In any case, if I can not create more than one newtwork bridged I can not even use Linux.


Am I doing something wrong?

java.net.SocketException: Connection reset -- Make sure you select a port with SSL


I'm having an issue configuring Usage Meter 3.6.1 to a vCenter server.


Port TCP 443 is open from UM to the vCenter server and the vCenter server certificate is valid and the hostname I am using in usage meter is in the SAN of the SSL certificate


This is the full error:

  • There was a problem checking the certificate for HOSTNAME:443. java.net.SocketException: Connection reset -- Make sure you select a port with SSL


Many thanks

how to clone a vm & set ipv6 use powercli?


how to clone a vm & set ipv6 use powercli?

I can clone a vm with POWERCLI using a Customization Specification to set IPv4 as the specified IP address? But I didn't find how to set up IPv6.

请教EXSi从5.5升到6.5后,SSH连接出现:error connecting to the server:key exchange failed ,请问这个怎么解决。


请教EXSi从5.5升到6.5后,SSH连接出现:error connecting to the server:key exchange failed ,请问这个怎么解决。


vCLI Passthroughauth with Virtual Center to VM-Host




i want to use the vCli vmkfstools with passthroughauth option to create/cline vmdk-files, but i get an error "Unable to create virtual disk with specified parameters.".

The vcenter and the esxi-hosts are full licensed.


I get this error only for "writing"-tasks like creating (-c), cloning (-i) or deleting (-U) disks.

When i use the option -P to print file system information, i get no error and the command works.

Also when i authenticate with username and password directly to the esxi-host i get no errors and can use all functions of vmkfstools.


I run the following command:

vmkfstools --server vc.domain.local --vihost vm.domain.local --passthroughauth -c 1G /vmfs/volumes/DATASTORE/test.vmdk

whith the following result:

Attempting to create virtual disk [DATASTORE] g.vmdk
Unable to create virtual disk with specified parameters.


I run the same command with --verbose option and get the following SOAP messages (excerpt):


Attempting to create virtual disk [DATASTORE] g.vmdk

REQUEST: $VAR1 = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
   <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"
<CreateVirtualDisk_Task xmlns="urn:vim25">
  <_this type="VirtualDiskManager">virtualDiskManager</_this>
  <name>[DATASTORE] g.vmdk</name>
  <spec xsi:type="FileBackedVirtualDiskSpec">

RESPONSE: $VAR1 = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenc="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/"
   <InvalidArgumentFault xmlns="urn:vim25" xsi:type="InvalidArgument">

Unable to create virtual disk with specified parameters.

What is the "dc" property?


Thank you for your answers.

503 Service Unavailable (Error connecting tunnel on named pipe: (null)) (ticket wmks)


Hello, I'm trying to use the html5 sdk console from vmware to externally manage the machines, I have used the sample code and fulfilled the necessary requirements, but I am not getting success in running, it gives the following error 503.

Does anyone know how I can solve it?


503 Service Unavailable (Error connecting tunnel on named pipe: (null))



<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"


<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">


<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />




<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/wmks-all.css" />

<script type="text/javascript" src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.8.3.min.js"></script>

<script type="text/javascript" src="https://code.jquery.com/ui/1.8.16/jquery-ui.min.js"></script>

<script type="text/javascript" src="wmks.min.js"></script>

<div id="wmksContainer" style="position:absolute;width:100%;height:100%"></div>


var wmks = WMKS.createWMKS("wmksContainer",{})

.register(WMKS.CONST.Events.CONNECTION_STATE_CHANGE, function(event,data){

if(data.state == WMKS.CONST.ConnectionState.CONNECTED){

  console.log("connection state change : connected");}







Remember that the version of my vmware is 6.0

If someone knows how to solve thank you right away.

List all IP addresses in new line




Please help to get the list of all the IP Address in new or different lines


Get-VM db1 | Select @{N='VM Name';E={$_.Name}}, @{N="IP Address";E={[string]::Join(',',$_.guest.IPAddress)}}


Current Output


VM Name                                                                                             IP Address
-------                                                                                             ----------
db1                                                                                       ,



I would like to get output as below


VM Name                          IP Address
-------                                ----------



Please help!!!!



Hi, I'm a long time lurker on here so figured it was time I changed that.  I'm looking to gain my first VCAP and seriously considering taking the NSX route.  I am traditionally from a vSphere background so have the VCP4, 5, 6, and in Feb 2018 the 6.5 DCV.  I also passed the VCP6-NV in 2016 which was tough, but very enjoyable.  I work as a TAM so not hands on with NSX but have access to labs and see a growing number of my customers deploying NSX-V and T.


I have three questions if I may.

  1. When I passed my VCP6-NV (2V0-641 btw), I read up, and watched as many 3rd party videos as I could, hands on labs and a lab in work to pass, but I have never sat through the ICM.  Would you look to sit the NSX ICM before I begin studying for my VCAP?
  2. Are there any study materials people recommend for the 3V0-643 exam?
  3. The 3V0-643 exam is based on NSX-V 6.2.  I am unsure if I should press on as the VCAP is my goal, or if I should wait to see how NSX certification evolves over time with the new naming conventions coming in and any NSX-T offerings.  I would look to sit this exam possibly between December - February time but that's just an estimate based on how long I estimate I'll need to absorb it all.  That's not very long but I work better with the pressure of an exam looming.


Any feedback, good or bad is appreciated.



Shrink hard drive size in Fusion


How can i shrink hard drive in VMWare Fusion 11?


I accident changed it to pre-allocated 100Gig which filled up my SSD. I managed to shrink the volume n Disk Manager back to 70Gig but Fusion complains "there is not enough space," when i uncheck pre-allocated checkbox.


Resize a Hard Disk


I wish it were that simple... What are my options?


I even thought abut adding another drive -- 30Gig, copying everything to it,  (including all hidden files etc) then reaming the larger drive.

vCenter Server


I have downloaded installed ESXi 5.5 but failed to download VCenter Server 5.5
Can anybody help?

Removal of an inactive Skyline collector?


My initial Skyline deployment failed and I deleted the appliance. I have since re-deployed successfully. How can I unregister my old inactive Skyline collector?




iSCSI CRC checksum?


I have ESXi 6.7. Why it dont support iSCSI CRC chechsums, so "Data Digest" and "Header Digest"? ESXi iSCSI initiator connects only when I disable them in SAN iSCSI target. But Windows servers iSCSI initiators can use those CRC checks without problem.

Managment and vMotion on L3



Is L3 network supported for Management and vMotion traffic ?

NFS 4.1 export mounts as read-only (RECLAIM_COMPLETE FS failed)


Seems to be the case that when mounting NFS 4.1 using Windows Server 2012 R2 as the endpoint people are getting the following error:


2015-08-15T13:55:59.460Z cpu0:34075 opID=e5c595d5)NFS41: NFS41_VSIMountSet:402: Mount server:, port: 2049, path: normal, label: nfs, security: 1 user: , options: <none>

2015-08-15T13:55:59.460Z cpu0:34075 opID=e5c595d5)StorageApdHandler: 982: APD Handle  Created with lock[StorageApd-0x43059cff25c0]

2015-08-15T13:55:59.461Z cpu1:33347)NFS41: NFS41ProcessClusterProbeResult:3865: Reclaiming state, cluster 0x43059cff3780 [4]

2015-08-15T13:55:59.462Z cpu0:34075 opID=e5c595d5)NFS41: NFS41FSCompleteMount:3582: Lease time: 120

2015-08-15T13:55:59.462Z cpu0:34075 opID=e5c595d5)NFS41: NFS41FSCompleteMount:3583: Max read xfer size: 0x3fc00

2015-08-15T13:55:59.462Z cpu0:34075 opID=e5c595d5)NFS41: NFS41FSCompleteMount:3584: Max write xfer size: 0x3fc00

2015-08-15T13:55:59.462Z cpu0:34075 opID=e5c595d5)NFS41: NFS41FSCompleteMount:3585: Max file size: 0xfffffff0000

2015-08-15T13:55:59.462Z cpu0:34075 opID=e5c595d5)NFS41: NFS41FSCompleteMount:3586: Max file name: 255

2015-08-15T13:55:59.462Z cpu0:34075 opID=e5c595d5)WARNING: NFS41: NFS41FSCompleteMount:3591: The max file name size (255) of file system is larger than that of FSS (128)

2015-08-15T13:55:59.463Z cpu0:34075 opID=e5c595d5)WARNING: NFS41: NFS41FSCompleteMount:3601: RECLAIM_COMPLETE FS failed: Failure; forcing read-only operation

2015-08-15T13:55:59.463Z cpu0:34075 opID=e5c595d5)NFS41: NFS41FSAPDNotify:5651: Restored connection to the server mount point nfs, mounted as 907c6b39-acb49d79-0000-000000000000 ("normal")

2015-08-15T13:55:59.463Z cpu0:34075 opID=e5c595d5)NFS41: NFS41_VSIMountSet:414: nfs mounted successfully


A snippet from the NFS 4.1 RFC has this to say about RECLAIM_COMPLETE  (RFC 5661 - NFS Version 4 Minor Version 1 - Page 567)

Whenever a client establishes a new client ID and before it does the

  first non-reclaim operation that obtains a lock, it MUST send a

  RECLAIM_COMPLETE with rca_one_fs set to FALSE, even if there are no

  locks to reclaim. If non-reclaim locking operations are done before

  the RECLAIM_COMPLETE, an NFS4ERR_GRACE error will be returned.



  Similarly, when the client accesses a file system on a new server,

  before it sends the first non-reclaim operation that obtains a lock

  on this new server, it MUST send a RECLAIM_COMPLETE with rca_one_fs

  set to TRUE and current filehandle within that file system, even if

  there are no locks to reclaim. If non-reclaim locking operations are

  done on that file system before the RECLAIM_COMPLETE, an

  NFS4ERR_GRACE error will be returned.

I ran a capture during the mount which shows that the ESXi host sent a RECLAIM_COMPLETE with rca_one_fs set to FALSE, later it sends another RECLAIM_COMPLETE with rca_one_fs set to TRUE and a filehandle specified.  This looks like the correct behavior.

first-reclaim.png  second-reclaim.png

Last of all, back in the RFC is this little tidbit:

RECLAIM_COMPLETE should only be done once for each server instance or

  occasion of the transition of a file system. If it is done a second

  time, the error NFS4ERR_COMPLETE_ALREADY will result. Note that

  because of the session feature's retry protection, retries of

  COMPOUND requests containing RECLAIM_COMPLETE operation will not

  result in this error.


The screenshots also appear to show that both RECLAIM_COMPLETE operations are COMPOUND, so it seems to me that ESXi is doing what it is supposed to do, but the NFS server is sending back an error when it shouldn't which is causing the host to fall back to read-only access mode.


Any input from the wider community?  Happy to be stood corrected! 

NVidia GPU


Hello Everyone,


Is it normal to see only one screen labeled NVidia nd the other 2 as VMware displays in 3 monitor configuration?


We have Tesla M10 graphic cards and we are using grid m10_1b profile. Does anybody else see it the same?

Failed to set adapter configuration. A SecurID connectivity or configuration error has occurred


Hello all,

Has anyone successfully integrated RSA with the Unified Access Gateway v3.3.2 ?

It was working prior upgrading/deploying UAG v3.3.2.

I am getting a "Failed to set adapter configuration. A SecurID connectivity or configuration error has occurred" during the configuration.


I do have a ticket an open ticket with vmware but they want me to see if port  5500 UDP is open.

In the meantime i figured i reach out to the community


2018-12-28 11_29_23-https___dc1bmapp114.ct.gov_9443_admin_index.html#_configAccessPointGateway_Form.png

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